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Guidelines won't help 2 charged in pot raid


Out of the slime, finally.
On and off I teach in a post-graduate program at a very well respected SoCal university. (I have a California State Teaching Certificate and all that stuff.) So, right or wrong, you can see where the attitude is coming from.

Usually I don't find any reason to disagree with your posts. Not that I agree with everything you say, but usually you seem to present your point of view in a logical way and, often, that's what counts. So, anyway, this little disagreement is strictly within the confines of this debate and I hope it remains that way.

As far as stupid goes, BlueDot continuously presents incongruous, illogical and impossible-to-substantiate arguments about his tiny idea of utopia. The way that he processes information is truly quit stupid. I suppose there are other descriptives that could be used, but stupid just works for me. Anyway, to support BlueDot's convoluted logic is, in my opinion, also stupid. Also, to make broad statements about the legal economics of mmj distribution in California right now is either disingenuous or uninformed. There have been several very important court decisions lately and one can't just look at a singular decision and say, "That's the law - end of discussion."


Very respectful job there. I could see your articulation. Disagreements happen - no worries. I'm almost impossible to get angry; especially with the xanax I take amongst the other multitude of medications I swallow daily.

You are right on that last sentence. Until the next appellate opinion, things will change again. Ever evolving, but in our favor it appears.

At times I agree with Blue Dot, but yes, I do find that his posts are usually on the same issue. But, I do not let his ways undermine his messages. Sometimes they have validity.


I don't see how having $7,000 in sales per day (if that's even correct) AUTOMATICALLY classifies one as a for-profit business. I mean, a non-profit could have $50,000 in sales per day, it doesn't necessarily mean they are keeping the entire balance after expenses at the end of the year, no?


Active member
On and off I teach in a post-graduate program at a very well respected SoCal university. (I have a California State Teaching Certificate and all that stuff.) So, right or wrong, you can see where the attitude is coming from.

Usually I don't find any reason to disagree with your posts. Not that I agree with everything you say, but usually you seem to present your point of view in a logical way and, often, that's what counts. So, anyway, this little disagreement is strictly within the confines of this debate and I hope it remains that way.

As far as stupid goes, BlueDot continuously presents incongruous, illogical and impossible-to-substantiate arguments about his tiny idea of utopia. The way that he processes information is truly quit stupid. I suppose there are other descriptives that could be used, but stupid just works for me. Anyway, to support BlueDot's convoluted logic is, in my opinion, also stupid. Also, to make broad statements about the legal economics of mmj distribution in California right now is either disingenuous or uninformed. There have been several very important court decisions lately and one can't just look at a singular decision and say, "That's the law - end of discussion."


Yes this right here.There is nothing cut and dry.We are in a strange place legally.

Blue Dot

Who says you get to decide how life is or should be? What if I don't subscribe to your particular viewpoint on how life should be?



Who are you to tell me what my intentions are for posting an article?

I live in SD and saw this in the morning paper and figured I'd post it here because not everyone lives in SD.

Notice I made no comment in my original posting of the article.

If you want to read into my what my intentions are isn't that the same as me telling you how you should live?


Overkill is under-rated.


Who are you to tell me what my intentions are for posting an article?

I live in SD and saw this in the morning paper and figured I'd post it here because not everyone lives in SD.

Notice I made no comment in my original posting of the article.

If you want to read into my what my intentions are isn't that the same as me telling you how you should live?

That's a bit of a strawman, but your OP title is listed as "Guidelines won't help 2 charged in pot raid ."

If posted as a warning, it should have been something like: "Watch out, they're raiding SD dispensaries again!"

It is the thinly-veiled glee with which you post such articles and your infamous diatribe that offends my sensibilities so. You might as well add a HA HA HA! as a preface. One can picture you licking your chops and rubbing your hands together menacingly, as you find articles (to defend) about why this club or grower got busted and why they deserved it. It's clearly not about taking precautions with you, it's the kill that you revel in.

