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Cannabis is getting taxed. Deal with it.

All of you anti taxation radicals starting threads in this forum. You are under serious illusions to think cannabis won't be taxed like alcohol or cigarettes.

Honestly, you guys are a bunch of a weirdos. You're like embarrassing (and unfortunately loud) family members that we will never be able to get rid of.

You freakos are IMO, one of the reasons why this drug is still illegal. Because when weirdos have an opinion about something, it's the natural reaction of normal people to either ignore what they are saying or to become an opponent there of.


All of you anti taxation radicals starting threads in this forum. You are under serious illusions to think cannabis won't be taxed like alcohol or cigarettes.

Honestly, you guys are a bunch of a weirdos. You're like embarrassing (and unfortunately loud) family members that we will never be able to get rid of.

You freakos are IMO, one of the reasons why this drug is still illegal. Because when weirdos have an opinion about something, it's the natural reaction of normal people to either ignore what they are saying or to become an opponent there of.

its legal as a prescription medicine in the US

as it stands now only Illinois taxes prescription meds

the point is that if it is legalized as medicine is should be taxed like it

but in the greater scheme of things what most of the pro tax people dont acknowledge

our states and the federal government are in deficit not because we dont produce enough tax revenue


and when they say hey we need sales tax to make this happen I think that should be question and qualified before its conceded

legalization is happening

many other greater rights have been gotten without tax

to me it seems irresponsible, apathetic and even a bit pathetic to give them everything cause you assert your right as an American to taxes wihtout representation


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
taxing mj is a way for the government to get control of the lucrative market and bring the profits down.. FUCK TAXING MARIJUANA YOUR THE WEIRDO BRO


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
its legal as a prescription medicine in the US

as it stands now only Illinois taxes prescription meds

the point is that if it is legalized as medicine is should be taxed like it

but in the greater scheme of things what most of the pro tax people dont acknowledge

our states and the federal government are in deficit not because we dont produce enough tax revenue


and when they say hey we need sales tax to make this happen I think that should be question and qualified before its conceded

legalization is happening

many other greater rights have been gotten without tax

to me it seems irresponsible, apathetic and even a bit pathetic to give them everything cause you assert your right as an American to taxes wihtout representation

I agree that it should be taxed like other medicines. But looking forward to legalization, it's going to be taxed and regulated like every other product in the legal market. The problem with herb is that is both useful as a medicine and as a recreational substance. There are way too many loopholes for tax problems. They are just going to tax it all. And I agree bro, about our politicians. Honestly, I think the US is going to be in default in another decade or two or three so I don't know that it really matters. But if it gets the government to stop from locking us up then I'm all for it. We can fight taxation later. The market will determine what resources they can spend to regulate us anyway no matter what the law is. How much do we hear about bootlegging anymore, even though it still does happen.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I agree that it should be taxed like other medicines. .

Thats just it.... with the exeption of Illinois, says unreap, meds dont get taxed. Start taxing medical cannabis, and they'll start taxing other meds. Which are expensive enouph as it is.


Active member
All of you anti taxation radicals starting threads in this forum. You are under serious illusions to think cannabis won't be taxed like alcohol or cigarettes.

Honestly, you guys are a bunch of a weirdos. You're like embarrassing (and unfortunately loud) family members that we will never be able to get rid of.

You freakos are IMO, one of the reasons why this drug is still illegal. Because when weirdos have an opinion about something, it's the natural reaction of normal people to either ignore what they are saying or to become an opponent there of.

really... they don't tax home brewed beer which YOU can make... i can't make moonshine, they gonna say i can only grow schwag at home? the good stuff is only for the companies to make... sorry bro but FUCK THAT... maybe if i wanted to sell my meds then sure, tax me, but i don't think one should be taxed to grow their own... they don't tax farmers at farmers markets, should they start taxing anyone who grows a plant or maybe just the larger corporations like they do now?

all them anti-taxation radicals can just sell their herbs under the table; legalization is not going to stop that


All of you anti taxation radicals starting threads in this forum. You are under serious illusions to think cannabis won't be taxed like alcohol or cigarettes.

Honestly, you guys are a bunch of a weirdos. You're like embarrassing (and unfortunately loud) family members that we will never be able to get rid of.

You freakos are IMO, one of the reasons why this drug is still illegal. Because when weirdos have an opinion about something, it's the natural reaction of normal people to either ignore what they are saying or to become an opponent there of.

Dude, if I may be so bold, Chill Out!

You're in a community here with a very large percentage of people who break the law on a regular basis.

Shouldn't be surprised if many of us are unhappy with new laws and regulations.

Shouldn't be surprised if people operating businesses outside of the law aren't happy about taking on the harsh, crushing burden of bureaucratic taxes and regulations.

Shouldn't be surprised if we advocate fewer laws, rather than more.

Opening of Civil Disobedience said:
I HEARTILY ACCEPT the motto, — "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe, — "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient.

