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Question on vaccines.


New member
i think swine flu is all a hokes to get people to stop the health care reform or slow the process because health care is a billion dollar business and they make their money off illness thats why when you go to the doctor they never really specify what you have until you take all these test that make them even more money and then they say its for liability issues and still cant figure out whats wrong with you..all i know is the system isnt really thinking about the people its thinking about how much revenue they rack in..sadly but true..

Collie Man

So what the hell? After i read all of this shit now I'm second guessing getting the vaccine. Should I get one, I'm at college where there are mad people getting sick from this. I don't know what I should do, should I get it?



are you a sickly guy with a weak immune system? got any medical conditions people under 5 and over 65 are the risk ages for getting seriously sick from flu, if you got swine flu odds are, you'd be sick for a week tops or how ever long it takes


Worldwide, just over 0.4% of the laboratory-confirmed cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) have died. This is a similar rate to ordinary flu. The true number of swine flu cases is likely to be significantly higher than that reported to WHO and therefore the figure of 0.4% is likely to be an overestimate of the death rate.
Where complications do occur, they tend to be caused by the virus affecting the lungs. Infections such as pneumonia can develop.

Budley Doright

Active member
this is simply not true, they have not taken mercury out of vaccines, you are mistaken at best and a disinformation specialist at worse, they have taken mercury out of a couple of vaccines, but ALL flu shots and other childhood vaccines still use thimerisol(mercury) as the preservative. just 6 months ago i was talking to a client whos child got autism immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine. perfectly normal prior to the shot, and fried brain after. she listened to me and had chelation therapy treatments on the chlid, and he is almost back to normal, he is still taking chelation therapy treatments 6 months later and still has some mercury in his system, but his condition IS improving. dont speak about things you "HEARD" about, because it causes people to make bad decisions.
now in response to the original poster, i have numerous friends who homeschool their kids, and had their children with a midwife in a doctors clinic, not at the hospital, and their kids NEVER have had a shot of any kind, and not only are they normal and healthy, they rarely if at all get sick. childhood diseases like measels and chicken pox are a normal part of our immune systems maturing to be able to fight off serious things when we get older. people who receive these vaccines have on average 20 points reduced from their IQ because of brain damage from the initial high doses of mercury. i havent had a flu vaccine in close to 27 years, and i have only had the flu maybe 3 times in that time, once about 12 years ago when the texas flu was going around, it was bad, once last year, and about a month ago i had swine flu, they claim its the only strain going around right now down here, so i guess it was what i had, it wasnt as bad as the regular flu. i usually never get sick. so whoever posted that they took mercury out of the vaccines better do some research, its simply not true. they havent and they never will.

Flumist.... the live attenuated flu vaccine contains no thimerisol....

I think its kind of crusty to call the guy a disinformation specialist at worst....

Thats simply asinine.....

I have to finish reading the whole thread.....

but it sounds as though this poster is a vaccine nazi......


Im positive that flumist contains no preservatives because its a live virus.....

does that mean you are at worse a disinformation specialist....

Lets see what other crap youve posted.....

The last question refers to preservatives...


<<they havent and they never will.>>

my lord...what an easy way to be proven a big mouth.....

Budley Doright

Active member
With this patent now secured, the conspirators were now free to create the demand for their "novel" split influenza vaccine by releasing a "novel" split-influenza (combining multiple viruses) pandemic virus from a weapons lab test-tube into unsuspecting human hosts. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/17/AR2009061703271.html

The so-called "Swine Flu" grabbing headlines today is actually a recombinant, or "split-influenza" virus consisting of A-strain Bird-Flu (H5N1), Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N2). Likewise, the 1918 Killer Flu that killed untold millions of people was a recombinant or "split-influenza" virus composed of Bird flu, Swine Flu, and multiple strains of human flu.

This one one of the proofs....

This person whomever it is apparently has no idea what a split virus vaccine is....

A whole virion or virus vaccine uses a killed whole virus....

