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Eugene Oregon
Lately, for some reason.. I have been feeling very "off" or on edge, I won't lie I have a beautiful family and everything I dreamed for but its hereditary.

Everyone in my family has anxiety and depression.. and I of course inherited it.

Now comes my question, since my script is renewed.

From personal experience what is a great strain for anxiety and depression, I prefer a sativa dominant strain and like to think clearly and be at a euphoric state?




ICMag Donor
From personal experience I would highly recommend Sweet Cindy99, the more indica pheno.

From reading threads I would suggest Sweet Tooth #3, Mandela Satori, Ice Cream, Jilly Bean and there have been some really nice smoke reports on DJ Short's Grape Krush. Check out the smoke reports here and do a google.

I would suggest staying away from SSH and a lot of the speedy sativas which can add to anxiety.

Good luck, depression is a bitch and the pharm meds can bring their own problems but definitely see a doc if it gets real bad.


Eugene Oregon
Thanks for the input everyone.. luckily there is a dispensary near my area that is great and very generous with prices.. I want to get some Satori and Ice Cream for sure I have heard many good things about them.

Anyone know about strawberry cough, the real deal?
Its at the club and I want to know about the strain..


I feel your pain man. Anxiety sucks. Where I live, getting a hold of the name brand stuff is impossible, but I've done a lot of research on this front. I've heard GREAT things about almost all of DJ shorts line. I've grown his true bb, and it was a good anxiety reducer. If you can find a Blue Dream cutting, that's supposed to be the bomb shizzidy for the anxiety. Flo comes in a close second. I've tried the Green Crack, and even though it's a sativa mix, it did a good job and is mildly euphoric without the sativa rush. Good luck!


Active member
if you guys dont mind, there is a more holistic approach to combine with the herb. first, check if your water is flouridated. if yes, drink distilled or other non flouridated. second, avoid processeds foods:sugar, artificial sugars, corn syrup etc. meat ain the best thing either. third, start some sort of meditation practice like yoga, chi gong whatever, relax on a couch even. swimming gym and sports blen dwell with mind meditation. this will allow you to smoke any weed you want. i suffer from the same inherent problems, but dont vibe with pills and artificial band aid style solutions, oh, stop watching tv at all cost k? i know how you feel man. it took 6 years for me to figure all this out, hope it helps you man, d


Eugene Oregon
if you guys dont mind, there is a more holistic approach to combine with the herb. first, check if your water is flouridated. if yes, drink distilled or other non flouridated. second, avoid processeds foods:sugar, artificial sugars, corn syrup etc. meat ain the best thing either. third, start some sort of meditation practice like yoga, chi gong whatever, relax on a couch even. swimming gym and sports blen dwell with mind meditation. this will allow you to smoke any weed you want. i suffer from the same inherent problems, but dont vibe with pills and artificial band aid style solutions, oh, stop watching tv at all cost k? i know how you feel man. it took 6 years for me to figure all this out, hope it helps you man, d

Thanks for the word friend.

He speaks the truth all of that has reduced my anxiety by half if not more.
If you eat healthy, exercise,and are some what spiritual it literally works wonders.

To all the rest of you thank you so much!

Keep it up guys.. your suggestions really do help.


hash allays makes me feel better over flowers . try some hash with some bubba kush :)
Thanks for the word friend.

He speaks the truth all of that has reduced my anxiety by half if not more.
If you eat healthy, exercise,and are some what spiritual it literally works wonders.

To all the rest of you thank you so much!

Keep it up guys.. your suggestions really do help.

Hey HerbGlaze; it's really great to see you round the forums again. The strain that I want to recommend is Ace Seeds' Nepalese Jam. This strain I believe will be perfect for your situation and what you are looking for. Plus it is a compact and fast flowering 100% sativa strain. I have not personally grown it, but have heard a lot of great things from a few individuals...I have even seen some great reviews on this site as well.

Check out member Iron_Lion's smoke report on the strain...

Ace Seeds Nep Jam (Jamaican pheno)

Appearance: Deep green, nice crystal coverage, large red hairs, moderate density

Yeild: Jamaican pheno yeilded well, Nepalese pheno yeild could be improved.

Taste: Earthy, slightly floral

Smell: Hard to describe, not a strong odor while growing or dried, best I can come up with is a clean spicy scent.

Potency: I'd have to give it a 8.5-9 out of 10, a little bit goes a long way, its not a 1 hit quit but a small bowl will put you in a good spot.
Smoke / high: This is 100% sativa, it is a clean, up & happy high. Oddly enough it is very relaxing, alert, chilled out high, I can just sit for hours with the biggest smile on my face. This give no paranoia, no racing heart, just perfectly medicated with no drousyness. I get slight visual distortion and a floating head sensation. This weed is awesome for sex, my girlfriend isn't a big smoker, but she really likes this herb and it makes her horny as hell great sex has been had after smoking this stuff. This stuff is also nice for lisenting to music, put on something with heavy turntables and bass and your brain vibrate if that makes any sense. This weed is also good for socializing, great converations will be had after sharing a bowl with friends.

