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Dutch Police Seal off Neighbourhood in Hunt for Growers

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Say goodbye to future tourists Holland....you're doing awesome. Even if you think you don't want us going there anyways....you're budget will eventually cry for us to come back. I will NEVER go there...the weed's too good here anyways. The only person screening my shit is ME:)

I feel really bad for the people that had to go throught that shit though. I would feel so violated.

At least here in the shitty US we don't have to go through that. We don't have shit for rights left...but we have a few. That wouldn't happen here.
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New member
This is what you get when a church minded political party runs the country, they hide behind their bible, take as much money from the people as they can, do nothing to solve the financial shit the country is in and once the people
find a way to somehow still survive they start to hunt them and put them deeper in shit then they allready where.

And yes we stand and look and let it all happen, guess we still didnt lose enough freedom.


Active member
Wow. I really don't want to clutter up this thread too much responding to that nonsense. So I am a racist? You're a moron. I wasn't speaking of a racial group Einstein. And although I live in Colorado, I bet any real Dutch reading this knows the group I was referring to. There is nothing racist or bad identifying that group and the influence their lack of assimilation is having on Dutch culture.

Feel free to respond, but I am done with you. I will not clutter up this thread anymore arguing with an apparent intellectual midget.

Toodles little one.
Thanks for your 100% accurate description of me. :)

So according to you it's not an ethic issue, but a RELIGIOUS one? Cause I can't identify any group you might be referring to other than a religious group.

So for you it's just fine for the Dutch to discriminate against a RELIGION, right? Come on back, and let's watch you dig yourself a deeper hole.


Yeah, you really have to cross the street in A'dam when you encounter such groups. I guess stoners are so much more threatening than roving groups of drunken British soccer fans to the Dutch. And it's all because we don't spend enough money on Heineken and whores. Spot on optic.

since the amount of prostitutes is being cut, that doesn't stand up... as i understand it a lot of the dutch don't like amsterdam, besides which I'm a football fan or "soccer" i don't go there to get drunk etc, i go for the weed (well used too), although many groups of men flock there for stag do's at weekends and are a pain.. but they choose the dam for weed they could go elsewhere for other things...

But really it's not the A'dam cannatourists who don't spend enough money, it's the French, German & Belgian tourists who visit the Dutch border towns who come only to buy cannabis and go home.

As they are neighbouring countries they will have put pressure on the now right wing dutch government..

You also don't realize that MOST of Amsterdam is not Dutch anymore. More foreigners live there now. Dutch society is akin to Ferengi society. It's all about making profit.

ok skip so here you say amsterdam is populated by non dutch and its all about making profit... clearly not the case or they wouldn't be doing this would they? perhaps those that are there for profit will now go elsewhere, perhaps they don't care too much for amsterdam and the dutch culture etc..

We are in a recession, the germans looks after their own first and foremost as do the french, this is pretty normal... where I am from it has been a poor and deprieved area for a few years (thanks Maggie), now a bit back it was announced as european capital of culture, as a result lots of OOT (out of towners) brought property at cheap prices, and bars, restaurants etc as being more affluent they could, this in turn makes it more unaffordable for the local population, however it also brings more income in aswell due to demigraphics which I'm sure you are aware of the workings of.... I'm i bit envious of them ? yes do i hate them? no

now where my mum lives a few years back they had the open there, same thing happened people move in opening all bars etc.. make profits and move elsewhere... do they come to integrate and give to the local community? no they don't..

the amount of trouble within amsterdam due to foriegn gangs importing people, counterfit goods, drugs etc is stupid, as is the amount of gang/drug relating "meetings"

Now the dutch people put this party into power did they not, maybe a radical thought but maybe some of them want these changes but heaven forbid it doesn't fit into a tourists way of things...

now I don't agree with what has happened here with the pigs actions ! but do feel Cat Jockey has a more level headed approach to this than some


Active member
This is what you get when a church minded political party runs the country, they hide behind their bible, take as much money from the people as they can, do nothing to solve the financial shit the country is in and once the people
find a way to somehow still survive they start to hunt them and put them deeper in shit then they allready where.

And yes we stand and look and let it all happen, guess we still didnt lose enough freedom.
Yes, we just went thru EIGHT YEARS of that here.

That's why we are trying to help the Dutch rid themselves of their bushit government. There's really not much foreigners can do to help but boycott your country and the products of your vice industries.

As I said there's a list of companies that could be boycotted, but I think it's only necessary to make an example of one to get the point across that the consumers have the REAL power now. The Dutch need only protest with their pocketbooks (which are probably thinner these days) to force their government to change.

