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Hash headaches


Active member
So I've been smokig alot of hash lately and it seems like after a long session I always seem to get a pretty bad cluster headache after...does it happen to anyone else and what is the cause...oxygen loss????

Jacky Treehorn

New member
So I've been smokig alot of hash lately and it seems like after a long session I always seem to get a pretty bad cluster headache after...does it happen to anyone else and what is the cause...oxygen loss????

It causes headaches most likely due to acute vasodilatation of the meningeal vessels.


I get those same type of headaches after smoking hash for about a week straight.... If i smoke hash everyonce in a while I have no problems....

Jackie: what does that mean? "It causes headaches most likely due to acute vasodilatation of the meningeal vessels"


New member
"Blood vessels by your scalp are widened, thus resulting in high blood flow and apparently, headaches"

Not vouching for its validity or not, just wanted to translate


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I get headaches from smoking hash too much, but I don't get any from vaporizing or eating it. Maybe you should try another dosing method?


sounds like the plants that the hash came from weren't properly flushed. the headaches your feeling could be due to excess salts left in the plant after harvest.

Jacky Treehorn

New member
I get those same type of headaches after smoking hash for about a week straight.... If i smoke hash everyonce in a while I have no problems....

Jackie: what does that mean? "It causes headaches most likely due to acute vasodilatation of the meningeal vessels"

Between your brain and your skull you have this fibrous (extremely tough) layer of membranes. It's called the meninges, and its extremely thin - but it carries with it a bunch of blood vessels. Headaches happen when these vessels get larger in diameter or dilate - when they get larger they may compress sensory nerves in that small space between the brain and skull. Pharmacology can vary between hash samples - but unfortunately hash may cause a little bit of this vasodilation, causing a headache. Substances like caffeine and ephedrine are commonly used to treat headaches because they do the opposite (vasoconstriction - narrowing of the vessels). Hope that helps!

Stay Frosty

I suffer from ClusterHeadaches. I have them so bad that I cannot go out alot because I fear I will have an attack in public. The pain and frequency worsened over the years forcing me out of work. So I have to get by by self employment. I see a neurologist for them and take a preventative med called Topamax. It really sux to take but somtimes the headaches are so overwhelming. I too only have them on one side of my head and early on just thought they were some kind of migraine. It messes with my sinuses and hurts behind my left eye and left side of head and neck. Makes my left eye droopy. Drinking caffeine at onset helps alot!! Your headaches sound alot like mine did when I first started to get them. Alcohol and smoking would trigger them for me. When I smoke hash or even cannabis it would sometimes trigger one but when the high was comming down. Definitely has to do with Vasoconstriction. I just thought Id give my 2 pennys incase you might be suffering from my same problem(god forbid). Hope the best for you.