If I had to sum it up with one word, those Jamaicans have the right idea.


1.rastafarian cool, good, nice.
2. a state of peacefulness or harmony either with oneself or the world in general.

Overall I am very happy with this strain for me this is as close as it gets to the perfect high. I found it of moderate difficulty to grow. I found 2 phenos, this jamaican pheno and a purple bushy pheno that smells like buttered popcorn when dried. I havent smoked much of the nep pheno so I cant really report on her.

I give 5 stars to Ace Seeds for this one.



Active member
Yeah I love Nepjam too. It's not a strain poster on here (Elmanito I believe) once recommended something called L-theanine which is an enzyme extracted from green tea that works very well for anxiety. Not cheap but definitely helps, no side effecs at all.
Right there with you buddahy, just remember to keep it green... blaze when you're dazed, and try to not smile, i dare you! =)

I would agree with the above comment, I have loved blue dream for my anxiety! and a great yielder as well!
Also BOGbubble was a great bubble gum strain that helped me get happy when I was down, while not being too tired after and very little tired/hungry crash! it's BOG genetics (check him out on his forum with the other growers for other good meds)
I would have to disagree with the green crack suggestion (a little too intense for me), but to each their own. (but come on look at the name haha crack...) it's good to wake up too though, and ITZ' GREEEENN!!! give me some of that apple drank. haha

All in all I would just ask for an 60-80% sativa/ 40-20% indica hybrid no matter where you get your meds from. Seems to be the rough ratio for my needs, but keep some notes, or a little log of some of the ones you tried, how you liked them, and some of the details of your high so you know. Everyone reacts different.

Take it easy, hope this helps, and remember....
when in doubt, smoke it out.
and things will be alllllGOODZZZ!


I know where you're coming from Herb, I used to get depression untill I decided to stop doing it.

Yeah, depression is something we do, it's not something that happens to us. Have you ever had something bad happen, then told yourself "this always happens to me", or "nothing ever goes my way"?

That kind of thinking creates a state of depression. I used to beat myself up over little things that went wrong, then start remembering other things that have gone wrong. Then it would snowball into that dark place in my mind that contained all my failings and all I could do was have a "pity-party" on my own.

If you tell yourself "this is a chance to learn" how much better would life be?

Our thoughts create our reality, if you think negatively, you have a negative life, and if you think positive you have a positive life.

Who controls your mind?

You do!!!

I hope this helps you and anyone else who reads this.:joint:


Active member
If you want to go further with what Basscadet said check out Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, lifesaving technique that's very simple and effective but does take a little bit of effort on your part.


no wuckin furries!
cant really help you with strains...one ..cause im still looking myself...and two...what would work for for (lets say me) me may not work for you...but will say...i grew some top 44 f2's that i guess where from gypsys "standard nirvana seeds" or nirvana seeds(no idea back then who was who so it didnt stick in my mind who the breeder was so cant say which one without finding the guy i got the f2's from?..)...2 plants - 2 seeds took about 70 days ...hermied bad but i think all that was from watering a dry pot with a batch of pk 13/14 that i was given to me and was the 1st and last time using it..

i smoked this top 44 and felt a bit drowsy/stoned while sitting in one spot...when i got up and did things i didnt feel stoned at all....BUT...i felt like i didnt have a care in the world...and at the time i had so much shit going on that i shouldnt really have felt care free.

but i'll add a bit here about this statement -"Everyone in my family has anxiety and depression.. and I of course inherited it.".....was told by a qwack once..."yes you can inherit anxiety and depression from your parents...there is a 15% chance you will...which means theres a 85% chance you wont..".

for years i thought i had anxiety and depression probs...and now from a blood test i found i have something else which give the symptoms of anxiety and depression...so i probly dont have that problem but do have the symptoms ...still a bit hard to work my head around that one....but with see how this all pans out with treatment of the problem the blood test has found....

all the best man.HH. =]-~


Hey guys I'm in the same boat. I get very bad anxiety and was put on medication a few years ago (Zoloft) -- I stopped taking it about 4 months after they prescribed it because of the side effects.

When I start getting anxious, I smoke an indica dominant strain...and it helps out a lot. I tried the sativa route but the indica works best for me in this situation.

daddy fingaz

Active member
My mrs suffers from chronic anxiety, as with a lot of 'mental' illness it is very complicated and requires a lot of self help and 'changing' of the way you look at/ think of things.

With weed you need to find the strains that are going to be right for you ! she finds that heavy (mostly indica dom) strains help her as they almost 'block' these irrational thoughts.. some people find sativas a bit to 'thought provoking' but as i say it is a personal thing.

Some good suggestions have been made already Mandala, Djshorts, growdoc seeds are all a good starting places to find what you need!

good luck and positive vibes!!