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my roommate sells weed now


Devil's Advocate
is it just me or is it fucked to not tell your roomies before you start growing.

It's not just you.

My advice is to do what another poster said, "minimize grow to simply keep important clones alive, move out asap"
Neither of you has a right to do what you're doing.
Peace man


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

doesn't matter whether or not his name is on the lease you're definitely
entitled to your peace of mind and that includes no dealing from the crib.
And the reason he bugging you to buy some weed is because he realizes
what I've said above is true & he's trying to qualify his dealing by having
you, a roommate as a customer, after all you'd otherwise be guilty of the
old double standards if he could sell to you but not to others.......



doesn't matter whether or not his name is on the lease you're definitely
entitled to your peace of mind and that includes no dealing from the crib.
And the reason he bugging you to buy some weed is because he realizes
what I've said above is true & he's trying to qualify his dealing by having
you, a roommate as a customer, after all you'd otherwise be guilty of the
old double standards if he could sell to you but not to others.......

Well if he's not on the lease it would be an easy solution. But I agree with that too. The thing with this is you never know who he's going to have paying him a visit, and if for some reason someone comes by who feels they got ripped off for whatever reason you don't want to be the one who answers the door. Piece of mind is right you need to either fix or get out of that situation. Maybe his gf would take your spot, sublease it to her.

h^2 O

get them drunk and put some sleeping pills in his drink, then when he falls asleep do his chick. And like take pics with ur phone and share them with buddies and make the subject "Bill's girlfriend" or whatever

Owl Mirror

Active member
Ask him his opinion on this news article.

When a Kansas State University sophomore went to court in December for smoking marijuana, she was worried not only about what the judge would say but also about what the U.S. Department of Education would do.

The woman, a passenger in a car stopped by police, knew about a new law that says students convicted of a drug offense will be denied federal financial aid.

She and her friend had less than an ounce of marijuana between them, and she had never been charged with a crime before. Now she was in jeopardy of losing her tuition aid. Without it, she said, she would have been forced to drop out.

Maybe it applies, maybe it will make him think twice about his need for free weed.
Or causing his room mates to lose their educational opportunities for a little free weed.


Overkill is under-rated.
I'd stop growing and help him find better weed so you can smoke free too, then save your dollars so you can move out as soon as possible to a new spot where you can grow again.


Active member
haha he got fronted an O.

most dealers who get started off on the front game dont make it. the ones who are serious and in it for the long term always pay their people in cash. fronts may come later on after trust has been established but deals where kids are getting fronted without any established customer base rarely work.

my bet is on the fact that he will probably smoke most of the ounce and give up.

and growing with people you have no control over is a bad idea. i know it being done all over the place, just keep your crops to below 6 plants and you shouldnt have to worry.

Owl Mirror

Active member
If I might interject this...that article was dated Tue, 29 May 2001--
Kinda bogus--

I'm sorry but, I don't see the relevance in when the article was written and it's validity. I mean, is the original Marijuana Tax Act null and void because it was authored in 1937 ? Perhaps our current US law is also null and void seeing as it was authored and implemented in 1970 with the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act.

If people wish to put their entire future at risk, lose out on educational opportunities for an ounce of weed or a few plants in a dorm room, that is their prerogative. Discounting the article I provided simply because it was printed in 2001 simply is foolish.

Do as you wish and live with the consequences, just don't cry ignorance when you end up washing dishes or flipping burgers for the rest of your life.
Hey man, you guys are seriously still talking about this?

You are not comfortable with him selling out of the house? You say that and he shouldnt even try and argue with that one. End of.

If he even challenges that, he deserves a smack in the face.


Active member
ok .so what about busting into his room 1 night with a mask on & 12 gauge in hand .. screaming giv us the weed sucker (you know like mr T) this might make him think twice :abduct::crazy:... sorry bro ive been smoking bongs all night and my imagination is running wild lol (still trying to get my head around how you manage to grow without your room mates knowing lol)......

all i can say is try and sit him down and tell him all the bad shit this could bring to the door....eg Leo just up the road,,,people coming to the door at all hours (not all neighbours are not daft),,all it take is 1 person to be pissed with the deal he gets and that could bring a strom down on you ect ect ect ,,,,just tell him if shit gets heavy you aint backing him up (you dont need the hassel).....

hope it all works out for ya

keep it green

this could cause post traumatic stress disorder to some people