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Zombies vs Vampires

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Vampire: Super fast, super strong, able to hypnotize prey (or “glamour” them, in True Blood-speak), and in some stories able to change form into a creature of the night.


Zombie: Relentless, strong teeth, fast (in newer zombie movies). Hey, they’re animated corpses. That’s pretty impressive right there.


Vampires: Stake to the heart, sunlight, ultraviolet bullets (Underworld), entering a house uninvited (Let The Right One In), decapitation (Dracula).


Zombies: Decapitation, bullets to the head or other cranial trauma. That’s pretty much it.


Vampires: Via bite wounds. If you’re not killed outright, you become a vampire.


Zombies: Space radiation (Night Of The Living Dead), Voodoo (I Walked With A Zombie), man-made viruses (28 Days Later, Resident Evil), toxic waste (Return Of The Living Dead), the English language (Pontypool), dunno (Zombieland, Dawn Of The Dead remake).


Vampires: Blood, True Blood brand blood substitute (True Blood), other blood substitutes (Blade).


Zombies: If you said “Braaains!” you have Dan O’Bannon’s 1985 punk-zombie film Return Of The Living Dead on your mind (or its spoof on The Simpsons). Night Of The Living Dead branded them as flesh-eaters (also partial to sweetmeats). Prior to that, since they were only people under voodoo spells, I’m guessing they ate from the four food groups.


Vampires: Totally, whether it’s sexual tension and heaving bosoms (Dracula) or mature themes, sexual content and graphic nudity (True Blood). If you lived through the Hammer films era of Christopher Lee Draculas, I’ve got two words for you — Ingrid Pitt. Also, Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve’s girl-on-girl action in The Hunger.


Zombies: Very little. The Canadian gem Fido with Billy Connolly may be the only film I’ve ever seen with human/zombie sex.


Vampires: Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein, The Fearless Vampire Killers (Or Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck), Dracula: Dead And Loving It, Love At First Bite, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


Zombies: Return Of The Living Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, Fido, Zombieland.


Vampires: Count Orlock (Max Schreck) in Murnau’s silent Nosferatu. Bela Lugosi in Dracula. Christopher Lee in Horror Of Dracula. You didn’t see Max or Bela speed around like The Flash after prey. They pretty much hypnotized people to come to them.


Zombies: White Zombie (1932) starring Bela Lugosi. Val Lewton/Jacques Tourneur’s I Walked with a Zombie (1943). Back in the voodoo day, zombies pretty much just sleep-walked until ordered to kill somebody by their zombie-master.


Vampires: Thirst, Let The Right One In, Martin (George Romero made a vampire movie!), Daughters Of Darkness.


Zombies: Dead Snow, Zombi 2, Re-Animator, Dead-Alive.


Vampires: Blood And Donuts, Suck, the TV series Forever Knight.


Zombies: Pontypool, Fido.


Vampires: Duh, sex! Sinful, sinful sex.


Zombies: Man’s inhumanity to man (Survival Of The Dead), ecological awareness/proper waste disposal (Return Of The Living Dead), consumerism (Dawn Of The Dead), racism/slavery (Fido), science-run-amok (28 Days Later, Resident Evil), the importance of family (Zombieland), dunno (Pontypool).


not enough info

is this a world with humans?

i mean if its a zombie nation how do vampires feed for strength?

are these dumb ass zombies or smarter type zombies

like night of the living dead vs return of the living dead zombies

they have different capabilities

and what type of vampires cause they as a race seem pretty OCD and zombies are pretty ghetto i dont see them mingling


and numbers .. everybody who was dead is a potential zombie

only a chosen few are vampires

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
it was not meant as a championship match, Just comparing

I have a zombie guide I am working on coming soon


children shouldn't play with dead things was a zombie movie that made me sleep under my bed a for a while

i was 8 and those zombies didnt look under anything really


movie zombies or all literature?

there are vodoo zombies and other types

ive never gotten anyone ive killed to come back to life but if i move their fave with my hands and say things i can make it look like they are talking

good drown

i think the vampires now-a-days would win. seems they're no longer susceptible to sunlight as they used to be.
this new vampire craze, is just kinda weird to me as i just do not get it, but to each their own. i guess it makes sense, zombies had all those years with the spotlight, but it seemed their attention wasn't in the main stream, like vampires seem to be now.

danny karey

Im going with vampires, hands down!!!

Cool thread man!



if i had to choose death by either id like to go the way of a hot female vampire and get a little ass as im on the way out

if i had to choose a death for someone else id choose for them to get chased down and eaten by zombies

if it werent for the smell and rotting fingers and lips id rather smoke with one too


well if a vampire bites a zombie i'd think he would become a zombie vampire and the zombie would be a vampire zombie.

Hey, you got vampire in my zombie! well you got zombie in my vampire!...lol

IDK...bored today

Cookie monster

well if a vampire bites a zombie i'd think he would become a zombie vampire and the zombie would be a vampire zombie.

Hey, you got vampire in my zombie! well you got zombie in my vampire!...lol

IDK...bored today

Not sure vampires eat zombies man, i mean they cant taste great can they.
Probably be a bit like us eating road kill

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Not sure vampires eat zombies man, i mean they cant taste great can they.
Probably be a bit like us eating road kill

I go with zombies! Im not into the vampire scene, kinda corny imo. I just rented Dead Snow..... gonna watch it tonight. I love zombie movies!

Crazy thing..... when I was pregnant with my son, I had a ton of zombie dreams. Very vivid dreams! Only one where I turned into a zombie and that one sticks out the most......

Im traveling and end up in a rural town. Something doesn't seem right about this town. The people here are hiding something...... they seem on edge. I get to know a couple teenagers while getting something to eat at the local deli, and they invite me to the town gathering this afternoon. They seem like alright guys, so I accept. We head to the town square, where there are already a gathering of people standing around something in the ground.

Before I have a chance to realize what it is they're looking down at, Im picked up and thrown into a large pit! I land safely at the bottom, trying to wrap my head around why they would be doing this to me. I look up to see smiling faces as a large grid lid is put over the top of the pit. Then, I hear something close...... There are other people down here!!! They start walking twards me..... some with a limp. As they get nearer, I can see that many look sick and undernurished. And just as I notice this..... The grate above me is lifted and a large bucket is lowerd. More people come closer, intent on getting the bucket with food inside. Its a mad feast of slop. Everyone seemed to get their fill, and was no longer interested in me.

It was hours later when I notice that most of the people in there were looking more sick and much worse. A couple people had skin starting to blister off, faces looking sunk in and pail. Then, the grate lid is raised again and down comes the bucket of slop. This time, I was quite hungry, so I decided to give it a taste. OMG! This stuff tastes great! So I ate it with the others, eating until I could no more.

I realize that that slop is changing me...... Its changing everyone!!! People start attacking other people, biting each other and tearing at their abdomens. I start to feel the hunger...... I want to eat someone!!!

LOL...... that was a cool dream. I woke up at that point and went over it again and again. The towns folk were turning people into zombies with some crazy food, while keeping them in a large pit in the town square.

Mabey I need help.... I dont know.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Vampires get my vote.......

the post below is mine from the ICMag 'True Blood' thread

couldn't help thinking of the old days, the 50s & 60s and all the old
'20s ~ '30s B&W flicks (double features) they'd show at the cinema.


Luuuuuuooook into my eyes
Deeper..... Deeeeper.......

and there we'd be in the theater our very own eyes wide
open in fright. That night and many others Dracula and his
other ghoulish fiends would come visit us in nightmares.......

