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If you've ever had someone leave you, bump this thread

Sorry to hear it man...it was just over a year ago now when mine left for someone else. It was by far the hardest thing I've dealt with so far, I'm young though. Like someone else said, I don't think any one else will ever get 100% of me because it was just too much to handle when all my eggs got dumped out of the only basket they were in. Best of luck man, time heals. and sticky stinky buds make it
aalllll good.

h^2 O

i actually left HER. She's like the hottest chick in Boston...looks JUST like her

I shit you not
Problem was she was immersed in the bullshit of life - texting like a 12-year old, all kinds of really stupid/juvenile stuff. And she wasn't smart - that's when I learned I could never marry a woman who's not intelligent. I really couldn't, not matter how hot.
Anyway, after about 3 years I ended up just leaving. End. Finish. All i left was a note pointing out her flaws. I never looked back. But I do miss that face and body. God damn it. Oh well. I'll find another, still have a good 80 years or so and there's like 10 billion people i've never met

Guest 18340

If she didnt leave me, (and tried to fuck me royally) I wouldve never met my wife:D


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
that's what happens when you fall asleep in prison basements

you get shanked in your sleep



I figure everyone in this thread has held similar feelings, no?
Just trying to offer an outlet for twisted revenge fantasies.


stone fool
The real shocker was when my wife told me she had thought about whacking my willie off while I was asleep on more than one occasion. I barely escaped with my willie! Poor wee willie is still scared.


The real shocker was when my wife told me she had thought about whacking my willie off while I was asleep on more than one occasion. I barely escaped with my willie! Poor wee willie is still scared.
If this lady is still your wife then ummm... :bashhead:
My ex decided the grass....like the lawn.. was greener on the other side of the fence..after 20 years. I have to tell you life really sucked for a while, especially being away from my son,dogs and everything else I worked for. I'm not afraid to say that suicide was an option for a while, but I just couldn't do that to my son. After some time I started looking around a little for someone new... and definitely better. I wound up finding a woman online that I had the biggest crush on in high school, who always wanted to go out with me.. Long story short, we're going to get hitched, and she's a hell of a lot better woman than I could have hoped for. I guess what I'm saying is move on, there are new horizons if you're ready tolook for them. Good luck.


Well, the best way to get over a girl is to get under another one. Its a crappy situation, but seriously, the best way is to get back out there and realize you can still have fun and care about someone other than them.


New member
I was alot younger then...glad she did it now..... Would not have the same life as I do now...Too many ladies in this world to let one F up your life...especially if you don't have kids with her... Man throw yourself a party at least you know what type of broad she is...
bitch left me when i was out of the country. told me she was in love with someone else, turned out to be a friend of mine. they were going to run off to idaho together, but she fell in love with another guy while waiting for him!
i fucked that slut up for life!
6 years wasted...
Time will definitely heal your wounds, and once you get it in your head that it's over it will be a lot easier. Pick up the pieces and get on with your life, there are a lot of really good women out there, and if you think about it they all seem a hell of a lot better than what you had. Get back on your horse cowboy.:joint:


High Grade Specialist
i have been dumped before but you just have to realize theres billions of chicks out there so its not really a big deal.
damn, this thread is making me feel like I got it pretty easy! Sorry to hear about the bad experiences, but thanks again for the inspiration.

Whoever told me to go to the gym... THANK YOU! It's exactly what I needed and helps me get through the day. I'll admit, mary has been a saving grace as well.

The new plan is to leave the US and drive to Panama with one of my boys (he just lost a 5 year relationship... same way i did). It should be pretty crazy, I'll try to get some pics for y'all :rasta:


actually im in a situation where i dont know whether who is going to dump who... man it is crazy!


:wave:Hurt's like hell don't it ?? This too shall pass. Everything does!
That's the good news; the bad news is it hurts right now. Hell yeah, big bump. Girlfriends, wives, hell, even had a dog run off one time. They either took it all, or I gave it to them. Theres comes and goes and up and down and good and bad. It all eventually comes to pass.
Things have a way of working out............
I really miss that dog though.

i had a bitch leave me about 4 mo ago right before christmas... we were real serious i thought she was my soulmate spend the rest of my life with her etc.. i was realll messed up over it and didnt think i was even going to..

the way i look at things when it comes to (girl)friends is: some ppl are supposed to be in ur life for ur entire life, some ppl are just supposed to make an appearance...