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Blue Dot

Two doctors are responsible for more than one-third of the patients on Colorado's medical-marijuana registry

Cherdack says it's up to the doctor's discretion and professional judgment to determine if someone has a real medical condition or not.

Some discretion!


right on, so more folks have access to weed. That's a good thing.

Who the heck gets to determine if I "qualify" to use cannabis. Any adult who wants to use the herb has a right to. It's a civil rights issue, not a medical issue.

We continue to blame the victim when the root cause of most problems with MJ are because its illegal to grow the plant. And its still illegal in most countries.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
if these medical marijuana joints are passing out ganja who is growing it for them? and how much are these people being paid for there shit? Id like to get on that tip

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