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Word from the Obama Admin is coming on mmj

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Out of the slime, finally.
that must be like waking up with a terrible hangover and realizing your in bed with a old fat fugly women:yoinks:...

look in all of my jaded paranoia i have never voted in my life.. i believe they are all in a conspiritoral cabal...clinton fills the reserve so a bs war could be created and bush and the 1% could drain it.... now either obama is in on it or he is the black patsy... I'm praying he's a patsy and pulls it off then they will prolly try and kill him...

there were real canidates throught out my adult life that were real, ross perot called this happening 25 years or so...ralph nader is real and so is ron paul.... but they will never win cause the media manipulates the mind of the voter....especially with the " if you vote for one of these your vote will be wasted" or " if you vote for one the uglyier party will win"...

and to be honest if the republicans were not so far in the pocket of big business and religon they would be the real party....

see the real republican party would embrace the science of global warming, because it would allow for new entreupanerial growth in the country, but it cant even accnowledge its valididty cause they are owned by the oil companys....the rep. should be the party of industrial hemp but it cant cause its owned by jesus freaks and other intrest that would be hurt by hemp....

but as it stands i cant see how anyone that wants to be free from going to jail for smoking weed could think that voting for a republican is going to help at ALL!!

now if you say well there are way more important issues involved for me than weed in making that decision...then you should be real quiet and humble on these kinda forums....................................:2cents:

Nice to know that others are aware of this.


gets some
no, you don't read well. we said. "take medicaid off of the table." Health care STILL NEEDS reformed. You are the one who brought up medicaid, and the one who keeps bringing it up. Goddamn republicans are stupid. YOU were the first one in the thread to bring up 'free healthcare for all", and Medicaid, and obviously did not bother to read any of the responses.

That's the goal of all this health care hubbub, isn't it? Free health care? Check Yahoo front page right now.
"Democrats scramble for support for public health care plan"

Let's call a spade a spade and stop pussing around with the "talking points". Free health care is the end goal, with the government in complete control of the industry and the market. If you can't see that then I can't help you.

Are you really so stupid as to think "health care reform" = medicare?

If not, then STFU about medicare and medicaid. We asked for REFORM. Reform means reform not 'free'.

Apparently Im not the stupid one since it has everything to do with Medicare. Let's face the fact that all this "health care reform" is about giving government more control over the health care industry to force people by law to do what the government wants. Right? Therefore, I still ask why would anyone want to give more control to people that can't even run Medicare without bankrupting it? It really is a simple question. Would you ask an alcoholic to hold your bottle of vodka for you while you're on vacation? If you can't understand what Im getting at then I fear you are indeed the not-so-smart-one in this discussion.

You should try actually reading to and responding to what was written here about health care reform, instead of sticking to your 'talking points.'

Im afraid what has been written is quite vague. "health care is broken" isn't a discussion. It's a vague blanket statement straight from an Obama speech. Im getting into the nuts and bolts of it. I fear you're out of your league if you really wanted a political discussion of the issue.

Medicare IS broken. Yup. It is.
That is why we need health care reform, silly.
The private health insurance system is BROKEN WORSE...
You're really good at pointing out the fiscal problems medicare has. No one is arguing that. Medicare has money troubles... (of course Clinton did have the budget balanced, but GW fucked that all away on his oil wars).

Yep, there it is again. "Broken". How nice and vague.
So let's give MORE control to the people that fucked it up in the first place? Huh?

Private health is Broken.
You cannot deny this, Itsgrowtime, that's why you keep throwing up RED HERRING when health care reform is mentioned.

There's that "broken" thing again. What does broken mean?? Specifics please.
Are you having problems with your health care? Are you not being treated for illness? When I hear "Private health care is broken", I ask "since when?". Sure, medical costs are too high but that's not because of insurance companies. That's because of inflation. Price inflation always goes up faster than wages do. Basic economic principles. Hell, look at medical marijuana. There's no insurance involved and it's still expensive. You're fighting the wrong people, but that's exactly what the politicians want you to do. Be angry at those "evil insurance companies"! Oooh. Nevermind that the reason health care is expensive is because the gov't has destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar. But you want to give them MORE control. :1help:

Im afraid you're incapable of seeing the big picture. But don't feel bad, you're not alone. Most Americans have the same problem.