In America people are now waking up (one of the reasons I finally came back to live in the USA after 12 years as an expat). I was so sick of American nationalism, jingoism, imperialism, racism, etc. I could no longer bear to be a part of it.

There's a massive revolt in the making right now. If the US government doesn't make good on its promises to the American people, there could very easily be a revolution here in the next year or two. And unlike other revolutions, the left AND the right might join forces to accomplish it (before they tear each other apart!).

Unfortunately Americans think the gov't is the problem when really it's the big corporations that are running the country, and it is they who should be the target of Americans ire. They make a such BIG SWEET targets. And it only takes a boycott to make them see sense. No need for violence. Just stop buying their products and they get the message.

Anyway, I'm way off topic here, but I think some of our lessons are valuable for the Dutch to learn.
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Active member
since the amount of prostitutes is being cut, that doesn't stand up... as i understand it a lot of the dutch don't like amsterdam, besides which I'm a football fan or "soccer" i don't go there to get drunk etc, i go for the weed (well used too), although many groups of men flock there for stag do's at weekends and are a pain.. but they choose the dam for weed they could go elsewhere for other things...
Let me clarify things so ppl don't get the wrong idea about the situation in A'dam.

Yes, they have cut back on the # of prostitutes in the RLD (Red Light District). This was due to a number of reasons, some good reasons, imo. They shutdown the more shady operators using underage kids, foreign "slaves", and those who didn't pay taxes or obey the law. That is the good part.

I can't help but think that it wasn't for the reason above that they took action, but because they want to "clean up" the image of the RLD, and allow more standard businesses to take over so they can present Amsterdam as something it really isn't - a normal city.

Once again, it comes down to PROFITS for big Dutch businesses. All the small time operators are gone. Kill the small business, reward the big businesses (even if they don't deserve it!). Sound familiar to Americans? That is going on right now in the USA too.

Meanwhile the prostitutes that used to ply their trade in the RLD, have now gone to edge of the city, where they wait in stalls for men to drive up and get serviced. They lose whatever protection they had before, have terrible working conditions, make less money, etc.

The human cost is irrelevant to the profit motive in Holland as in America.


Whats next, a raid on the cannabis cup?
extradition of foreign visitors?
I'm shocked at this behavior by the Dutch gov't, do they have a conservative gov't now?

I hope none of our dutch members got caught up in this round up.



Active member
I'm shocked at this behavior by the Dutch gov't, do they have a conservative gov't now?
They've had a conservative Bush poodle (Balkenede) in power since 2002 I think.


Need I say more?

The Dutch are too lame to depose him. He's really appointed by the queen and supposedly does her bidding, but really he's just a religious fascist imposing his morality on the whole country (he's a Lutheran minister I believe), while big biz gets a free ride, like during the Bush years.

Considering how non-religious Holland is, it's completely absurd. Sure there are still some Boers out there, but why let them rule the country? Ship 'em down to South Africa (how did they miss 'em back 100 years ago?)

Let's not forget that it was the Dutch Boers who instituted Apartheid in South Africa, one of the most heinous racist policies ever devised. Explains a lot about the root of Dutch racism.

Oh, and on that note is it ok for me to mention the Dutch Slave Trade again in this context?


The bottom line is... how much have the Dutch actually changed over the past few centuries? Not much apparently.
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Active member
Police moved in at 7.45am, placing the Kastelenbuurt neighbourhood under emergency rule and only allowing people to leave their homes if they had to go to work or take children to school.
This is the most scary part of all this.

What is this "emergency rule"?

What exactly was the "emergency"?

This is definitely not cool. Detaining people without direct evidence? Just cause they live in the neighborhood?

How often does this happen in Holland - this "emergency rule"? What have they used it for in the past?

If this is something new, then it is just a TEST of their powers. Get ready cause they're gettin' ready to do this on a regular basis, and not just for cannabis. I'm not kidding. It's a foreshadowing of some future plan.

If you Dutch don't respond to this breach of universal civil rights, you deserve what you get.

The British used emergency rule to justify the power to rule by decree, suspending elections and civil liberties in India.

Is that what lies in the future for the Dutch? If they don't wake up now and do something, soon it may be too late.

I just located a story about the Dutch imposing "emergency rule" on a Dutch bank, immediately suspending all access to accounts. This was just last week!

Is all of Holland now subject to "emergency rule". WTF is going on over there?

Is emergency rule the equivalent of martial law? Sounds like it.

Emergency rule is used when lives are in imminent danger or to prevent complete chaos, or the downfall of the government. Or it can be used on a more limited basis in times of crisis.