The split virus chops them up first......

This is absolutely moronic...

You people need to quit getting medical info from you tube.....

Budley Doright

Active member
Worldwide, just over 0.4% of the laboratory-confirmed cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) have died. This is a similar rate to ordinary flu. The true number of swine flu cases is likely to be significantly higher than that reported to WHO and therefore the figure of 0.4% is likely to be an overestimate of the death rate.
Where complications do occur, they tend to be caused by the virus affecting the lungs. Infections such as pneumonia can develop.

Mrred.....you are guilty of spreading crap....

You must certainly know that pneumonia which causes death in most flus are bacterial right????


Budley Doright

Active member
Worldwide, just over 0.4% of the laboratory-confirmed cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) have died. This is a similar rate to ordinary flu. The true number of swine flu cases is likely to be significantly higher than that reported to WHO and therefore the figure of 0.4% is likely to be an overestimate of the death rate.
Where complications do occur, they tend to be caused by the virus affecting the lungs. Infections such as pneumonia can develop.

Tue, Sep 1 06:26 AM

With 100 deaths in 3,987 laboratory confirmed positive H1N1 cases, India has registered a mortality rate of 2.3 per cent, much above the 0.9 per cent mortality rate for the rest of the world.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as on August 21, there have been 1,799 deaths in total 182,000 laboratory confirmed cases across the world, which makes 0.9 per cent the mortality rate across the world.

Im not having much luck mr red at doing much other than finding more crap in your posts.....

Maybe you should delete some of the nonsense you are posting????


Active member
did we need vaccines when the pyramids were built or sitting around fires drawing cave art? what makes us so special today? real science has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that vaccines are useless for health, but important in culling out certian genes from the pool. checj this guy out on you tube:Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 1/3. the shot is the sickness. avoid them at all costs, d


Active member
Tue, Sep 1 06:26 AM

With 100 deaths in 3,987 laboratory confirmed positive H1N1 cases, India has registered a mortality rate of 2.3 per cent, much above the 0.9 per cent mortality rate for the rest of the world.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as on August 21, there have been 1,799 deaths in total 182,000 laboratory confirmed cases across the world, which makes 0.9 per cent the mortality rate across the world.

Im not having much luck mr red at doing much other than finding more crap in your posts.....

Maybe you should delete some of the nonsense you are posting????

if i may, india is also one of the most populated countries with the most vitamin d deficiency(immune system booster) amongst other things, d

Budley Doright

Active member
did we need vaccines when the pyramids were built or sitting around fires drawing cave art? what makes us so special today? real science has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that vaccines are useless for health, but important in culling out certian genes from the pool. checj this guy out on you tube:Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 1/3. the shot is the sickness. avoid them at all costs, d


another of the you tube fans....

The death rate for h5n1 was 60%

There is a great fear that the less than 1 percent deathrate from h1n1 will be a lot closer to h5n1....
upon recombination with h1n1 and h5n1....

Do your ostrich act then.....

Budley Doright

Active member
The pandemic h1n1 is a very contagous influenza....

H5N1 is not very contagous

A recombination could cause a very contagous lethal influenza....

The likes of which this world has never seen.....

Budley Doright

Active member
Ive decided Im not going to read this....

It would just end up with me getting pissy about all the crap...

Please dont mind me .....have at it.....

Let me suggest one thing....

If you want to post 'facts'.... at least try to confirm your 'facts' thru some legitimate source...



Active member
br, if things scare you, go to church hahaha lol india was refernce to the percenatges before in previous posts. there is alot more real "facts" then those in the books of the bible. wait, il bet you got the shot and are choked now afterwatchin the video hahaha, good luck my brother, d

ps, hahahaha if you believe the internet is not the best source for refernce material, keep walking with the shepard, cuz though it is destrictive, ignorance is also bliss lol, peace, br, d

pss sorry man, there is no h1n1, just listen to the media, go to sleep, keep consuming, ignore the truth, money is god, arabs are terrorists, the bushes arent mass murderers, there is no nwo, sleep.....sleeeeeeeep...........sleeeeeeeeeeeeep lmfao. d

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
So what the hell? After i read all of this shit now I'm second guessing getting the vaccine. Should I get one, I'm at college where there are mad people getting sick from this. I don't know what I should do, should I get it?