Amstel Light

i used to think that the dems were the brainwashed......not anymore


gets some
Another post with nothing of substance to back up your view. Just ad hominem attacks. Par for the course. Gonna call me a racist next?


New member
That's the goal of all this health care hubbub, isn't it? Free health care? Check Yahoo front page right now.
"Democrats scramble for support for public health care plan"

Let's call a spade a spade and stop pussing around with the "talking points". Free health care is the end goal, with the government in complete control of the industry and the market. If you can't see that then I can't help you.

Apparently Im not the stupid one since it has everything to do with Medicare. Let's face the fact that all this "health care reform" is about giving government more control over the health care industry to force people by law to do what the government wants. Right? Therefore, I still ask why would anyone want to give more control to people that can't even run Medicare without bankrupting it? It really is a simple question. Would you ask an alcoholic to hold your bottle of vodka for you while you're on vacation? If you can't understand what Im getting at then I fear you are indeed the not-so-smart-one in this discussion.

Im afraid what has been written is quite vague. "health care is broken" isn't a discussion. It's a vague blanket statement straight from an Obama speech. Im getting into the nuts and bolts of it. I fear you're out of your league if you really wanted a political discussion of the issue.

Yep, there it is again. "Broken". How nice and vague.
So let's give MORE control to the people that fucked it up in the first place? Huh?

There's that "broken" thing again. What does broken mean?? Specifics please.
Are you having problems with your health care? Are you not being treated for illness? When I hear "Private health care is broken", I ask "since when?". Sure, medical costs are too high but that's not because of insurance companies. That's because of inflation. Price inflation always goes up faster than wages do. Basic economic principles. Hell, look at medical marijuana. There's no insurance involved and it's still expensive. You're fighting the wrong people, but that's exactly what the politicians want you to do. Be angry at those "evil insurance companies"! Oooh. Nevermind that the reason health care is expensive is because the gov't has destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar. But you want to give them MORE control. :1help:

Im afraid you're incapable of seeing the big picture. But don't feel bad, you're not alone. Most Americans have the same problem.
I read the article and the words "free health care" do not appear anywhere. This is your twisted translation of the facts, THAT IT IS ALL ABOUT FREE HEALTH CARE. You are a f***ing imbecile. It has nothing to do with free health care. It is about insurance reform you fool. You can keep saying it's about "free health care" all you want but I will no longer respond to your idiotic delusions. Buy the way asshole if you even have any insurance, which I doubt, you will find out what broken means when you have a big claim. Go stick you head back in the sand.

Amstel Light

Another post with nothing of substance to back up your view. Just ad hominem attacks. Par for the course. Gonna call me a racist next?

No iwill get back to the issue at hand and repost this

"but as it stands i cant see how anyone that wants to be free from going to jail for smoking weed could think that voting for a republican is going to help at ALL!!

now if you say well there are way more important issues involved for me than weed in making that decision...then you should be real quiet and humble on these kinda forums........................ ............:2cents:"

you have never responded to anything I have posted .... can you respond to the statement above please?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
.................. That's because of inflation. Price inflation always goes up faster than wages do. Basic economic principles. Hell, look at medical marijuana. There's no insurance involved and it's still expensive. You're fighting the wrong people, but that's exactly what the politicians want you to do. Be angry at those "evil insurance companies"! Oooh. Nevermind that the reason health care is expensive is because the gov't has destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar. But you want to give them MORE control. :1help:

Tell that to all of the CEOs and the Pharmaceutical and Oil industries of this country...... All of which continue to have windfall/record incomes and salaries, seemingly regardless of the countries economic situation at that time.

I think it has much less to do with the fact that inflation exists and more-so to do with the disparity of wages between the upper and middle class of this country. Prices of all goods and services could increase and NOTHING will change until it affects the top 1% of earners in this country..... Very similar to what happened during the Depression.