As for me, I firmly intend to remain a 'weirdo', hopefully the weirdest one in the room.
collectives should be taxed, if nothing more than to be part of the economic community. A flat 10% sales tax included in the price of dispensed mmj. the state county would take their 8-9+% and the remainder goes for community projects, or assistance.

still when mmj is being initially dispensed at $200 (which includes tax), or less, per oz, I can't imagine any patients complaining.

and if everything is being grown on premises per agreement among collective member/operators, what's to complain about.
people that dont pay taxes arent pulling their weight in this country! think about it, all the freedoms you take advantage of arent free. give a little and you can take ALOT. why would anyone care where there money is going, you know if legalization happens the price will drop alot and you will still be paying less than you are now!
profits? theres PLENTY to be had.
farmers have grown plants for a long time and been taxed on it just like everyone else.
a world of no taxes is a fantasy world, its a ridiculous dream.

get over it, pay your taxes, and stop being greedy!
don't yet know if it is doable, but I would like to help create an indoor grow dispensary, that dispenses mmj at $100/oz which includes tax, while having member owner operators earning excellent wages, with great benefits, healthcare, 401K, etc.

of course, the $100 an oz. price would only be achieved when when the grow dispensary is operating at peak efficiency and capacity, which might take a year, even two.

sales would only be to collective members, and since the number of member slots would be very limited, initial members would likely be selected based on their need, and the type of mmj needed. thinking the grow would focus on selected varieties phased in during the expansion phases.


we might be weird your just too dumb to see what would happen if it were taxed. who ever is involved for profit would lose alot of income to tax, increased competition, and permits that they will be forced to pay for.

we need more suburban families growing pot in their homes, we need it!


the problem for the pro taxation crowd is that obviously the federal government is NOT going to allow the average grower to produce legal mj

the only people that will make it will be big pharma (for mmj users) or worse cigarette companies if it ever becomes totally legal

the first case wouldnt be as bad, since it will probably at least be a somewhat decent quality, but in the latter case it will be controlled by a monopoly of scum bag companies and will most likely be shitty mass produced garbage

not only will you be helping either of these mega monopolies instead of local farmers, BUT you will also be feeding the federal government a ton of money in taxes

add to that the fact that the market will collapse for local farmers and there goes all of the quality local homegrown and here comes 5 dollar packs of garbage joints from marlboro - yeah that sounds real good

taxation will eradicate the guys growing for a living now, busting their ass for a superior product and will make giant companies and the federal government even richer

maybe pro taxation people should rethink their stance

i repeat the federal government will NEVER allow the common grower to become a licensed legal grower - this will be reserved for the mega rich giant faceless corporations...
we might be weird your just too dumb to see what would happen if it were taxed. who ever is involved for profit would lose alot of income to tax, increased competition, and permits that they will be forced to pay for.

we need more suburban families growing pot in their homes, we need it!
yes, if it could be successfully managed, and taxed, it would likely become legal, and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?


taxing mj is a way for the government to get control of the lucrative market and bring the profits down.. FUCK TAXING MARIJUANA YOUR THE WEIRDO BRO

this is so obviously the truth
they will take away any chance for the local guy to grow profitably, but believe that there will be a ton of profits - for rjreynolds and the feds!!

all them anti-taxation radicals can just sell their herbs under the table; legalization is not going to stop that

bs - when the average guy can buy a pack of schwag at the local market, what do you think will happen to the guys supplying the market right now?

get over it, pay your taxes, and stop being greedy!

are you insane, the same people making money growing pot are still paying tons of taxes!

federal/state taxes
sales tax
land tax
school tax
and many many others on a regular basis...

holy shit are some people on this forum uninformed


its legal as a prescription medicine in the US

as it stands now only Illinois taxes prescription meds

the point is that if it is legalized as medicine is should be taxed like it

but in the greater scheme of things what most of the pro tax people dont acknowledge

our states and the federal government are in deficit not because we dont produce enough tax revenue


and when they say hey we need sales tax to make this happen I think that should be question and qualified before its conceded

legalization is happening

many other greater rights have been gotten without tax

to me it seems irresponsible, apathetic and even a bit pathetic to give them everything cause you assert your right as an American to taxes wihtout representation

annnnnnndddddddddd like i said in the other thread, medicine is still taxed in the majority of states. I don't see the issue here, OP's point still stands. The shit WILL be taxed.


yes, if it were successfully managed, and taxed, it would likely become legal, and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?

its going to be legal for big companies to grow, properly licensed and taxed companies

not legal for you to grow

plus if it were legal it will kill the market meaning local growers wont be able to afford to grow to sell - meaning big companies will control the market and their price will be whatever they want it to be

if it is legal only for mmj users, it wouldnt be as bad, in so much as the fda will probably force big pharma to make a decent product anyways (at typical insanely high prices)

my point is that if *poof* tomorrow pot is completely legal - it isnt going to help the growers here and not the recreational smokers - it may help the mmj users somewhat, except it will surely limit variety and be priced very high

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I love you all, but I agree with Silverbullet. Face it...we have taxes, marijuana is a product. There are taxes on every other medication out there...this is no exception. People just want to hold onto something that makes them money and is tax free. Yeah it's nice, but the reality of it is if you want to sell the shit, you're gonna pay taxes. If you want to buy it...you're gonna pay taxes. I don't see any other way for us to smoke it and get away with it. I wish, but yeah...that never works out well for me, haha.


New member
With the amount of money involved there is no way anyone is going to let it go untaxed. Sad but its only gonna get worse I heard that oakland charges 30,000 for license fees per year for each dispenserie.


People just want to hold onto something that makes them money and is tax free. Yeah it's nice, but the reality of it is if you want to sell the shit, you're gonna pay taxes...

but only large rich companies will be able to sell it - thats what sucks

large rich companies that will mass produce garbage and charge what they want after they get rid of all the little guys

the reason that guys that bust their ass get paid well, is well because they bust their ass

when marlboro can plant 500,000 big bud clones, i doubt people will be so happy