I can't tell you that. You need to inform yourself and make your own decision.

BURNT ROPE, not all are youtube posts. please re-read AND VERIFY THE INFO. If you disagree on something please bring forth some information... not just disagreeing bringing no real information to this thread. I will stick to youtube, I've verified some of the claims on the vids. thank you for your posts. Please let us all know why you think injecting ourselves with live green monkey viruses is SAFE.

I've heard of more than 5 people recently that have taken the flu vaccine at their work. guess what? THEY GOT SICK!

I ask:

What is the purpose of a vaccine? To become immune and not get sick!
Why do people get sick anyway when they do take it? My conclusion is there is no point in taking the vaccine if I'm going to get sick by taking it ANYWAY! Irony...lol.

The people who take vaccines are just getting sick and spreading the virus from their "vaccine" to other people...

mind boggling...lol

These fuckers have it all well planned out. Dangerous world we live in...

Peace to all.


Smokes, lets go
A man named Joespeh Moshe (56 Year Old- Microbiologist) was attacked with tear gas tazered and burned with a microwave weapon, detained by FBI for reporting about Baxter Pharmaceutical, the manufacturer of an H1N1 virus/vaccine, Baxter has ties to the NWO and there is positive proof that they have found evidence that Baxter Pharmaceutical has harvested several frozen dead bodies with the Black Plague and has manufactured it into a bio weapon and have released it in the Ukraine.He is now missing after being apprehended by the FBI... So yes, there is a resurgence of the Pneumonic Black Plague in the Ukraine. Baxter Pharmaceutical is responsible. This is 10x worse than H1N1, The president of Ukraine has implemented martial law and blocked travel, banned protesting, in 2 weeks time, over 1.3 million Ukraines have been infected with this new resurgence of this plague hundreds dead, all in 2 weeks, H1N1 took months, almost a year to claim these numbers. It is now spreading to Italy and China.

H1N1 as of Nov 17th confirmed numbers:

1.5 million infected
328 dead
83,000 in hospital

The world health organization has test results revealing the cause of the Ukraine infection, for the past 2 weeks, and refuses to release the results. China has reported a few cases of Pneumonic Black Plague...

Death Rate of Pneumonic Black Plague is 100%

Baxter was caught red handed transporting millions of copies of pure H1N1 virus via Vaccines and was caught when samples of the vaccines were given to ferrets when they immediately died, this could have killed millions of at risk people had this been released to the Public....

If you are interested in finding out more, Google Microboligist Joeseph Moshe

Currently he has been missing for a week now, and presumed dead.

To find my sources Google Search: or "westwood standoff" or "baxter pharmacutical bioweapon"

There are videos available and mainstream news proof. This is not good folks.

sac beh

Just finished reading this thread. Very interesting discussion. I think the conspiracy is not as deep as some of you think, but I also share the the distrust of public health officials, vaccines, and pharmaceutical companies for one reason: I distrust anyone making money off of the health of individuals. How some people think that a profit-motivated company is the most trustworthy source of medicine and medical information blows my mind.

Just a little tip, taking the flu vaccine can be easily avoided by taking care of yourself in other ways, with a proper diet and supplementation. Most important is taking vitamin D, as much recent research is finding a link between vitamin D deficiency and influenza, colds, and other health issues. This makes sense out of our flu season, a season when most folks aren't getting enough exposure to direct sunlight and thus not getting vitamin D, which is a natural immune system protection. There are too many links to studies and reports now to post, just google the issue and you'll find good advice. Don't freak out. Take action and take care of yourselves