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Afghani Hash



If you were in a cafe in amsterdam would you buy authentic Afghani hash knowing that there is a high probability it payed for weapons,explosives etc?

just something i was pondering earlier


Green Mujaheed
I would first worry about the quality. Good Afghani hash is hard to get in A'dam. If you worry about what the money is used for, then you'd better stop buying anything and never touch money again.

Irie !
do we then question the MOTIVATION for possessing such weapons?

or how my buying a pepsi supports the r&d, production, and implementation of ROBOTS being used to fight our wars for us?

we are dehumanizing war, it is losing the angle of mutual sacrifice in defense of whateferthefuck "they" are fighting about...


Green Mujaheed
in this case it could be a close link

Taleban actually receive most of their funding from private donators living in Gulf states, contrary to what is said in mainstream news. Overthere export quality hash cost about 100$ per kg, and probably way less in wholesale, so you'll hardly give more than enough to buy a plate of Pulau rice & a cup of tea, well maybe for two people but not more.

or how my buying a pepsi supports the r&d, production, and implementation of ROBOTS being used to fight our wars for us?

I drink a lot of coke indeed, and I know that a fraction of the money I spend in goes to the US Gov. Even if my 20 years consumption has genenrated enough to buy only 10 bullets, that's still 10 bullets.

we are dehumanizing war, it is losing the angle of mutual sacrifice in defense of whateferthefuck "they" are fighting about...

Indeed, I've read yesterday some intereting article about how the CIA's Drone Arbitrary Execution Program was getting more & more high ranking officers unconfortable because of the dehumanization, and loss of the battle field's values. Pretty worrying actually. Some people in Waziristan must sometimes feel like in a bad "Terminator" sequel and our turn might come in some near future fucked up Orwellian societies such as ours. here article http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_57295.shtml

Irie !
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master shake

Active member
Those terrrrists are evil and grow evil hash. Every time you buy drugs you are with the terrrists


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