Why all of the ill will? Is it just the capitalism or do you really just despise everyone involved with our beloved plant? I will tell you that regardless of your actual feelings on the matter, the manner and stance of your posts universally come across as anti-pot. If that's not the case then you have my apologies, but it's something I would want you to be aware of if you weren't already.

By the way, I'm referring to your posts in general, this article is but the latest iteration to draw my ire.


Out of the slime, finally.
butte county appellate court ruling upheld by the supreme court,Judge Roberts' ruling also rejected Butte County's policy of requiring all members to physically participate in the cultivation, thereby allowing collective members to "contribute financially."
purchasing is contributing get your facts straight before spewing your hate

Does it bother you that I'm a law student, to make it an issue to raz me on? Look up what a certified law student can do.

Get your facts straight before you spew your ignorance on comprehending law.

LOL, couldn't resist. ^ You are going to get your panties too deep in the corn hole if you let anything get you angry or irritated on the internet.

COUNTY OF BUTTE et al., Petitioners, v. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BUTTE COUNTY, Respondent; DAVID WILLIAMS, Real Party in Interest.

(Superior Court of Butte County, No. 137329, Barbara L. Roberts, Judge.)

Here is the pertinent part you speak of.

[The Trial Court's Ruling The trial court overruled County's demurrer. The court reviewed the Act and concluded: "t appears that, contrary to the stated policy of the County, the legislature intended collective cultivation of medical marijuana would not require physical participation in the gardening process by all members of the collective, but rather would permit that some patients would be able to contribute financially, while others performed the labor and contributed the skills and 'know-how.'"]

That is from the case background.

The real issue before the appellate court is, "In its petition for writ of mandate, County argues the trial court's ruling provides that individuals have a legal right to medical marijuana that can form the basis for a civil lawsuit against law enforcement officers for money damages. County contends this ruling impermissibly expands {Slip Opn. Page 3} Proposition 215 and flies in the face of case law. We shall deny the petition."

The trial court's ruling is just that -- a lower court ruling. The issue of contributing financially to the collective was not an issue for review with the appellate court. The trial court's ruling is a non-citable authority. If this issue would of been up for discussion with the appellate court and they opined, then it would have some weight. The only thing that came out of this opinion is that you can now file a complaint in civil court for LEOs violating our CA MMJ rights. "[p]rovides that individuals have a legal right to medical marijuana that can form the basis for a civil lawsuit against law enforcement officers for money damages."

Do not advance that contributing financially only, is case law. It is not.

My personal opinion is that the trial court's rational is correct and soon it will become case law when the right appeal comes along.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
^After expenses, this would amount to many thousands of dollars a day for his salary.

Maybe it's just me, but No one I know makes thousands of dollars a day in salary for basically doing nothing.

Don't BS me, buying and reselling pot has GOT to be the easiest job in the world.

I worked so hard in my life I actually worked myself into injury and onto temporary disability and most people i know work damn hard and they don't make near what this guy was making.

It's too easy and if it's too easy it means theres something fishy going on, and that is that this guy is taking advantage of a law.

He's basically a pot dealer under the guise of compassion because the law is so vague because it was written by Dennis Peron who himself is a glorified dealer.

Life shouldn't be so easy as to wake up, buy some pot and resell it and make thousands a day. Just my opinion.

This as well as a bunch of your other posts are just really really bitter. I know what kind of government you would like. Dictatorship with you at the top. I don't know if it's jealousy, hate, fear, anger or some combination of those, but seem like a miserable SOB.

"Capitalism ruins everything"... do you even realize how disconnected from reality that statement is. How about ignorance ruins everything.


Out of the slime, finally.
How about we get to the bottom line. Greed and selfishness (self-interest) ruin everything. It is an inevitable part of human beings. It's not going away anytime soon - if ever.


Active member
How about we get to the bottom line. Greed and selfishness (self-interest) ruin everything. It is an inevitable part of human beings. It's not going away anytime soon - if ever.

