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Question Reguarding cheech and chong referance


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ICMag Donor
A lid was a common slang name for an ounce. Back in the day, most sellers did not use scales, so the main way of describing the size was a 3 or 4 finger lid; meaning the sandwich bag was that full when you put your fingers up to the quantity in the baggie. Ahhhh...the good ole days. lol
Lucky, i'd die if i ever actualy had that much at once, especialy for 10 bucks. Man... with what you spend now for a quarter you could have like 6 or 10 ounces.
never heard of the can lid but the finger weight was how we did it. A lid was when all you could close was the flap(lid) otherwise it was a 2 finger,3 finger,ect. Usually 4 finger was an oz. of course it wasn't $15-20.00 a gram back then either. And the cops smoked with us at several concerts and life was much more simple.
hehehe rambaling old folks about tangets and concerts ..... I'ts ok, when im 40 ill have amusing anicdots about the internet...... Wooohooooooooooo :crazy::canabis::monkeyeat :puppydoge

hopefuly when my tomatoes are done growing ill have enough for my own lids :D and tiny lids... Big lids... What if there was a descrepency in the lid size? Was it always a folgers can? And how do you know they didn't fuck you by using a smaller sandwich baggy like a snack baggie... I know you can tell the diff but you know what i mean i hope...

Fred el Gato

leafy, back then you didn't have all the choices you have now. just one big ass can of coffee and a baggie that fit your wonder bread. no caffe latte singles and little baggies for your cheez nips


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Lucky, i'd die if i ever actualy had that much at once, especialy for 10 bucks. Man... with what you spend now for a quarter you could have like 6 or 10 ounces.

I learned of lids from my parents when they first knew I smoked (I was 13) and trust me you would be very much alive with that much. You seem to be a little confused about potency, have you ever smoked an ounce of schwag (mexi-brickweed) and felt that you were going to die? Didn't think so...

Also, I don't rember the last time I payed $60-$100 an 1/8th for schwag.
Most weed floating around 20-30 years ago wasn't anything special, 'bout equvilent to today's brickweed.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
heck,you can still get an ounce "lid" for 40$ here,so only a 400% increase since back in the day,i remember gas being 25 cents for reference
I learned of lids from my parents when they first knew I smoked (I was 13) and trust me you would be very much alive with that much. You seem to be a little confused about potency, have you ever smoked an ounce of schwag (mexi-brickweed) and felt that you were going to die? Didn't think so...

Also, I don't rember the last time I payed $60-$100 an 1/8th for schwag.
Most weed floating around 20-30 years ago wasn't anything special, 'bout equvilent to today's brickweed.


Not an 8th quarter, and not of schwag the 100$ stuff is a quarter of the good stuff. mids are 60 for a quarter


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Not an 8th quarter, and not of schwag the 100$ stuff is a quarter of the good stuff. mids are 60 for a quarter

I know that 'the good stuff' goes for that much, what I was trying to say was that 'lids' didn't consist of 'the good stuff'.

Also, the 1/8th thing was a typo of sorts, I was really high when I wrote that. I had just bought a "lid".


Well-known member
in these parts, a lid was slightly less than an ounce (carrying fee), & a nickle was a match box full of de-seeded mexican. oh, & gas was to be had on the interstate going to florida for between 17 & 19 cents a gallon too. ah, for the good ol' days...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
That question and, even more so, my knowing the answer, makes me feel REALLY OLD. It seems like only yesterday I was running around town with my high-school buddies trying to "cop a lid."


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
That question and, even more so, my knowing the answer, makes me feel REALLY OLD. It seems like only yesterday I was running around town with my high-school buddies trying to "cop a lid."

We are not "REALLY OLD"! For us, it's called "experienced". LOL

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