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LuciferUK Grow Diary - Kannabia Gnomo & Flash + DNA Sour Cream Updated 27/10


New member
Hey guys

Time for an update to my grow. This is first post in this thread but I posted my first entry in another thread asking about these strains so I will go over a quick recap lol

I'm doing 2 x Kannabia Gnomo AF and 3 x Flash AF plus i've thrown a DNA Sourcream Fem that I got as a freebie and gonna veg it whilst the AF's are growing.

I started all of the seeds in a paper towel etc, and then planted in a mix of Biobizz All-Mix and Light-Mix with extra perlite in 6.5l hydro pots.

I've been using half strength bio-bizz root juice up til now at every watering (2 so far).

I started with the 2 Gnomo's and they are doing very well as you'll see from the pics, 10 days on they are well into sprouting the 6th set of real leaves plus more sites growing at each node. The 1st sample (Gnomo-1) has gotten much taller than the 2nd, so i've begun LST on her as you can see. The 2nd sample is very short but very fat and bushy so far, the leaves are in tighter groupings and are broader than sample 1 so will also need some LST when i can be arsed to go buy plastic coated paper clips.
Will be interesting to see how they look at day 20 when things normally start to fly with AF's.

The flash plants in the pic are 3 days old, the reason I have all 3 in the same pot is they were all very very small seeds, I bought them in a mix pack and was quite pissed to see that whilst the Gnomo seeds were fat the flash ones were mini. So not expecting much from these but you never know.

Finally I got a DNA Sourcream see free so decided to plop her in the 4th pot. She was a pain in the arse to say the least, I tried to start her straight in the soil, dug her up after 4 days and she hadn't even cracked. So she went into the paper towels where she took a good 32 hours to crack, and now two days after she went into the soil she's shed her casing and poked her head up a little. The seed casing appeared a day ago but she pushed it all the way out of the soil before it even opened.

All are under a 250w 6400k CFL 20/4 which will be swapped for a 2700k during flowering and supplemented with a red/blue mixed 90w UFO LED.

And now the pictures!


  • Gnomo-1-20091027.jpg
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  • Gnomo-2-20091027.jpg
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  • flash-20091027.jpg
    70.5 KB · Views: 11
  • DNAFEMsourcream-20091027.jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 14


Lookin good, dude. If it were me, I would separate the 3 flash NOW before they get any bigger. Good Luck!:joint:


New member
Yeah i was thinking that but I think i'm still going to do them all in the same pot and just use LST if they interfere with each other too much, what do you think?


I am new to the autoflowers, but have done enough reading to know that its all about the root system with these plants. These plants live a sprinters life, and a sound and expansive root system is key to good yields. You will have three where you really should have one. Why accept the reduced yields when you can easily move them now, and have three high yielding plants.:2cents:


New member
You're right about it all being about the roots, my 1st grow i started them in small pots and didn't transplant them quick enough which had a bad over effect on the final product.

I'll move them into their own pots tomorrow i think.


I think that's a good decision. Just go slow when you move em! Good Luck:joint:


better tag so i dont miss out on this one :D update soon? :D

very interresting thread luciferUK K+

would love to see a complete log on these as they arent documented on icmag yet.


New member
I'll have a proper update tomorrow, but i've had a couple of disasters lol.

My cat jumped on one of the Gnomo's and snapped the main stem in half, so i'm down to one now, which is doing ok. I then moved one of the flash seedlings into the pot and it died within about an hour or so of being moved and never recovered.

Good news is the other two Flash are doing very nicely and they now have an AK48 seed joining them to make up numbers lol. With the Sour Cream bean I popped that should give me a nice staggered harvest after the AF's come in.


New member
cool m8 :D careful with the ph :joint:

I checked the PH of the run-off on the large plant (using a cheapo aquarium testing kit) and it came in about 7. The water round here is very hard (and full of chlorine, but i let it sit for at least 48 hours before using it anyway).

Pics and proper update coming later I promise lol!