Amstel Light

Another post with nothing of substance to back up your view. Just ad hominem attacks. Par for the course. Gonna call me a racist next?

I really dont know what to call you but you sure are talking out of your ass....
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Despite a drop in inflation, the annual cost of employer-sponsored family health insurance coverage has risen 5% this year to $13,375,


The Voice of Reason
Another post with nothing of substance to back up your view. Just ad hominem attacks. Par for the course. Gonna call me a racist next?

How republican of you to accuse others of doing the very thing you are guilty of with your every post.

Par, indeeeed...


The Voice of Reason
That's the goal of all this health care hubbub, isn't it? Free health care? Check Yahoo front page right now.
"Democrats scramble for support for public health care plan"
NO... IT IS NOT THE GOAL... making everyone think that it is the goal IS THE REPUBLICAN'S GOAL, however.

There are many goals in reforming health care.
From what I've seen, the public option may or may not be a part of the health care reform bill.

Anyhow, even in the versions where there is a public option... the public option is not 'free health care'.

wake up. Our health care system is broken. that indicates the need for reform.
Let's call a spade a spade and stop pussing around with the "talking points". Free health care is the end goal, with the government in complete control of the industry and the market. If you can't see that then I can't help you.
I'm not pussing around anything. you are just full of republican talking point propaganda bullshit. You need to spend less time listen to Faux News Channel.
Apparently Im not the stupid one since it has everything to do with Medicare. Let's face the fact that all this "health care reform" is about giving government more control over the health care industry to force people by law to do what the government wants. Right? Therefore, I still ask why would anyone want to give more control to people that can't even run Medicare without bankrupting it? It really is a simple question. Would you ask an alcoholic to hold your bottle of vodka for you while you're on vacation? If you can't understand what Im getting at then I fear you are indeed the not-so-smart-one in this discussion.
You are the stupid one if you want health care decisions to be made by the people who only get paid if you get DENIED treatment. There needs to be some regulation. The Death Panels have to be stopped!!
Im afraid what has been written is quite vague. "health care is broken" isn't a discussion. It's a vague blanket statement straight from an Obama speech. Im getting into the nuts and bolts of it. I fear you're out of your league if you really wanted a political discussion of the issue.
I have been very specific about how health care is broken. Do I really have to come down to the minor leagues with you to explain it again?

Insurance Company CEOs make thousands of dollars an hour,
because they pay people hundreds of millions of dollars a year,
to figure out how to deny coverage to sick people who have paid all of their premiums and deductable.

What is supposed to help people...
What should be someone's safety net...
Is nothing more than a gang of robbers rich enough to buy government and media support.

Yep, there it is again. "Broken". How nice and vague.
So let's give MORE control to the people that fucked it up in the first place? Huh?
lol... yeah, hotshot... vague... lmao
There's that "broken" thing again. What does broken mean?? Specifics please.
see above... fucking broken.... specifically fucking broken...
any goddamn imbecile can see a health care system based on greed is BROKEN.
Are you having problems with your health care? Are you not being treated for illness?
fuck off
When I hear "Private health care is broken", I ask "since when?". Sure, medical costs are too high but that's not because of insurance companies.
That's bullshit!!! My family doctor tells me that she could afford to charge $35.00 for a routine office visit, IF she did not have to employ three people to do nothing but file claims and fight with insurance companies to get legitimate claims "un-denied". Sure seems like a large portion of health care's bloated cost is right there.
That's because of inflation. Price inflation always goes up faster than wages do. Basic economic principles. Hell, look at medical marijuana. There's no insurance involved and it's still expensive. You're fighting the wrong people, but that's exactly what the politicians want you to do. Be angry at those "evil insurance companies"! Oooh. Nevermind that the reason health care is expensive is because the gov't has destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar. But you want to give them MORE control. :1help:
No. Cost is high because insurance companies are allowed to FUCK their customers. Without regulation capitalism always turns into fascism... I cannot understand why anyone would rather have the Insurance companies running the government, than the government running a competing insurance company.
Im afraid you're incapable of seeing the big picture. But don't feel bad, you're not alone. Most Americans have the same problem.
You are the only one here missing out on the reality of the big picture...
Sad really.
Last edited:


The Voice of Reason
Tell that to all of the CEOs and the Pharmaceutical and Oil industries of this country...... All of which continue to have windfall/record incomes and salaries, seemingly regardless of the countries economic situation at that time.

