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What r the benefits of going organic?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i cannot get exactly the same results w my soil grown and organic nutes that i got w hydro, even w lst and more veg time, though we are still workin on it....but the taste is sooo much nicer for me.....my hydro wasnt harsh as i had gotten the flushing routine down pretty good....i have also noticed a different texture to my nugs also...sounds weird, hard to describe....also much easier for me as even in hydro i liked to hand water indivually...and if you like to do that soil is less work...


for me its

- cost efficiency
- Independence from store bought products
- ease of use
- low input, high yield
- peace of mind
- the healthy lifestyle it brings along

and im sure there is more

This is why I'm making the switch. Good points Jay!



Next Stop: Outer Space!
Despite all the wonderful advantages of it, I grow organic mostly because it works so well and is so little work. Win-win for this lazy grower!


i dont have a clue about chemical fertilizers, so i can´t tell you about them, for me the choice it´s simple. i use organics for my indoor and outdoor gardens just beacuse they´re sustainable and in the long term, the only way to grow... petrol is not going to be here forever, and most of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers come from petrol. And i dont want to smoke them/eat them if i can avoid them. ANd they´re expensive, and getting more expensive as time goes by.

that´s some of my reasons, but they´re a lot.


Also good for peeps that want to get into recycling as you can't do that when using salt based ferts. Not only does recycled soil improve over time if done properly but also cuts down on medium costs.

haze crazy

Number one reason I grow organically is taste.
It's the way nature intended.
Sustainability and ease of use.
And the big chemical companies get zero profit from it!
There's less to worry about 'failing' in a soil grow. With soil/organic growing.. I only have to worry about The light they get, the soil they're in, and how recently they've been watered.
With hydro.. I would need to constantly monitor: Water levels, nutrient levels (which need constant adjustment), Pumps to monitor (another thing to fail), and at least an extra source of power to run the pump which is nominal.. but still another cord, Nutrients which are absolutely essential, and a geeky guy to watch and monitor all this.
In soil... I can be lazy if I want. I can forget to water for a few days.. and have a full recovery...I can decide to not add nutrients.. and still pull a good crop... I have less chance of burning my plants from nute burn...
Hydro can be great tho... if working at 100% all the time.. then I'm sure its great.

I kinda like the whole growing the plant as it was meant to be grown ... naturally.. in dirt.... a little better. Karmic-ly anyways.


Active member
Organic growing is akin to a religion. Advantages? None. but it makes 'em feel good.

A plant's root cannot tell the difference between an "N" molecule that comes from cow manure or one from an inorganic source. If the molecule was different in any respect, it would never be absorbed into the root. Period. This applies to all foods and plants. anything with roots and leaves.

But, as you see above, it makes people feel better, just like a religion.

Me? I feel better not pretending to be better then others so I go non-organic


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I did it because it was the IN thing to do of course.

I always do what the cool kids are doing and if you aint organic you best be in a panik fo shizzle


i used to be truly organic
then organic ferts with promix

now i m lazy and greedy i guess
chems with a good flush and promix


Depending on the variables, some organic nutrients take months too break down, where as non-organic fertilizers are immediately available with nutrients. Also commercial non-organic fertilizers are derived from organics, or refined minerals.


Active member
i grow organic cuz i dont need ph meter and iot is soo much easier , i just add water or topdress soil and add water , i began with researching info on sites and using all kinds of nutes but the last years i just use dried shit and lime from the garden center mix it in right proportions and the rest is st on auto pilot


Active member
Organic growing is akin to a religion. Advantages? None. but it makes 'em feel good.

A plant's root cannot tell the difference between an "N" molecule that comes from cow manure or one from an inorganic source. If the molecule was different in any respect, it would never be absorbed into the root. Period. This applies to all foods and plants. anything with roots and leaves.

But, as you see above, it makes people feel better, just like a religion.

Me? I feel better not pretending to be better then others so I go non-organic

Damn straight it's my religion. I am currently partaking of the blessed sacrament of headache-free growing.

Next I will injest the blessed host that is the sprit made green flesh.