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Is this a bad idea


no wuckin furries!
why not just buy flavoured type strains?
...so many out there ranging from coffee to pineapple to lemon to blackcurrant to orange ect ect ect ...or just go without and smoke the shit thats out there (if you like that taste of shit im sure you'll find that too)

the point of weed is the stone??? no ??? why screw with the plant to potentially wreck a whole veg/flower 3 month(give or take) grow?.HH. =]-~


Active member
Eh... Point of weed depends on the person. For some it's medicine, for some a recreational drug, and for some it's a matter of fine living and degustation. That means look, taste, smell, touch, and even hearing play a role in creating a greater experience. If you become a foodie it spreads to the rest of life.

God I love good weed.


no wuckin furries!
eh...take away the stone/medical value...what ya got? not much!...nothing useful

...eg... an orange taste?...go eat an orange then

..ya love the look of it?...well frame it and put it on the wall

..the feel?..go buy some velvet or something and and rub it all night till your red raw...

you want add shit to it?...become a bartender or a mad scientist or bake a cake with your spare time and forget about weed.

you want decent tasting/smelling/looking weed ect..go search phenos search out different strains...simple really....no brainer.HH. =]-~

adding shit to a plant???


oddly, my favorite wines are said to have a "petrol" aroma. But I don't think the Mosel valley produces them by dumping gasoline on the vines. It's an expression of terroir.

The best pot we've grown has had that "petrol" smell and taste to them. When we smell that as it's growing we know we've found "the one."


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
just grow an orange tasting strain, and perfect it.

cannabis already mimics almost every smell/flavor out there somehow, you just have to find ( or make ) the strain you want.


Active member
eh...take away the stone/medical value...what ya got? not much!...nothing useful

...eg... an orange taste?...go eat an orange then

..ya love the look of it?...well frame it and put it on the wall

..the feel?..go buy some velvet or something and and rub it all night till your red raw...

you want add shit to it?...become a bartender or a mad scientist or bake a cake with your spare time and forget about weed.

you want decent tasting/smelling/looking weed ect..go search phenos search out different strains...simple really....no brainer.HH. =]-~

adding shit to a plant???

this post started out ignorant and tasteless and wound up ending with the truth.

There is more to weed than getting high, and more to drink than getting drunk.

I'm not kidding!


no wuckin furries!
ignorant ????

ok ask yourself this...ever buy an oz and say to yourself "i smoked it all and im not stoned/medicated?"..."but man that tasted nice....how much for a pound? can you get clones? i want to smoke this exclusively! for the rest of my life "

very much doubt it....could go on...but would be a waste of my time....

but yea...how many seeds would a company sell if they stated "our strains dont get you stoned but look and taste great" ?????? i guess atlested one pack to mary john i guess?

not throwing shit at you...but really????.HH. =]-~


Active member
I am right now looking for strains that don't get me so stoned and are a pleasant experience.

My desert island wines are low on alcohol.

You are missing a whole world of pleasure If you only eat to get full, breathe not to die, drink to get drunk, and smoke to get high. It's your call but it's crass to rag on those who want more out of life.

You are right on your facts though.


Active member
At the worst you'll nave to to reactivate your soil for the next grow. Who cares what they think?


no wuckin furries!
hey mate...i do get your point(and i guess you get mine) and sorry if i come across crass (thats why i left you K+ before your last post)

"You are right on your facts though"...well i dont strive to be right :D...but just trying to point out too OP and future readers...if you like apples dont try and find an orange that tastes like and apple...better ways to find it...but while making that point mine and your points clashed..

i guess its better to leave those points there....and hope OP and others dont take the so called easy road to what that want but put the effort in to find what they want...

but to mention what you said...and is no way intended as a dig lol(haaaaaapy quit while your ahead :D ) "I am right now looking for strains that don't get me so stoned and are a pleasant experience. "

ever thought too (if it takes you too long to get that "it" strain)...mix two strains?...the more potent strain thats tastes great...with a bland strain thats not so fantastic in affects?...i used to do that with pain killer strains and up lifting strain to get what i needed each cone....all the best.HH. =]-~


Active member
Yeah breeding myself might be the way to go. I was a kid in the 80s and 90s, and our shit was not like today. Well some of it was, but we rarely got "kind". Even then, one was not so debilitated from one hit. Creative, yes. Giddy, maybe. But not debilitated.


no wuckin furries!
lol my experience is the opposite (australia here)...the shit i used to get in the 80s/90s kicked my ass to passing out :D....and these days that just isnt around its all crap and sooo weak....thats why the 1st time i ever got on the net i typed into the search engine "cannabis seeds" to find something good...and when i bought a pc sat around searching for sites like this to join up and find out what the deal is and where i could get some good strains..

then bought a few 1000 $$$$ worth of strains to find my "it" strain....probly got more seeds than i can ever grow..(anyone got a farm they can lend me?)....i hate to be at the point of passing out....but i want to be nice and medicated and feel good and happy without a care....need to keep growing seeds out...i bet somewhere in my collection is the "one" im looking for....and maybe a few more to keep it company....along with the crosses ive made/will make along the way.HH. =]-~


no wuckin furries!
I should move to oz!

yes and no..
...i know that im so jealous of cali and other US states with med laws. when i got busted big time i muttered the words something like "fukn backwards australia ,i m in the wrong country...should be in the US " lol ppl sourrounding me at the time said deerrrr "arnt you from australia?" lol...even lawyers ect where blown away when i informed them of how it is for you guys there..

our weather is great...easy going ppl...and we can ride kangaroos around on the streets ...and have koala bear butlers... so it aint so bad in the trade off :D .HH. =]-~


Active member
It's state by state here, and most Americans don't live in Cali. How much trouble you get depends on skin color and access to good lawyers.


no wuckin furries!
yea i hear ya....and read a bit on whats going on over there....its hit and miss over there...but seems like you guys are heading in the right direction maybe?...

here we are going the opposite way....just heard on the radio here this morn...they finally passed the bill which will start early next year that will make it you have to produce photo ID when going into a hydro store when buying ballasts, globes, carbon filter and other similar grow products...dick heads....thank fuk for ebay :D...i havnt been to a shop for much for ages and have got myself bulbs ballasts ferts ect from other states! going to be some better business for shops in other states from now on and some stoners going on road trips i bet

this state used to be the best being able to grow up too 10 plants indoors or out with a $150 on the spot fine if busted...now its a possible jail sentence if you "own" lights(dont have to be in use) and have no excuse ...no plants indoors and only 1 plant outdoors (well for now?)..HH. =]-~