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look at my 2 wk old girls

these are my girls going into the third week of veg.
im goin on 20/4.just switched today.
im looking for some advice on whether it was a good idea to grow 3 strains in one cab like i did.

i picked a lowrider ak47 autoflower fem
this one is showing some wierd spots on the leaf that i cant identify...so i was hoping someone can help me out.
sorry about the quality of the pic i dont have a good camera

here is my white widow fem

and the runt ( the only non fem. it was a free seed) La woman.

i havent dumped my 30gal rez yet because im using the lucas formula.if i read everything right i should only dump between flower and veg.
let me know what you think and if there is any concerns.
later people


2 week from seed? they look somewhat small but that could be me


Active member
lucas dosnt'nt recomend the formula for seedlings ,what are you using for a formula 0-?-?.I persomally go 0- 5-10 on week 2 from seed,Diffrent strains in the same res can create a prob. with feeding.I have to agree with twisted though ,my girls look like that after 4 days or so


Active member
dont feel bad at least there alive .What are u using for light?also check out stiches guide to sick plant in the infimary but looks like a cal. or mag def.
well theyve gotten bigger.
they look alot better than they did when i took those pix.

im going to look those up u suggested.
cal or mag def
thanks for responding
oh for light im using four 27 watt daylight cfls they are on 20 /4 i just switched from 18/ 6 but i decided to go with 20/4 about 3 days ago


Active member
you will get slower growth with the cfl invest in a 250 hps for flower if possible,bigger if u can or a t 5 set up if cfls work for u.thats just my op.i prefer hid's to cfl's there is a few threads on cfl's .search those if thats your preference.also i think lucas recomends a 0-5 10 under cfl . i may be wrong maybe someone that grows with cfl can join in but i think at 3 weeks or so you should be at 0- 2.5-5 tds around 350 -400 ph 5.8.-63. i may be wrong anyone can join in here
well check this out i just got home today from work and saw this sickening sight

here are the 2 fem plants

i think those are doing good right?
now look at the non fem la woman....whats happening to it
here is the root for it

the la woman feels kind of dry to the touch.like i said before it looks kinda soggy and sad. as you can see the the root is in the water. i havent lowered my nute level in my rez because the root for the middle plant hasnt came out the netpot yet.

i cant measure the ppm of the plants because i only have a ph tester ( yea sorry newb to hydro) i havent changed the nutes out either because i read it is bad to constantly changing your ph. ive read that i should check at least twice a wek for my ph. it normally stays between 5.5 and 7.0 and the temps for my cab is always between 77 to 89 degrees.i dont understand why one plant would get like that without all of them doing the same thing.

what can i do to make my la woman happy without bothering the other 2 plants that are doing fine.
sorry about pic quality
you will get slower growth with the cfl invest in a 250 hps for flower if possible,bigger if u can or a t 5 set up if cfls work for u.thats just my op.i prefer hid's to cfl's there is a few threads on cfl's .search those if thats your preference.also i think lucas recomends a 0-5 10 under cfl . i may be wrong maybe someone that grows with cfl can join in but i think at 3 weeks or so you should be at 0- 2.5-5 tds around 350 -400 ph 5.8.-63. i may be wrong anyone can join in here

well i cant really get a hps light because of security reasons and i dont want to get those lights unless im growing in buckets and until i have my own room for growing.right now im just going to stick to micro.
the cab im constructing now im trying to decide on what lights to use.
the cab i have now is too obnoxious and takes alot just to check the plants.its more stealth than anything.if i didnt delete the pics i would show you my current cab so you can understand what im babbling about...sorry i babble lol


Active member
7.0 way out of control.rez change arnt a prob at all except for the grower not the growing.change your res out 0-5-10ph 5.8-6.5 tops,diffrent strains eat diffrent thats why multiple strains in 1 res. can be a bitch but 7 for ph is a definate nute lockout,,lghts . are not the prob.I'm having a simialer prob with a new strain from what i searched lucas formula should not be less than 0-5-10 or nte deficiancys can be an issue in seedlings.I would like to see hydro-soils thoughts on this
freezerboy has been helping me alot and i thank him ALOT for the help.

well i guess im going to do my res change in a sec. its just going to be a bitch cause the original rez i had popped a major leak and the faucet i made into it failed worse than the dragonball movie...(im stil pissed about it actually) so the rez im using now has no way to drain it.this is why im developing another cab that is more efficient than freakin rubbermaid containers.....you know how fustrating it is to dain a 30 gal rubermaid? lol


Active member
a submersible pump works for me ,but it is still a pain.30 gallons must be a real bitchBTW why such a large res for 3 plants?I switched to 0-5-10 last nite a few days ahead of schedule and the girls look great this morning.hope you have the same resultsI'm definately gonna say nute def.
ever had an idea you thought would be great but as time passed you realized it wasnt as great as you thought? lol thats why im using a 30 gal cause i was reading up on some other peoples stealth stuff and i found one that i liked and wanted to convert it to hydro.....hence why im working on something else cause its too much of a pain.

yea i drained it lst nite and filled it again with 0-5-10. the la woman ( the sick one ) hasnt shown any signs of getting better yet and other 2 look the same.

i didnt mention that there is some yellowing on the other plants leaves but im hoping it will change soon since i switched water.

my ph is at 5.9!!!!!! lol

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