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Makin' Cannagliss!


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So, I have this really nice Northern Lights bud that I harvested in July, quite a bit of it, actually, so I've decided on making some glycerine-based tincture with an ounce of it.

I've been researching different methods of making tincture, it really seems like the perfect way to take your meds in a stealthy manor; portable, no smoke, no flame - perfectly stealth.

I chose glycerine as my solvent, because I'm not interested in dealing with high-octane alcohols, which I understand will tend to burn the underside of the tongue, glycerine is a sweet, gentler solvent & a food additive, this I can deal with.

I've also chosen to make this tincture following a cold process, a combination of different methods I've read about, here's what I've done, & plan on doing:
1) I Hand-cleaned this premo-bud, not leaves & shake. This bud had been in jars since the beginning of August, and was very easy to clean by rubbing gently. 1 ounce of buds yielded about .8 oz of cleaned-up bud, sans wood.

2) I baked the cleaned bud for 5 minutes in a 325F oven, to enable decarboxylation of THCA into THC. There's a whole lot of debate over this, some feel that one needs to heat for several hours in at least a crock pot, others recommend hot solvent processes in order to achieve decarboxylation, others still say that it really isn't necessary to heat at all - I chose what I felt to be the most gentle method, I spread my cleaned cannabis into a square glass casserole, and baked it - man, did the house smell good!!!! :smoke: upon putting it back into the curing mason jar, I discovered that what was once 3/4 full is now only about 1/2 full - this surprised me, and I'm accounting to moisture released upon heating. I discovered also, that the bottom of my casserole was coated with resin, which I removed by squirting some glycerine on and scraped-off with a spatula, that went right into the mason jar, also.

3) I purchased 100% vegetable glycerine - this is food-grade glycerine, why mess-around with something that may be non-food & dangerous? So I start dumping glycerine in the 1/2 full mason jar of cannabis. Glycerine is rather thick, so I took maybe 10 minutes of filling/settling-&-absorbing, to the point that it looks like this:

4) I'm placing the jar into a paper bag, and placing that on top of my furnace. I've been monitoring temps of the inside of a mason jar, sitting on top of the furnace for several days now - temps range between 84F - 95F, not hugely hot, but warm enough to keep the glycerine nice and viscous.

5) I plan to roll the jar for 10 minutes/day for at least 10 weeks, which would bring us up to the 23rd of December - a pretty neat Christmas present to myself!

- The pot doesn't settle to the bottom, but instead floats to the top. I have maybe an inch of glycerine on the bottom of the jar - I used maybe 10-11 ounces of glycerine total. I'd rather have a less potent tincture, then a hardened-blob, does anyone feel I should add more pot to this?

- referring to above, I've read several posts where people end-up with a hardened blob, the question has been asked but never really answered: Is it OK to add glycerine to the mix later-on down the line, if it starts to get too hard to roll/mix? I'm not interested in a pot-lollipop!

- I've noticed that I get more mixing action if I roll the jar, as opposed to shaking. Does rolling-alone mix the stuff up enough, or do I really need to shake the jar also?

Well, that's all that I have for now, I'll post progress throughout this process, and a taste-test @ around Christmas. As always, any advice offered or questions asked are happily welcome!



Active member
After spending a night on the furnace - with temps ranging from 90.0F - 97.2F, here's what my tincture looks like before mixing:


The glycerine mixes very easily when it's warm, here's what it looks like after rolling it for around 5 minutes or so:


I'll likely end-up mixing it for 10 minutes min. tonight, and I'll be sure to so this at least once a day.

Can anybody tell me if this looks right? Anybody - Anybody...



guest 77721

Hey Bud. I'm sure it will turn out fine. You do pretty well with your experiments.

Have you tried making any cooking or olive oil extracts? Cooking oil is pretty versatile cause you can cook or bake with it, use it in a salad or even straight up.


I'm a week or so from harvest...gonna watercure some buds....then make a glycerine tincture myself...I also am hoping it will be ready about christmas...here's hoping....

So, what are the ways to use it?...directly under the tongue?...mixed with food/drink? stirred into yogurt? Topically?



Active member
Hey Bud. I'm sure it will turn out fine. You do pretty well with your experiments.

Have you tried making any cooking or olive oil extracts? Cooking oil is pretty versatile cause you can cook or bake with it, use it in a salad or even straight up.

Thanks, Red - that's a great compliment, we'll see! This is my first venture into making any extracts, I'll likely try making cannabutter in the not-to-distant future also.

I'm a week or so from harvest...gonna watercure some buds....then make a glycerine tincture myself...I also am hoping it will be ready about christmas...here's hoping....

