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Cannabis is getting taxed. Deal with it.

Owl Mirror

Active member
if they were going to sell something wouldn't it be the opiates, they got for next to free.

hoping to have the patients individually recommended by the patient groups' counselors

Again I applaud your efforts yet, I wonder why these measures were not enacted when Prop 215 was introduced ?
The reason I mentioned the patient selling their lower than street-priced marijuana for a profit is due to that reason being promoted as the very reason why the dispensary prices mimic that of street pricing or higher.

The argument simply doesn't hold water yet, those in charge keep hyping it as the reason to keep the prices tied to black-market pricing.


Active member
The reason I mentioned the patient selling their lower than street-priced marijuana for a profit is due to that reason being promoted as the very reason why the dispensary prices mimic that of street pricing or higher.

The argument simply doesn't hold water yet, those in charge keep hyping it as the reason to keep the prices tied to black-market pricing.

I think it's actually driven up black market prices, I know a couple people who "Divert" for a small fee. My old dealer from back in the day is reselling stuff he gets from dispensaries now (actually he's going legit very soon and is going to quit selling illegally and help out some friends of his who are starting a dispensary). His clientele has been shrinking dramatically as more and more people go medical.

but... I think the argument is really that California dispensaries are buying against black market competition. It's that countrywide black market competition that keeps wholesale prices high; if someone willing to pay more money a pound because he can resell it in a different state it keeps the price high here.

hmmm... but I remember my aforementioned friend complaining about finding good wholesale weed anymore through his suppliers (it was all going to dispensaries now), that's why he started reselling dispensary mj in the first place. So... what's driving what? I think there is a difference in comparing the macro and micro view of how this is working.

From what I've experienced myself here in California is that the traditional black market system has been replaced by MMJ, anyone that doesn't have a rec. that smokes knows someone who will get it for them, usually they do it for free because they're a friend. I qualify for a rec (9-3/4% permanent disability according to the state examiner), but I haven't gone to get it yet, I know of at least 3 different friends with recs that will buy for me (1 takes a small cut for the trouble). That's only in California though, I know we grow a big portion of the supply for the rest of the country that's still buying it illegally for resale in their own state. I'm sure there are growers "diverting" legally grown medical marijuana to non medical users too; that's going to drive up wholesale prices across the board.

reading back over this I'm not sure which side I'm arguing... I think macro economic forces in this country keep wholesale prices high, but people will resell to they're friends no matter the price from the dispensary... so it's the retail price driving up the black market... actually we've added another middleman (the dispensary) it used to go from the grower to the dealer to the end user... now it goes from the grower to a dispensary to a "dealer" (although no ones making doing that to really make a profit... a $5 mark-up isn't much) to the end user

Sorry for my rambling... (I'm not even sure which side of the argument I'm on and I've forgotten what the title of this thread is now)

Everyone have a good weekend!


St. Elsewhere
Fuck that. I think Cannabis should be used as a platform for the whole "taxation without representation" argument.

Besides that, I think that legalization is a little premature.

Give it 5-10 years.


Patient Grower
Oh yeah, I forget the truly needy medical marijuana patient would merely buy their medicine and sell it for a profit. This way they can remain addicted to opiates while making a profit.

This logically fallacious argument is called a false dichotomy. It is presented as being a choice between two things, either sell their cannabis or have their medicine, when the fact of the matter is that there's another, more logical choice. It is not an either/or situation with medical cannabis. The patients don't resell their cannabis and do without, they buy more than they need and sell the excess.


Patient Grower
Where the fuck does this 'taxation without representation' horse shit come from? Wow, it's a great slogan, but it's totally false, you've got representation.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
what kills me is that you are arguing about taxation, and not whether it will be legalised or not.

take a moment and bask in the progress!

im from UK and would happily take legal, taxed cannabis over being a criminal any day. of. the . week.


Amstel Light

Fuck that. I think Cannabis should be used as a platform for the whole "taxation without representation" argument.

Besides that, I think that legalization is a little premature.

Give it 5-10 years.

I dont think this dude wants it legal?

