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Soil depleted of nutes - ph @ 7.2 - lockout present - what should I do ??





into slightly acidic medium...

feeding more, or different nutes may only serve to lock-out more; just adding more electrical charges for the media, & plant to sort out...

start over fresh... shouldnt be too hard in 1 gal pots...

enjoy your garden!


Active member
so what are you saying that even tho you grow organice you never need to flush...their is even more reason to flush when you have nute,ph or such problems and when growing organic and using chem ferts!!!

There is never a good reason to flush organic soil. And if it is working well it can actually clean water, not the other way around. If what you say is true there would be very little drinkable groundwater on the planet. Aquifers would be nitrogen soup and we would get blue babies. Living, functioning soil cleans water and swamps clean water through nutrient sequestration. As a consequence it actually grows.

If you need to remove something from truly organic soil you can't do it with water. Period. If it has free nutrients as ions in solution in any significant amounts, it's not organic, it's conventional gardening with alternative fertilizers.


There is never a good reason to flush organic soil. And if it is working well it can actually clean water, not the other way around. If what you say is true there would be very little drinkable groundwater on the planet. Aquifers would be nitrogen soup and we would get blue babies. Living, functioning soil cleans water and swamps clean water through nutrient sequestration. As a consequence it actually grows.

If you need to remove something from truly organic soil you can't do it with water. Period. If it has free nutrients as ions in solution in any significant amounts, it's not organic, it's conventional gardening with alternative fertilizers.

if you cause probs like lockout and over fert with chem ferts then yes indeed you indeed would benifit by flushing and adjusting!
when a dog pees on the grass and burns the shit out of the grass it is only fixed by what?? flushing the soil/grass threw hose or rain...once flushed and returned to a good ph the grass greens and grow back..same differance


Active member
Ok good point except you can't flush like you are thinking without removing the plant. I would move it to organic soil. And you should go bare-root.

Basically I am saying start over organic or stick to conventional. Soil that fucked up should be rehabilitated without valuable plants in them.

Re: grass spots - change the dog food if a single urination kills grass.

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