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Is cannabis legal anywhere in the world?


New member
mhhh if it would be just tolerated u would not able to buy it i a shops!!

It is not fully legal for sure cause to shops are not allowed to buy ganja or hash but allow to sell it!!!

Maybe it's just tolerated ENOugh that you can go get it at a shop. Kind of like dispensaries are tolerated by the feds in medical marijuana states for the most part, coffee shops selling marijuana in the Netherlands are tolerated by the people in power for the most part.


AFAIK growing in the Netherlands illegal... Sellings is only allowed in the coffeeshops.. And they may not grow either.. They are actually not even allowed to buy it... AFAIK !!! The stuff is just there.. lol ;)
In Portugal its legal .. AFAIK ;)

i thought there were regions of india where there was legality
anyone else know for sure?

Yeah, there are some holy cities - Puri in Orissa is maybe the most famous - where you can buy shit at the government Bhang shop, but it really is shit. And if you buy it on the street the usual laws apply.

You know, guys, this whole thread just makes me depressed. Is this planet fucked up or what?


Tropical Outcast


Life is one big grow........
Maybe it's just tolerated ENOugh that you can go get it at a shop. Kind of like dispensaries are tolerated by the feds in medical marijuana states for the most part, coffee shops selling marijuana in the Netherlands are tolerated by the people in power for the most part.

they pay tax bro!! tax!!!


So from what i understand, Its more legal in spain than it is in the netherlands... it says you can grow in spain whereas you can't grow in the netherlands from what i understand.. I just want to know where i can grow a mass majority of plants and not be harassed by crazy people


Active member
in spain the laws are such that peoples private residences get the upmost privacy and police have a very hard time getting into them, if your plants are tucked away you will be fine but if they catch you trafficking you're in shit.


Active member
In belgium youi can have one plant , but you are not allowed to harvest more than 3 or 5 grams

So it would have to be a very small lowryder:laughing:

bens lab

In belgium youi can have one plant , but you are not allowed to harvest more than 3 or 5 grams

So it would have to be a very small lowryder:laughing:

That's a shame I was having thoughts of a gigantic 1 plant scrog under 3000 watts... Would be a bitch if it turned out to be a male. :bashhead:


That's a shame I was having thoughts of a gigantic 1 plant scrog under 3000 watts... Would be a bitch if it turned out to be a male. :bashhead:

Clone dude, world record one plant scrog.

What about Antartica? can we legally use their, I hear land is cheap and makes great ice bongs.

bens lab

Clone dude, world record one plant scrog.

What about Antartica? can we legally use their, I hear land is cheap and makes great ice bongs.

Yeah but if you can only keep one plant how are you gonna get a clone?

Keep in mind I don't know any other growers and california is 5500 miles away..

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I thought all drugs were decriminalized in Portugal....

Personal amounts, yes it is so. Drugs are still illegal, use of any drug is legal.
The Portuguese say it is a total success, so much so that when the report were reviewed, the UN, previously against this move, had to agree it is a stunning example of what can be achieved and supports it!. Go figure!

There is a very good report from ABC here if you want the facts outlined, what they changed, how its gone?.
ALL our govt members should have cocktail sticks inserted to open their eyes, force them to review this themselves :jerkit:


hmmm if someone was to setup a massive laborotory in antartica that just might be legal.... I have dreams that one day there will be a massive pot world centre, where all growers collaborated and donated and it had hundreds of thousands of plants and clones and seeds were free and so was entarnce to this wonderful garden

Owl Mirror

Active member


Countries Where Marijuana is Legal

Looking for a place to live or travel that you can legally smoke weed? Try one of these legal cannabis countries:

Australia - Cannabis laws state by state. Decriminalized in Western Australia & South Australia. Tasmania, Victoria, & Queensland policies involve ticketing for below 50 grams.