Where the fuck does this 'taxation without representation' horse shit come from? Wow, it's a great slogan, but it's totally false, you've got representation.
maybe next start throwing bails of swagg in the ocean?
what kills me is that you are arguing about taxation, and not whether it will be legalised or not.

take a moment and bask in the progress!

im from UK and would happily take legal, taxed cannabis over being a criminal any day. of. the . week.

thats what i been saying the whole time....but of course we are dealing mostly with californians who have had it pretty easy, compared to most of the country's being in weed lockdown....


ICMag Donor
what kills me is that you are arguing about taxation, and not whether it will be legalised or not.

take a moment and bask in the progress!

im from UK and would happily take legal, taxed cannabis over being a criminal any day. of. the . week.


You hit the nail on the head brother.

Did you notice everytime someone starts a thread regarding legalization it always goes to the medical game. That's because people in the med game don't want it legalized. It will take away their source of income. And that's the reason you have the same people arguing not to legalize if it's taxed. They don't care becuase they are not the ones at risk of going to jail....
This logically fallacious argument is called a false dichotomy. It is presented as being a choice between two things, either sell their cannabis or have their medicine, when the fact of the matter is that there's another, more logical choice. It is not an either/or situation with medical cannabis. The patients don't resell their cannabis and do without, they buy more than they need and sell the excess.
in the model grow dispensary with limited member patient members, medication will be limited on a per month basis. they will not be able to buy "more" than is needed.
projection of your own inadequacies isn't the path to a cohesive argument,something that besides attacking others and making your own position seriously diminshed in the process.

I don't undermine your credibility as a first response. I've seen a couple weirdos at a cannabis march rally and they had signs that were anti taxes. It rubbed me the wrong way.

Since none of you have made any rational argument for why you think this can work without taxes, I feel it's justified to throw you into the same category as the only other people I've seen with the same views as yours. Absolute nutballs.

Maybe you actually do have a rational reason. As others have stated perhaps you have private financial interests at stake. Whatever the case may, you do not serve my interests nor that of the cannbis community. I don't like the scare tactics either.

I will unsympathetically bash you whenever I get the chance.

Amstel Light

yea i'm sorry..... really am but all the tye dye, dancing like charley manson, smoking in public like your schoolgirls giggling.... just makes it all so much harder to be taken seriously...


St. Elsewhere
I dont think this dude wants it legal?

Legal, sure. Regulated? Not so much. I'd like to see it "legal" when our government is reshaped enough to be trusted with minimizing oversight.

I live in a decrim, but not medical, state. Fwiw.

So trust me, I'm risking my neck every day.

Amstel Light

Legal, sure. Regulated? Not so much. I'd like to see it "legal" when our government is reshaped enough to be trusted with minimizing oversight.

I live in a decrim, but not medical, state. Fwiw.

So trust me, I'm risking my neck every day.
Touché mon âme!!!!:dueling:legal without regulation means your pain and risk = your experience over the years now goes to some dumb ass looking for the quick dollar... as he burns down the family home...


So you want to give a government that has incarcerated people, torn family's apart, denied and criminalized its own citizens medicine, a significant financial cut to justify legality?

Look at the history of this plant in the US. The government and private industry used racist propaganda, shilled for chemical and paper companies to fund the eradication of this outstanding resource and those who would cultivate it.

Now we should let them tax it?

We have sprayed poison on farmers family's in third world country's, helped to fund the cartel culture in Mexico; which if your paying attention is now alive and well here in the USA. I don't think its right to all the sudden say something that has been illegal and used to lock people up for so many years is now, as well as all of the draconian blow back from prohibition is now OK so long as the government that caused all of this to gets a cut.

How about just doing whats right for the sake of doing it?

Why must there always be a tax?

Are the billions saved on worthless incarcerations not enough? How about the LEO resources it would free up to catch people that are actually hurting the rest of society?

How about the sales tax for the newly legalized hobby de jour? Nursery centers, Grow shops, hardware stores, the electric company, and various other businesses will see a great increase in sales. An additional tax is canna biz greasing the wheels with our money, so they can expand and increase their profits. Normally this is something I would support but given the history of cannabis prohibition in the USA, and the damage it has achieved; the very idea of a "cannabis tax" is disturbing to say the least.

