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Sports Gamblers


Great group to follow is Inside Odds. This group has won me a ton of money. They are a private group out of NY. They just started posting some of there plays on twitter for free. twitter dot com/insideodds


I bet a few bones now and then. Killing it in NFL this year and i hope it keeps going that way. I rather play poker then sports bet. My .02 I love 5/10 PLO !!!!!


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
yikes, gambling scares the hell outta me. even the worst drug addict can only snort $1000 a day. a gambler can lose than in an hour or in one hand in some cases. an then theres when you are so down and gotta find a way to get back up so you ask tony for a loan and its all down hill from there.


Active member
In the end isn't sports betting about gathering and analyzing availible data? The more intell one has,the more accurate of a prediction one can make. Given enough intell one could predict wins on a level comparable with those that forcast the weather.

h^2 O

i'd rather bet on people than animals. dead serious.

PS yes I believe that is Gary Busey


Active member
The Parents of an NFL starting quarterback has filed for divorce after 31 years of marriage.

Should knowing that fact influence the way one would bet?
Unlike in the case of weather or injuries,Should we assume that since he is a professional, that this will not effect his play one way or another?



I bet a few bones now and then. Killing it in NFL this year and i hope it keeps going that way. I rather play poker then sports bet. My .02 I love 5/10 PLO !!!!!

I do my fair share of sports wagering to make a little extra side cash, but I LOVE me some PLO!! Holla!


I have made a very nice side income for over 6 years betting sports. You do have your ups and downs, but if you use sound money management to weather the lows and not chase your bets when your down. You can come out ahead.


A standard sports wager is 10/11 odds which would means you have to put 110 to win 100. With the 10/11 odds you have to win 52.4% of your bets to break even if you are flat betting. That is if you bet the same amount for every wager.

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