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killing insects with raid fogger

i got a quick question, i dont know if this is the right place, but i guess ill just try it here. Well recently its dat time of year again and its getting pretty warm outside. Due to the weather i been noticing alot of insects outside the house as well as inside my house. So my question is if i do a fogger (http://www.killsbugsdead.com/fogger/) for my entire house, will my plants be safe in veg (my cab is indoors). Im mostly concerned with maintaining genetics. Thanks.


space gardener
I don't think poison belongs anywhere near the plants you will eventually smoke! Don't do it...


Grow like nobody is watching
I wouldn't do it myself. When you use a proper insecticide, it has a withholding period noted in the instructions, which is how long you must wait after spraying before you can harvest/eat. I doubt the Raid thing would even mention a withholding period since it's simply not designed to be sprayed on crops.

Also, not all insects are bad. I would personally wait until you can definitely see damage by an insect, and target that insect specifically, with stuff designed for crops or food.
might i add dat my grow space is not a entire room. It is an enclose cabinet inside a room. It only holds plants in veg (there are no flowering plants). I will use the fogger outside the growspace but around the house. Will my plants be okay in there during this time?

Also, i do not have any insects in my garden, mostly around my house, thats what im trying to get rid of.


I didn't realize you were asking about using this stuff near a plant you plan to smoke! I would think that is a terrible idea.

Use traps and natural repellents until you can not take that risk.


most foggers instructions say do not leave food in the house that is not in cans nor should humans or pets be present so I dont think it would be good to smoke it either


Active member
Turn off the fans and lights when you fog. Close up the vents too. Just cover the whole cab with a blanket. How big are the plants? If they're in veg stage...you won't be smoking anything that get's any poison on it. The flowers haven't grown yet, how can they be contaminated?


New member
Dunno why you'd consider cutting them down?

If you want to kill insects in your house, go for it. I wouldn't want that kinda poison in my dwelling though. If the insects are bothering your plants, just spray or dip them in a NEEM OIL solution, cut with a little soap. It's safe and natural. Better to do it in the veg state though, as I wouldn't want to smoke neem oil, even though it is a natural product.


Active member
The best indoor insect CONTROLLER ever!
Written: May 26 '07 (Updated May 26 '07)

Product Rating: Product Rating: 5.0
Pros: Doesn't smell. Easy application. Lasts a long time. Great stuff!

Cons: N O N E to me! Lots to someone who sprays bugs for a living!

The Bottom Line: Buy it. It works great at controlling indoor insects and doesn't smell. Lasts a long time.
You won't taste it when you smoke it.