So, what are the ways to use it?...directly under the tongue?...mixed with food/drink? stirred into yogurt? Topically?
Welcome, medi - I'm gonna start with sub-lingual (under the tongue) and work from there, but from what I've read, all your listed dosing methods should work. Keep us informed about your progress, OK?

nice one!!
Thanks for stopping-by entropical, and thanks for the props.

Green Smoke

My 7 day water cure ends tomorrow and I was going to make cannibutter. Is there some advantage to making tincture? I know if I make cannibutter it's only an afternoons work, but if tincture is somehow better then I don't mind the wait.


Active member
HeyYa Green Smoke!

I chose to make a tincture because it's compact & stealth, you'd need (OK, want) to either mix or bake or spread cannabutter. I don't know what I'm doing here, to be honest - this really is an experiment for me.


Active member
just remember glycerin in more modest volumes when ingested acts as a laxative
Hey, when you get to my age - this is can sometimes be a plus ;-)

Seriously, we're talking about 2-3 drops under the tongue, hardly a dosage that would have a laxative effect.

It kind-of brings new meaning to the term "Good Sh*t", though, for sure! :moon:

Thanks for stopping-by, LoKey!


So, I'm in the middle of harvest...when all's done, they'll dry 2 weeks in the cab with the carbonfilter/fan on...some will be water cured also...I think I might use a half oz air dried to make one tinc and another half oz water cured for a second tinc...all other leaf/stem/roots/popcornbuds will be steeped in a good oil to be made into a topical cream....



Active member
So, I'm in the middle of harvest...when all's done, they'll dry 2 weeks in the cab with the carbonfilter/fan on...some will be water cured also...I think I might use a half oz air dried to make one tinc and another half oz water cured for a second tinc...all other leaf/stem/roots/popcornbuds will be steeped in a good oil to be made into a topical cream....


This sounds like a good experiment, medi - are you going to document it in a thread? There's a whole lot of opinion regarding taste & flavor on watercuring smokables, it would be interesting to know the differences with edibles & tinctures, also.

Keep us informed!


Active member
8 days into steeping

8 days into steeping

Here are some pics of my tincture-in-progress
Before mixing:


& After mixing:


To my eye, the glycerine is definitely picking-up dissolved plant material, it's getting significantly darker now, and it looks like the depth of the plant material floating on the top has decreased a bit. The plant material seems darker now, a very dark green.


I'm taking pics as I got, so I'm hoping to;)...but not for a few days yet...you can see pics of the harvest in my albums...Vader's Visit.

I'm tossing up using trim for glycerine and sunleaves/stems/roots for oil...or just BHO it all and make tincs from that...suggestions'&'opinions anyone?

I also am putting an oz aside for tincs...split into half oz's, one oil one glycerine...this first time I want to experiment:)



Active member
TRIM (we call them SUGAR LEAVES around here..) is GREAT for tinc's . I ALLWAYS use our sugar leaves for tincs. Glycerine i do do. Pop the dry lsugar eaves into glycerine, screw top on tight and place under bed for a month or so.. Strain, then let "age" in the refrige for a week or 2... Then get after it!!!
The LOOOONG month soak does away with haveing to prebake the sugar leaves....Good Luck!!! pax


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one dude. I just ordered some glycerin after seeing what you got going on. Cheers.


TRIM (we call them SUGAR LEAVES around here..) is GREAT for tinc's . I ALLWAYS use our sugar leaves for tincs.
I wish mine were 'sugary', but I got some nute burn on my 'sugar leaves' and whilst the buds are FINE {THANKFULLY :)..ph up to 9.6! Panic!!!....damn complacency :( } I won't have half the harvest of leaves as you might think...it was one single plant...a SkunkMix F2...I'm small-time, personal grower for medical reasons. For that reason the portions will be small....EXCEPT... for the oil...that is a longterm thing, I intend to steep a year's worth of stems, sunleaves, root cuttings...whatever...and make a topical for my joint pain with it.
Glycerine i do do. Pop the dry lsugar eaves into glycerine, screw top on tight and place under bed for a month or so.. Strain, then let "age" in the refrige for a week or 2... Then get after it!!!
The LOOOONG month soak does away with haveing to prebake the sugar leaves....Good Luck!!! pax
Thanks for the recipie!..I might vary it this time as I have bugger all 'sugar' leaf, so will use dried buds instead...


Does anyone have an opinion on how bho would go in a tinc?...it is an option also...I could bho the leaf matter {both sunleaves and 'sugar' trim} and THEN make a tinc....and still have 2 half oz to make a 'dried/cured buds glycerine soak' tinc and a 'watercured buds glycerine soak' tinc...as I harvested last week I still have time to debate this with myself...and you! hehehe............


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