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i think im in love


Active member
prolly setting myself up to get my heart broken

basically sums it up.

that shit is a drug man, makes you feel good when its on the come up and during the plateau, but it never lasts.

good luck though, not knocking your life she might be the one!

h^2 O

4 real....it's a hard thing for me to say, but for the 1st time in a long time i think that i more than like someone.

prolly setting myself up to get my heart broken, but for now it feels pretty good.
i dont understand i thought u were married to that girl with the brown hair/dreads you posted in another thread...

h^2 O

oh PS i think i found better than love - a hot eastern european wife! this girl at school/work...she's like a mom to me and helps me out...i'd be on that but I'm like so flabby from not working out...i need like 2 months in the gym an hour a day including like a mile on the treadmill to feel comfortable naked again. I'm so ashamed. Just getting high all the time and gorging. Damn it man. Shit. It's all good, I started tonight - tossed the hotdogs n shit...had rice n beans for dinner. Yeah threw out all the junk, oreos you name it


Active member
the dreadie is my x gf...and still my very best friend...if that makes any sense...i dont talk alolt about that section of my life. my x i love to death...this chic tho...fuck i cant splain it.


High Grade Specialist
this thread worries me you havent even fucked her and talk about throwing everything away for being together with her.

dont do it mayne! you have to fuck her first and get to know her before you even think about committing to this chick, otherwise youre setting yourself up for a trainwreck.

if you base your happiness on a chick youre fucked!

consult some of your bros asap and let them talk some sense into you ;)

oh and btw what music video is that clip in your sig from? the one where that dude blows smoke out of his car i lmao everytime i see it :D


Active member
this thread worries me you havent even fucked her and talk about throwing everything away for being together with her.

dont do it mayne! you have to fuck her first and get to know her before you even think about committing to this chick, otherwise youre setting yourself up for a trainwreck.

if you base your happiness on a chick youre fucked!

consult some of your bros asap and let them talk some sense into you ;)

advice taken....i dont throw alot of advice out myself, im more like take the kik in the ass type...this chic tho has me gaga...no other way to say it


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
great, now that i have seen her pic i am in love with here too. nice work bro. i will arm wrestle you for her.


Active member
she doesnt have dreads and prolly cant ....straight girly hair...i dont dislike her 4 that....shes my boo.


Active member
ok she told me that she used to strip.

i told her that i grew/grow alot of weed....fuck.


Active member
this thread worries me you havent even fucked her and talk about throwing everything away for being together with her.

dont do it mayne! you have to fuck her first and get to know her before you even think about committing to this chick, otherwise youre setting yourself up for a trainwreck.

chicks can learn to fuck better if their boring in bed
and there's more then fucking to life

why'd you tell her you grow weed ? LOL... setting up yourself for a lot of pain
getting careless now are we ?


Active member
my passion is weed...and i dont have it now, ill go to the end of the earth for it,, but i havent had it for almost 2 yrs, why im here on this site is why im so passionate about it.

Owl Mirror

Active member
While LOVE is a wonderful thing, before committing yourself, make sure you take a good look at this girls mother. I've learned most girls grow up to resemble their mothers and this offers a window in to the future.

The second criteria is, you would do anything for the rest of your life to make sure this person is Happy, including wearing a pink hat ;>}


ICMag Donor
Its better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all..is that how that saying goes?? Don't let what might be's stop you from experiencing life!!