I think it has much less to do with the fact that inflation exists and more-so to do with the disparity of wages between the upper and middle class of this country. Prices of all goods and services could increase and NOTHING will change until it affects the top 1% of earners in this country..... Very similar to what happened during the Depression.



The Voice of Reason
Health Care Reform goals:
1.containing soaring medical costs.
2.covering more uninsured people.
3.producing better results for patients.

What's the problem? Why would you argue so vehemently against these things?

Do you think insurance companies will do these things voluntarily, out of profit motive?

Did you read the words "free health care for all" or any words which indicate such a thing in the goals I expect health care reform to accomplish?

Don't forget... you were the one who brought 'free health care' and medicare into the thread to begin with. Even when we said "OK, forget medicare for all, let's talk about these other specifics", all you would do is discuss the them. Like some sort of unhealthy obsession... Maybe your health insurance will cover your therapy.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
BULLSHIT!This shit can go on and on but a simple discussion of the nobel peace prize get's binned over and over. WTF happened to no politics? I guess it depends on what side of the isle huh?


The Voice of Reason
BULLSHIT!This shit can go on and on but a simple discussion of the nobel peace prize get's binned over and over. WTF happened to no politics? I guess it depends on what side of the isle huh?

The need for health care to be reformed is not political.
MMJ legislation is political, but related to the purpose of the forum.
Aisle is not spelled isle, unless you mean which side of the island you are on.

We are discussing a DOJ change in MMJ state policy, and MMJ in general.
The importance of momentum is a valid topic in that line of discussion.
Itsgrowtime misunderstood what health care reform meant and went on a small tangent.

No big deal, and no reason to complain.


The Voice of Reason
when i first read this i was happy, but earlier i saw someone on facebook posted this
about a clinic that got raided yesterday

Yeah, this DOJ policy has nothing at all to do with how California LEO choose to enforce or interpret California law. I did notice only LAPD were involved, no feds.
Hopefully someday soon we will have moved past all of this and LEO will only worry about dangerous substances and leave cannabis alone altogether.


weed fiend
BULLSHIT!This shit can go on and on but a simple discussion of the nobel peace prize get's binned over and over. WTF happened to no politics? I guess it depends on what side of the isle huh?

Nah, it depends on what you type. I never saw the thread you speak of but imagine it got binned for pejorative statements and inflammatory words.

I agree with Grat3ful, health care reform isn't political. Conservatives have difficulty debating the cons of health care reform without dragging political scare words into it. i.e. socialism, fascism, etc.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Aisle is not spelled isle, unless you mean which side of the island you are on.

:yeahthatsSmart cookie huh?

I stand by my BULLSHIT comment above. Health care does need to be reformed but these bills are not meant for that. The gov. can't run anything right and as long as insurance companys are for profit there will be problems. We do need interstate commerce and some lessening of Gov. regulations. Malpractice suits need to be put in check. Health savings accounts should be required with interest comparable to any savings account or better. Tax deferred as well. No free health care for illegals. Insurance company's should be run as a non profit with enough pay incentive to still make it lucrative. Tax deferred group rate plans for private citizens, not just businesses. Stop covering stupid stuff like varicose veins and Viagra under medicare, bare essentials if you can't pay yourself or get private insurance. Health care plans with adjustable coverage (like auto insurance). Why should I have to pay for other people's risk factors? There are plenty of options that do not consist of one large

Spellchecked just for you.


The Voice of Reason
lmao... and after all those words... health care still needs to be reformed, and that is still not political.

It only is a political discussion if you bring all of that other bullshit into it.
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