Something tells me the Dutch aren't ready to overthrow their gov't. And the other reasons don't seem to apply. So I guess this was just a test by the gov't to see if any cloggies are awake.

I've done a search for "emergency rule" in the netherlands and that one reference to the bank above is all I can find.
Encyclopedia Britannica said:
During times of domestic or foreign crisis, even most constitutional governments have conferred emergency powers on the chief executive, and in some notable cases this provided the opportunity for duly elected leaders to overthrow democracy and rule dictatorially thereafter. The proclamation of emergency rule, for example, was the beginning of the dictatorships of Hitler in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, Kemal Atatürk in Turkey, Józef Piłsudṣki in Poland, and António de Oliveira Salazar in Portugal.
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Coffeeshop owners, dump your Heineken!

No alcohol is being served in coffeeshops...

As for the paedophile bit, think you are mistaking the Dutch with the Walloons ;)
Hoensbroek was indeed a place where organized crime was flourishing not to mention the fact that they were using a LOT of electricity for which they did not pay.. I don't agree with the amount of force used, which is indeed disproportionate, but I also don't agree with picking up SHIT weed from the coffeeshops in Hoensbroek, Geleen and Weert.



This is definitely not cool. Detaining people without direct evidence? Just cause they live in the neighborhood?

How often does this happen in Holland - this "emergency rule"? What have they used it for in the past?.

There was enough evidence gathered from heat seeking helicopters, from their new sniffer choppers and also from the electricity company.
Same tactics were used a few years back in Maastricht when a gypsy camp which was stealing electricity was leveled..


New member
this is a good note to all those who think socialism is some kind of utopia where freedom abounds and people all live happily ever after. i lived in amsterdam for 6 months and things are only good when nobody is talking and the weather is nice (which means maybe 2 whole weeks in April).


Sounds like the Dutch cannabis industry outgrew its welcome. Food for thought for the people spending mega dollars on grows in med states here. We must work as one to legalize cannabis in the US not argue among ourselves about taxes, profits, and turf. Or the hammer will fall here and what we have now will be gone. Peace


Active member
There was enough evidence gathered from heat seeking helicopters, from their new sniffer choppers and also from the electricity company.
Same tactics were used a few years back in Maastricht when a gypsy camp which was stealing electricity was leveled..
If this were true, then they wouldn't have needed to enforce Emergency Rule, and detain innocent people. They raided 10xs as many residences as had illegal grows. That means something like 140 homes were invaded without cause or direct evidence.

I don't think this had anything to do with the sniffers cause then they would've isolated the individual residences. It was all because of excessive electric use. For THAT they impose Emergency Rule? Imagine how little pretext they need for the next Nazi action!

I think I'm going to write an indepth article on this in the near future. I'm digging up a lot of dirt in my research. Like how the Dutch public has been manipulated by OUTRIGHT LIES about marijauna. Did you know the official line in the Netherlands now states that marijuana is highly addictive???!!!

That is part of a huge, ongoing propaganda campaign against cannabis in Holland. It reeks of the same campaign that happened in the UK. This is an international conspiracy no doubt financed and managed by the DEA.

I'll uncover more of this when I get the time...


Active member
No alcohol is being served in coffeeshops...

As for the paedophile bit, think you are mistaking the Dutch with the Walloons ;)

I was waiting for someone to question that...

It ain't just the Belgians. Go research further and you'll find that a great many illegal and immoral activities go on in Dutch "clubs". The vast majority are cool, but there has always been a shady group of clubs that exist to serve the most vile of desires. The Dutch are just better at keeping it quiet.

Gotta realize that these clubs are used to compromise politicians, businessmen, anyone powerful so that they can control them.

How do you think the Belgians were able to keep their child murders quiet for so long? So many powerful people were involved. Complicity in murder is a great way to silence a whole group of people and get them to do your bidding.

I have a feeling the same thing goes on in that C Street house in Washington, not to mention the infamous Bohemian Grove (look it up!)

Sorry this got OT...

As far as the alcohol in coffeeshops, yeah forgot the NEW RESTRICTIONS the fascists have imposed. Can't even get a good brew with your smoke anymore...

But a number of coffeeshops now have bars next door (Greenhouse, Barneys) and they can dump the heineken in protest.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Insane to block off a 'hood and search all residences, that is a freedom I'm not about to give up...Fuck Holland, I can get my better herb, weather, friends and fun in Cali....

I am disgusted that a whole neighborhood was sealed off like that, are investigators too lazy to look at individual mafias and operations, definitely stinks of nazism/communism?