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Smart Pots?


I plan on using the 65 gal smart pots this year. Last yeat we used 50 gal black plactic grow bags and the roots started to out grom them and they got real HOT.

Has anyone used the 65gal smart pot or just smart pots. I plan on doing like 40 of them.



I may be missing something here being on the other coast but damn girl 65 gallon smart pot? They make one that big? Isn't a 1 gallon pot like $4??? So a 65 gal is about $25??? And 40 of them- You guys gettin' some of that TARP money???

Then you gotta fill it! And water it, NUTE it too... What if you have to move it? Some type of pallet arrangement may have to be used... 65 gallons of moist soil= heavy... I am assuming outdoors?

Wouldn't you be better off constructing raised beds or digging out big holes in the ground and plowing bale after bale of amended peat into the holes with a bulldozer? That would solve the heat problem to some degree... AND, since the roots are in the ground, they'd be free to run wild...

I'm also assuming a long flowering strain- Haze perhaps? I'm wondering if you really need that type of soil volume...

The only real complaints I've read about the smart pots are the cost...

Go big or go home as they say- right? I thought I was a big farmer stepping up to 7 gallon pots... Huevos Grande!


My soi in ROCK clay hELLA HARD!!and I could use a backhoe although its just a few of us girls in on this and i want to go big. nest year i plan on using a backhoe i've been purchasing bags here and there so its not breaking the bank. i'll reuse some of my soil from last year. I'll need at least 2 pallets of soil for this yr.


I may be missing something here being on the other coast but damn girl 65 gallon smart pot? They make one that big? Isn't a 1 gallon pot like $4??? So a 65 gal is about $25??? And 40 of them- You guys gettin' some of that TARP money???

Then you gotta fill it! And water it, NUTE it too... What if you have to move it? Some type of pallet arrangement may have to be used... 65 gallons of moist soil= heavy... I am assuming outdoors?

Wouldn't you be better off constructing raised beds or digging out big holes in the ground and plowing bale after bale of amended peat into the holes with a bulldozer? That would solve the heat problem to some degree... AND, since the roots are in the ground, they'd be free to run wild...

I'm also assuming a long flowering strain- Haze perhaps? I'm wondering if you really need that type of soil volume...

The only real complaints I've read about the smart pots are the cost...

Go big or go home as they say- right? I thought I was a big farmer stepping up to 7 gallon pots... Huevos Grande!
I have emailed the smart pots people and got some good reply...as for how well they work I have no idea. I am buying the harbor freight 70 gallon leaf bags, worked for a friend of mine real well. I did the black bags last few years, too hot for roots for sure. At 65 gallons its only 4.5 bags of 2 cuft soil not that much at all for the results...I could never make it past june 15th without out growing a 7 gallon pot.:joint:Smoke O and save your soil bags...most are white on the inside, cut appart and leave white=heat resistance
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I have used smart pots. They aren't too smart IMO. You have to water them constantly as they dry out VERY fast. This is a little dependant on your climate as well as your medium but I feel you'll have the same results...

How many plants are you planning on cramming into each?


I ask because you COULD put 4-6 nice Indica in each. Minimize your space used.

Just a thought...


classy grass
I've got a fat ass bush almost rootbound in a 30 gallon SP now, she'll be transplanted into a 300 gallon homemade planter for the season. They make 200 gallon SP's, but they get spendy if you're doing a lot. I like the fence planters, cut to size and drape landscape fabric over em.


ok so i looked them up..... and i am sorry i was wrong about them, i want them

Not if you want to keep watering them 3-4 times a week. When they are in direct sunlight they dry out VERY fast. That's what they are for. They are designed for EXTRA aireation of the soil.

They seem simple enough to use but just a forewarning, you WILL be disappointed...
your quote is im a bo$$,lol and your post reads...................s{see above}lol

fagooey if you do the math on 65 gallon smart pots for say 30 for example
dirt to fill them and if you are a guerilla in the mist thats some serious planning/cost. but i would not expect you to know about these things since you are a moron with a gay name


Not if you want to keep watering them 3-4 times a week. When they are in direct sunlight they dry out VERY fast. That's what they are for. They are designed for EXTRA aireation of the soil.

They seem simple enough to use but just a forewarning, you WILL be disappointed...

they work great NorKalKell, i would reccomend the 65 or bigger, With full sun you can get two or three off the 66....good luck, i am doing the same thing. I have some pics of them in my gallery


I used the 30 gal smart pots this year. Every plant had > 1 lb, between 1.25 and 1.5. After growing in the ground for the last couple years, I was very happy with the results.


Should have mentioned that I didn't have a big yard space to grow in so the plants were crowding each other for branch space and a sunny spot. I put 6 pots in a 20' x 10' space of the yard. All the plants did grow between 5.5' and 4' foot, depending on the seeds. The opium was tall than the ice cream, but the ice cream bushed out easier and fuller. The opuim went straight up from where I trained the branches out to.

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