Belgium - No amount of cannabis is legal to possess in Belgium, however possession of up to 3g of cannabis by adults, for personal use, is tolerated in Belgium. It is also said that 1 female plant is tolerated. Police will take the name of an individual in possession, but the Belgian state will not prosecute. We've been told that a new law to allow for medical use of cannabis has lead the police to be more forgiving about possession of small amounts of non-medicinal cannabis. FA tells us that there is no legal way to buy or import cannabis or its seeds. See ejustice.just.fgov.be (French only). (Thanks CG, FA. Aug 2006)

Canada - Cannabis is schedule II in Canada (for more than 3 kg). Canada's cannabis control laws are spottily enforced, with the west coast (British Columbia) being well known for its high quality cannabis and low levels of enforcement. In 2002, Canada's federal government made several findings in favor of cannabis legalization and medical use approval. Although the status of medical cannabis is still in flux (sep 2002), the Canadian government has several times voiced its intention to support full medical use. Non-viable Cannabis seeds and Cannabis stalks (that do not include leaves, flowers, seeds or branches) are exempted.

England - Cannabis is a Class C drug in Britain.

Estonia - Cannabis is prohibited. According to joh, "Seeds are legal to sell but illegal to import and export." (Unconfirmed, thanks joh)

India - Although India has a long history of the use of Cannabis, including involvement with religious traditions, it is illegal to grow or possess. In some areas, it is openly ignored by authorities. (Thanks Clude)

Japan - Cannabis is prohibited under the Japanese Cannabis Control Act. [see also http://www.taima.org/en/law.htm ] (Thanks embroglio). However, viable cannabis seeds are available in headshop as of June 2005, selling for Y1300-Y2500 (12-23 USD) each. Growing the seeds is illegal and the shops have warnings that the seeds are just curiosity samples and the shop will not answer questions about cultivation. (Unconfirmed) (Thanks s4m)

Mexico - A new bill, passed by the Mexican Federal Legislature in late April 2006, has not yet been signed into law, but would decriminalize very small amounts of cannabis (under 5g) but would stiffen penalties for larger amounts and remove current discretion judges about the definition of "personal use amounts". See Senado.gob.mx (Spanish Language). Also see SignonSanDiego : Mexico Decriminalizes Drugs. from Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Mexico and possession can result in stiff fines and long jail sentences. Police can often be bribed on the spot and it is said that police plant cannabis on innocent bystanders near the U.S. border in order to solicit bribes from tourists. (Unconfirmed, thanks MW and JH)

Netherlands - Although cannabis is technically illegal to possess and sell in the Netherlands, the government does not prosecute individuals (over 18) who smoke cannabis. Possession of less than 5 grams or growing of less than 5 plants will not be prosecuted. Certain cafes/coffeeshops are allowed to sell cannabis and hold 100 grams behind the counter and another 500 grams in the back. In March of 2003, the Dutch government changed the law to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medical purposes through pharmacies. BBC Sep 2003.

Norway - Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Norway including possession and sale of seeds. (Thanks SJ)

Pakistan / Peshawar - We received the following from a contributor:

Poland - Possession of cannabis is illegal in Poland. Even small amounts (1g) are not tolerated and penalties can be high. Since Jun 2005 according to the new law, a new resocialization program for drug addicts has been formed as a alternative to putting young people in prison. Cannabis is still a public enemy treated the same way as 'hard drugs'. (Thanks RaN)

Portugal - Cannabis is banned in Portugal in all its forms, however since 2000 consuming and buying small quantities of cannabis (as with all other illegal drugs) is not a crime, it is only punishable by a small fine. Further, in major cities, the police have a rather tolerant atittude towards cannabis consumption and it is largely ignored. Note that anyone found possessing quantities of cannabis more than considered typical for an average user in 10-days can be presumed to be a distributor and can be prosecuted and jailed. (Thanks J)

Romania - According to a contributor: "Cannabis growing, possession or selling is prohibited. Seeds have no legal status (neither legal nor illegal). If you are caught with seeds they will take them and you will receive not more than a warning. Possession of small amounts (1-3 grams) is only punishable by a small fine (~ $150-200). For bigger quantities possession or for growing (only for personal use) you can stay 3 or 6 years in prison. If you sell cannabis you can take over 6 years in prison." (Unconfirmed, thanks exploziv_gbb)

Sweden - Possession and sales are illegal in Sweden, but we do not have information about fines, punishements, or other details.

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