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Why will I never smoke outside my house again?

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Active member
hopefully the lobby is crowded; wait till she is on the elevator; find a friend who has a kid; preferably a young boy... have him get on the elevator with her; when they reach the lobby; hopefully it's only the two of them.. tell him to start screaming get your hands off my privates and no i don't want to go to your apartment for some candy; i'm going to tell my mommy and then run out of the building...

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Your neighbor is such a bitch!! Yea, it's small stuff like that you gotta watch out for broham. Good shit for tearing your grow down...


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
use a vaporizer and it will eliminate the odor that got you nailed in the elevator.

That's my best piece of advice as well. It's one of the main reasons I started to use a vaporizer. There is no smell from the ashes or marks on your fingers from the lighter or the bowl etc....

Especially if you're smoking in a building.

Glad to hear nothing too serious happened. Best of luck getting set up again some other day.
i would have just talked to her critically and calmly, make her seriously question her own beliefs before even giving her the chance to write you off as a chemically imbalanced drug user.
talk to people with facts and wait for them to wrap around and start spouting the same BS over and over before laughing and walking away shaking your head.

most haters are jealous types, they were never invited into the circle and because of that they hold a position of anger from being left out as a kid. ive used this point before and it insights a very interesting reaction.
Usually I am of the opinion that fuck revenge. what is the point? most people have enough problems in their lives that you shouldn't add any pain anyway.
but this one, THIS ONE deserves something evil.
I would have found that bitch alone and told her the following in a low and calm tone: You lied about me and now you are going to pay the price. if you are not moved out of this building in the next 30 days I am going to pay a gang member I know to take you out. Simple. For the price of a bag of weed you will never lie about anyone again.

The sheer fear would get her to move and if she complained simply deny it ever happened and that she is obviously mentally ill as she is focused so much on you...turn it around and mahe HER the insane woman who goes around lying about the innocent!! Just the mere threat often will get a weak bitch like her so fearful and riled up that she would insist on moving, just so she could sleep at night.

All it takes most times is just the hint of retaliation and squares will crumble. They know the cops cannot protect them and can only file a missing persons report if they disappear, and fact you might point out to her!!


Thanks for all the comments. It means a lot to have the support of like minded folks.




I'd make complaints about her making lude and suggestive comments.
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