I call bullshit. Greed and selfishness are what make people produce the best product, paint your house the best, build your house the best, do all jobs the best. As for self interest, all of your actions and mind are motivated by our self interest, serving our happiness.


Out of the slime, finally.
Call bullshit if you like.

I never said the two couldn't go hand and hand. I over spoke by saying they ruin everything - I was following the other person's frame of mind.

You are right. Those human traits drive us to do what you mentioned.

One thing about self-interest; it is one of our biggest motivating factors to lead us to pleasure and happiness, but there are way too many people who cannot control it: eg, thieves, rapists, rippers, how about politicians (they don't serve us) and etc.. They trample our happiness to gain theirs.


Active member
Call bullshit if you like.

I never said the two couldn't go hand and hand. I over spoke by saying they ruin everything - I was following the other person's frame of mind.

You are right. Those human traits drive us to do what you mentioned.

Richy I have a feeling we disagree on a great many things but your response I didn't expect. I wholeheartedly expected one of Blue Dot's half ass recantations while never actually claiming that his point was misleading or incorrect.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I call bullshit. Greed and selfishness are what make people produce the best product, paint your house the best, build your house the best, do all jobs the best. As for self interest, all of your actions and mind are motivated by our self interest, serving our happiness.

I think he was referring to the Hobbesian outlook that humans are, at the core, bad. We inevitably seek (either individually or as collectives) to control other people. People who subcribed to Hobbesian view points are called realists. Hobbes wrote that "during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man"

Locke, in a nutshell, believes that in the state of nature (no government) humans hold hands and sing Kumbaya because reason dictates that it is better than killing each other. Scholars call people who subscribe to this theory, Idealist. Very generally speaking, left leaning people are idealist and right leaning are realist. Funny enough this leftist view is rooted in Christian philosophy where as Hobbe's is not.

If you want to look at the closetes thing that we have to the state of nature today, look at Africa where governance is weakest. Not exactly holding hands and singing songs. Certain indviuals can exhibt Lockian views, but as a collective of human beings, I believe the propendence of evidence is pretty clear that Hobbes is MORE correct that Locke.


Active member
I meant not much because it is true, not some guess.

For instance, 2 days x 8/hrs/day x mimimum wage for 2 employees equals = $256. Compared to $13,500 it ain't "much". I'll even give you +- hundreds just for "whatever" and it still equals "not much".

Same goes for everything else.

Tell me, what exactly, besides buying and reselling are they "doing' to earn that profit?

That's kinda the dirty little secret of the dispensary biz isn't it? That it hardly takes any work at all compared to the profits made.

Don't kid yourself, the ROI on a quasi-legal popular drug is the highest in the market and everyone knows it.

LMAO @ For instance, 2 days x 8/hrs/day x mimimum wage for 2 employees equals = $256. Compared to $13,500 it ain't "much". I'll even give you +- hundreds just for "whatever" and it still equals "not much".

- First off, many collectives are open much more then 8 hours a day. There are much more employees then "2", and LAST but NOT LEAST, WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THEY GET MINIMUM WAGE? Where does it say they HAVE to get minimum wage??

Also, in my earlier post, you mentioned "electricity" usage and "growing your own". I'm not talking about the clinics growing there own, I'm talking about ELECTRICITY. You know, computers, security setups, TV's, lights, fans, fridges, WHATEVER.

Clinics dont grow there own, you're exactly right, thats why they have to BUY it. Its not free, even if they were growing there own!

Pounds of good medicine go for 4k+ all day long. 4k x 3 pounds = 12k.

3 pounds in 2 days @ 300 an ounce = 14,400.

Security Guard, 2 bud handlers, person running the front desk, and lets not forget the person(s) who has to package all the medicine. Lets not forget the owner, either.

Lets not forget about all the containers, all the computers, the security camera setup, any lawyer fees, and initial startup costs.

