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"Pirates Cave" (and a Perpetual Sea Of Green)


SEMPER FIDELIS my friend !!

Never Surrender...:dueling:

Well pirate I have to confess that I am from Poland not the US, and those crooked, corrupt SoB in our government just can't stop screwing the society... sure some time ago i had the same idea, but now... i got fed up with it. Now I just wanna move across the border to Czech rep. I live around 50 miles from the border anyway, so it wont make a huge difference..., just want a plot of land, grow some weed grow some food, raise some chickens, raise some rabbits live in peace, smoke some weed drink some home brewed beer. Well just got to find a nice plot of land in those Czech mountains first ;)

But coming back to your issue i think it is great that there are some people defending our rights, who will stand up to the gov, no matter what, otherwise the would have taken those rights in a heartbeat strip us of every one last of em.
so just as you said my brother ;)



Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
i know it is completely of topic and brings nothing new...so i am really sorry but just couldn't help myself:) responding to the 4 stories question..

yeah:D and a elevator :)

No Elevator but.......A drop down stair case. Like you would use to get into an attic. Screw the ladder.

And I apologize to you for our government abandoning you and the Chez Repub on missile defense and broken promises !!

Where is Reagan when ya need him?

Those of us with a brain see whats going on...

Now lets be careful so this thread doesn't get shut down for speaking the truth.......That's not allowed around here and the #1 reason I been absent. :nanana:


No Elevator but.......A drop down stair case. Like you would use to get into an attic. Screw the ladder.
that is a good idea, more room for movement around without the ladder.

And I apologize to you for our government abandoning you and the Chez Repub on missile defense and broken promises !!
what can i say.. I cant blame you, nor can can i really blame your gov. Polish gov is to compartmentalized into parties, what i have noticed from my own personal observation, but you may as well prove me wrong if it is so... when for example a ex president retires he RETIRES whereas in poland he still has a huge influence.basically they just fight over their own posts, to reap of a bigger chunk of a bribe/ social money. I mean honestly, maybe I am raised in that kind of slovs' culture but i dont mind that politics take bribes, i mean some things just ought to bo resolved this way, as long as they get their god damn jobs done and not just sit on thair hands and reap of the society !

Where is Reagan when ya need him?

Those of us with a brain see whats going on...

Now lets be careful so this thread doesn't get shut down for speaking the truth.......That's not allowed around here and the #1 reason I been absent. :nanana:

stay strong ;)
and quit babling and update those photos and start the story once again.

Ioni Botani

Babylon makes the rules.
I dont get caught up in politics. Its like a sinking ship where everyone is bailing water and patching holes. The problem is the ship was created over 200 years ago.
Twas a beaut when she was first built, state of the art....and first of her kind!
But now.
She's old....and falling apart at the seams...so it seems we need a new ship.
The only problem is....we have no shipbuilders anymore, only people who know how to tend to a failing ship....bailers and menders. If they WERE to build a new ship....it would be as the old was...or even worse.
And our resources are running low, so the ship would most likely just be built of the old ship's broken pieces.
What we need is less like a ship, more like a hovercraft.
Brand fucking new...and probably expensive as shit.
Forgive the pun Pirate.
I agree, even with all the "Federal progress" with Cannabis.....it stinks to high heaven.
Sounds like somebody wants to delve into the underground economy's resources.
Obama seems like an ok guy and all.....but still another puppet.
Yet we mustn't kill the puppet, we must kill the puppeteer.
Damn politics...making me bust out all my figurative speaking.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
They all suck ass.

I will try and get some remodel photos up tomorrow. I am doing a small harvest but will find some time for ya. My laptop took a shit and I am on an older computer I salvaged from the BILGE. Gotta dig out a Scandisk card reader thats buried in a drawer somewhere in order to get the photos out of my camera. My laptop had the reader built in.

I will have more time for a while so.......we'll get this puppy rollin again.

Thanks for hanging around and keeping interest !!


I really really cant wait to see the strains :) I am currently sitting on the issue and i have to admit that i have a really hard time...
I am thinking about buying
hawii maui waui and satori or cindarela and apart from that
jack herrer or F13
i am looking for a inspiring mild (not overpowering) high


No Longer a Human Watering Can
AHOY !!!!!

never to late my friend:wave:

good to see you are back in action ,,,,, have a great day ya Sea Dog ,,,

i think i speak for all your followers, we have been waiting in anticipation for the new setup

peace and calm seas

****post 1,111***


Active member
f.u.c.k ya, pirate bro you gotta come back man this thread was and still IS the shit.. beyond informative and the pics speak for themselves. stay high scallywag