I don't think George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would stand for this sort of tomfoolery, and neither should we.


I don't undermine your credibility as a first response. I've seen a couple weirdos at a cannabis march rally and they had signs that were anti taxes. It rubbed me the wrong way.

Since none of you have made any rational argument for why you think this can work without taxes, I feel it's justified to throw you into the same category as the only other people I've seen with the same views as yours. Absolute nutballs.

Maybe you actually do have a rational reason. As others have stated perhaps you have private financial interests at stake. Whatever the case may, you do not serve my interests nor that of the cannbis community. I don't like the scare tactics either.

I will unsympathetically bash you whenever I get the chance.

one first off I am a voter and could give a fuck what you think.
personally,maybe you have a rational reason for giving goverment money Ill put you in a category:peestain.
I could once again care less about serving YOUR interests in fact I am glad to opppose them since your ed fucking judgementally friendly.
who the the fuck annoited you emperor of the cannabis community?
scare tactics?Idon't know what that means is that your way of bashing what you can't understand?you have thouroughly proven you are intolerant of others viewpoints as evidenced by your own bias.

Owl Mirror

Active member
in the model grow dispensary with limited member patient members, medication will be limited on a per month basis. they will not be able to buy "more" than is needed.

Who gets to decide what constitutes "more" than is needed?
The Patient, the farmer, the collective manager?
Who besides the individual patient is best able to know how much is "more" than is needed ?


This whole "pay to play" "get taxed to get away with it" attitude going around is that of subjects not citizens.

Sales tax only. Don't tax my tea. It's medicinal.
great, you dont want the government getting theyre greasy hands all over MJ....im sure we all dont want that,(history likes to repeat) but its going to happen....either on our terms or their terms its going to happen...what is the alternative? wait? i dont think so...people are done waiting.
corporate america gets what corporate america wants, if you oppose it you may just be crushed under the turning wheels of greed...
i doubt that anything more than sales tax will be applied anyway..

if any legislative act passes in which we have to pay tax other than sales tax it wont last long enough for
us to complain about, once they make the decision to regulate/legalize..i see the pendulum swinging down at an
unstoppable speed and that many americans won't let there be a "sin" tax or whatever they would call it...
they understand that if theres too much tax they will drive the industry back underground again and lose their profits...


great, you dont want the government getting theyre greasy hands all over MJ....im sure we all dont want that,(history likes to repeat) but its going to happen....either on our terms or their terms its going to happen...what is the alternative? wait? i dont think so...people are done waiting.
corporate america gets what corporate america wants, if you oppose it you may just be crushed under the turning wheels of greed...
i doubt that anything more than sales tax will be applied anyway..

if any legislative act passes in which we have to pay tax other than sales tax it wont last long enough for
us to complain about, once they make the decision to regulate/legalize..i see the pendulum swinging down at an
unstoppable speed and that many americans won't let there be a "sin" tax or whatever they would call it...
they understand that if theres too much tax they will drive the industry back underground again and lose their profits...

we have prop 215 thats enough untill something comes down the turnpike,corporate greed wake up what country do you live in?sales tax is already applied unless you got a good hook up ;)
legislature?:moon::deadhorse:bashhead: haha funny?or you have some restrictive crap with regs leo crying about diversion and some such self serving bullshit so you can do what reward the same bureaucrats who wouldn't support prop215 with ballot measures that aid the general fund?ahh
no no no.incidentally in california legislature enacted soon to be unconstitutional s.b.420.
oh ye of little faith in thine goverment,yup that be me,just say no!to taxes!
YOU have prop 215...everyone else is getting arrested while your floating around in la la land....great....
can you say selfish?
i choose the path of least resistance to legalization and that is its going to be taxed...
of course i'd love to see a huge market that affects everyone be untaxed....and your right, the govt has done so much wrong when it comes to mj that they should be forced out of the loop for being so against it when citizens want it and need it so badly...
but to think that tax-free is a reality?...that if we wait long enough we can move mj into mainstream america without the corporations getting their hands on it? without tax? your dreaming! time to wake up!
sales tax is on EVERYTHING....including mj..

tax is better than jail. period.