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Mites or Whiteflies?


So I was pruning off some dead material on my plants and noticed something on the bottom of the leaves of alot of my plants.
I have a 30x USB microscope that I used to take a closer look and this is what I see.
Are these Whiteflies or Mites? What's the best way to take care of whatever they are?
This is the start of week 4 of flowering Blueberry Sweet Skunk x Island Sweet Skunk in Soil feeding Foxfarm at full strength every other feeding.
Room temperature is around 75 lights off and 85 lights on. Humidity ranges from 40%-60% depending on how recently I watered.
CO2 is added every three hours during lights on.

Questions, answers, and comments are welcome.



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Thanks Hazy, anyone else have any comments?
I don't think they're spider mites unless they JUST started to grow, there are no webs anywhere and nothing on the tops of any of the leaves. Just these guys on the underside of alot of leaves. The leaves they are on are a lighter green than the rest of the leaves. No spots developing on the leaves though, just a uniformly lighter color until they go yellow.



Sorry to tell you, but you have mites.
you just spotted them in an early stage.
go down till the mites section.

i have mites too but in late stage, i didnt spotted them until it was too late.
i have webs and all.
you dont want to be in that stage, when you see webs the colony is established and its too late!
so start to fight them!

good luck and sorry to bring this upon you


Which method have you tried? Pepper/Tobacco ? Pest Strips? Both?
I'm going to head down to the hydroponics store later and see what they've got.



Brought in the picture and a sample leaf to the local hydro store. The guy at the store at first said it wouldn't be aphids because aphids don't like weed, then I showed him the pic and he said some of them looked like aphids. When I showed him the leaf he said they were too big to be mites, and were in fact aphids.

So good news I guess, they won't eat the crop or damage it and I can get them under control with any number of methods.

Most certainly Aphids. Could be worse, you could have mites. Ladybugs love Aphids.

The worst thing about Aphids, other than crop damage, is, when you trim, the Aphids crawl all over you. Real horror show! My skin is itching just thinking about the last time I had them!


just do it
go get some azatrol, its $60 but it makes like 16 gallons, its OMRI organic, and it kills everything, spray your plants and top of the soil weekly till its under control, good luck