Bro, i'm not trying to say they're not making money, what i'm trying to say is they put a lot of effort and a lot on the line to supply people with good medicine, and I dont see you doing shit except sitting on a message board commenting on every single fucking post that has to do with anyone making a little bit of money.

TIME costs money, people have RENT and ELECTRICITY at HOME as WELL as the DISPENSARY. I think they should be able to pay that with there "non-profit" dispensary as well.



The Voice of Reason
The guidelines were not retroactive, and these people were arrested before the guidelines were issued. I don't think these two need to be locked up, but anyone who read the guidelines when they were released already knew it would not help anyone who was already in the legal system.


Does it bother you that I'm a law student, to make it an issue to raz me on? Look up what a certified law student can do.

Get your facts straight before you spew your ignorance on comprehending law.

LOL, couldn't resist. ^ You are going to get your panties too deep in the corn hole if you let anything get you angry or irritated on the internet.

COUNTY OF BUTTE et al., Petitioners, v. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BUTTE COUNTY, Respondent; DAVID WILLIAMS, Real Party in Interest.

(Superior Court of Butte County, No. 137329, Barbara L. Roberts, Judge.)

Here is the pertinent part you speak of.

[The Trial Court's Ruling The trial court overruled County's demurrer. The court reviewed the Act and concluded: "t appears that, contrary to the stated policy of the County, the legislature intended collective cultivation of medical marijuana would not require physical participation in the gardening process by all members of the collective, but rather would permit that some patients would be able to contribute financially, while others performed the labor and contributed the skills and 'know-how.'"]

That is from the case background.

The real issue before the appellate court is, "In its petition for writ of mandate, County argues the trial court's ruling provides that individuals have a legal right to medical marijuana that can form the basis for a civil lawsuit against law enforcement officers for money damages. County contends this ruling impermissibly expands {Slip Opn. Page 3} Proposition 215 and flies in the face of case law. We shall deny the petition."

The trial court's ruling is just that -- a lower court ruling. The issue of contributing financially to the collective was not an issue for review with the appellate court. The trial court's ruling is a non-citable authority. If this issue would of been up for discussion with the appellate court and they opined, then it would have some weight. The only thing that came out of this opinion is that you can now file a complaint in civil court for LEOs violating our CA MMJ rights. "[p]rovides that individuals have a legal right to medical marijuana that can form the basis for a civil lawsuit against law enforcement officers for money damages."

Do not advance that contributing financially only, is case law. It is not.

My personal opinion is that the trial court's rational is correct and soon it will become case law when the right appeal comes along.

an appellate ruling upheld by the supreme court what more case law do you need?


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Notice I made no comment in my original posting of the article.

If you want to read into my what my intentions are isn't that the same as me telling you how you should live?

Ill give you that much BD, you did not state any kind of opinion in the ORIGINAL post, but you sure do come back with comments and lack of factual information or data quickly.

Like i said before, I have seen you post some valid arguments, but if your gonna keep spouting off your anti mmj rhetoric, back it up or sit down and shut up.

Everyone has the right to post their thoughts, but if your going to continue to badger and draw a conversation out then give data or a very clear and concise statement saying you have no freaking clue of what your talking about.


Out of the slime, finally.
an appellate ruling upheld by the supreme court what more case law do you need?

I take it cert was denied. Supreme court refused to hear the appeal from the lower reviewing court. That only upholds what I already posted, the specific discussion of review by the third district appellate court. They upheld that civil complaints can be filed and not tossed out of court for mmj rights violations from leos - that is it. The trial court may have spoke of contributing financially to a collective, but that is just part of the story (factual background), so it was not an issue, a claim or a cause of action for the appellate court to review. Therefore, no opinion on that specific issue = no case law on that issue. I hope that makes it clearer.

If you read the dissenting opinion, that type of justice will scare you. A state justice claiming federal law trumps, wow!!! At least the other two justices were sober or not worried about their decision effecting their future career.