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My girlfriend thinks im addicted to ICmag forums!!!!!!


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
my girl hated icmag till i made her make her own account... now shes on just as much as me....


OMG its bad enough i hear it when i walk away from the computer but i gotta hear it here too


I've deleted Icmag from my bookmarks because I keep getting distracted from my work and reading the forums. Even though I've deleted the bookmark I still habitually click on the bookmark dropdown menu before I realise what I'm doing. An hour goes so quickly on Icmag, and so slowly programming.


Active member
u need more posts i think; dont' worry once the addiction takes hold it'll happen much sooner than you think
LOL I think were all addicted.. We have so much information at our fingertips, not enough time.. Story of my life..

Its hard to peel myself away sometimes..


My lady works 16 hrs daily 6 days week. I do programming freelance for game companies.
I spend about half my time on the computer/og(till it died)/IC mag. The other half in my
grow room.
She used to bitch about ALL of it except the checks coming in...till she tried some for
her chronic back spasms and PMS(gad)...NOW...she spend half her spare time in her
grow room and I wait............sheeet.


no wuckin furries!
WTF threads were you looking at?

plenty of bud porn on here to get ya in the mood :joint:

my ex used to give me shit all the time for being on these sites..said was a wast of time!

..but as axl rose said "i used to love her but i had to kill her..shes buried right in my back yard"...great fertilizer ...no just shitting :D

learnt a lot from these sites over the last nine years or so......then she dobbed me in while i had 80 plants....had a lawyer and a barrister ....barrister said when i was free from jail term..."i didnt do shit to get you off ...you did it all "

info is power...helped me with a judge....also helps to grow better meds than the average joe too....

if she smokes like you say...tell her ...ya wana get stoned? or get a buzz?...stoned?...well shhhhhhhhhh im reading .HH. =]-~
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Owl Mirror

Active member
New Member ~ Jul 2009 ~ Posts: 27 ~ the baby was born

Perhaps she is overwhelmed with taking care of the baby and you while all she sees is you on the computer, ignoring her, the baby and whatever else is important.

this place is the building block to better meds

Do you refer to reefer as MEDS just because it's the newest keyword or do you truly rely on it for relief ? That might make a big difference in how she views this activity.


no wuckin furries!
i had 2 you babys/kids...and looked after them nearly 24/7 and still got to read these sites and do my duties ..so if your doing your share great!!!!

still some ppl miss what these sites can offer and think there a waste of time....theres a bit more to it than a pot...soil and a seed.....i guess you will have to ask her...what is your REAL problem here ? she may want more help?...or just some educating or just not interested in this all at all? and wonder what you see in it...H. =]-~


Active member
it seems like shes as addicted to attention as you are to the computer. tell her when she quits cold turkey, so will you haha, d


I was the same way when the hubby started "research", as he called it, on here. So I decided to see what it was all about, and now I spend more time on here than he does. Have her get her own account and come check it out for herself. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Regardless, happy smokin! :joint:

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