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i hate my dwc and wanna go back to soil, should i?

deviant1 , how much extra room do you have for another hmmmm (60cm x 60cm) coz if you got a special plant that you dont want to get rid of transfer it to a drip rockwool and hydroton drip system (bodge obviously lol) to get the plant growing again then just clone it for what ever system you want to do next .

you probably said this but what exsactly is this plant ? a mum ? , veg to flower ? what?

if its a mum go back to soil . if you want to flower it bring it back to life in hydro.

something i do is keep the mums in soil and clone to hydro drip system.

also get us some picks . you could have had heat issues to stunt the plant slowing growth. pics needed


Active member
i root/grow cuttings with the same mix my moms get, about 1300ppm(thats with tap water). i notice faster rooting, then growth and no leaf yellowing or loss. in my res veg doesnt change either, 1200-1300. i notice that my plants will be deficient fast i dont stick to this ppm. i do notice lately in my circle everyone getting problems from too little food. i talked to a commercial cloner that tested his water for me, 1350? he exclaimed! never tested his ppm before i asked haha. its hard sometimes in hydro especially if its over or underfeeding. they look similar in the begiing, and if misdiagnosed can set you back up to 3 weeks!!!! i just want to share my experience with ppm, good luck, d


Ok jus so everyone knows what I ended up doin. I decided on the hempy buckets,the seem really simple.I've been in this setup now for 3 weeks or more,and still questioing if I did the right thing?my ladies are growing but very slowly and not very healthy either. I know that I have new roots and they look good,plus new growth,mainly at the bottom of plant but a lil bit at the top and almost none in the middle. 1 of them is light pale green with boat shaped leaves at the top 2 nodes. The other 1 is curling down and loosing color also,but not as bad. I also hAve a baby 2 weeks that is having dark spots near the edge of leaves,actually it only has 2true nodes, but the 3rd node looks better,any ideAs on any of the 3. Will give strains and more details if needed, thanks in advNce to all.


I had the same exact probs in AZ grow I did in 2003. EXACT same root prob, all of it.
I went wild trying to change nutes, water, whatever...did no good, kept having
sick and dying looking plants. THEN, a long time resident of AZ, a fellow grower clued me
in about the environment. The water and the minerals.
IF there is arsenic in your water, it will KILL your plants. IF you are in a desert grow,
then use ONLY reverse osmosis water.
Once I started doing this, my girls became fashion queens and grew proudly.
good luck.
BTW...I use a combo mix ... expanded clay and FFOW for my base in 5 gallon pots.


After reading about your problems I would have to say it's your water don't use tap at all if possible invest in a RO system or at least use bottle water it's cheap enough and just as good, also your ppm is way too high.

cyber echo

I didnt read through the post so this might have been suggested by someone else already,
A good alternative if you dont want "soil" is using coco peat. Mix it with 30% perlite and your plants will be very happy. The way I'm using it is with normal hand watering, treating it like soil.
However, don't forget that coco has no nutrients whatsoever in it, so you need to give nutes on a regular basis. I give nutes every other watering (water each 2 days, so nutes every 4 days), in small doses.
Coco is also easily flushed, so you can just overwater it once each 2 weeks and all the leftover salts in the coco will flush away.
My results have been great with this method so far. Wish you luck
yer sounds like water issues....get an RO , will remove the tap water for the equation. even if its not the problem ,there dam good for your plants!!!


Yea i think I have to agree that it's a water issue. So I'm gonna change to distilled, can't afford ro at the time. The reason I agree is that since I've changed everything I still have a problem or two still


No Jive Productions
hey, i just found your other thread on your dwc effort and just read this one all the way through and, unless i've misread something, you have transplanted plants that have been in dwc culture for over 50 days into hempy's. if this is correct please disregard all my previous statements about your problem as they do not apply. you are getting some good advice here.

sorry for the confusion. d9


Yes d9, that is the case, thanks for all your help anyway. Always nice when people try to help each other, so thanks.

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