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Chernobyl "dead zone


The Best Is Yet To Come
yeah this is some heavy shit.

i was in poland when this happen.
maybe 30 mil from the border. they never told us nothing till week after. all the kids including me had to go and take some nasty shit to keep the radiation off. whata fuck? all the food had to be imported. and they fuck my summer because all the beaches were closed .this is how it was living in the old russian rule.






This is some REAL heavy shit. That chick was cool to post all of this on the internet for us...fuck, what a bad scene...


Active member
spooky place

spooky place

Yea i gotta say that was an interesting read...
i dont think its a place i'd want to visit tho'



Glad you all liked it - and yes doesnt it deserve more than an angelfire account - what a top girl!


Thanks for the revival mate, I really enjoyed reading it. I live near Sellafield so know qall about nuclear issues, most of my friends worked there, in 1957 we had our own Nuclear fire, one of the infamous windscale piles set on fire, they just and so managed to put it out, guys were given danger money to run in with scaffolding poles and push the fuel ruds out of the horizontal graphite core so they didn;t catch fire, the filter at the top of the pile caught fire too, a load of radiation got out and they had to destroy livestock and pour all the milk down the drains for a while, but today its like nothing ever happened, we were very lucky we didn't have our own version of Chernobyl here.

The Chernobyl reactor was based on a British design we abandoned as being too dangerous, the Russians stole the plans and built loads of them, many of them are still in operation. The Chinese built reactors to the same design too.


Active member
Fucking Scary eh???
so have you had any Mutant Plants yet???? lol

yea i just remember the story, it was a good stoned read!!

niceOne Rocky, ill see if i can find it online anywhere....
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Not had any mutants, and I've grown outdoors within a few miles of the Sellafield site. I couldn't help thinking it would be cool to find a spot in the dead zone with little radiation and plant a patch, not sure if I'd want to smoke it though!


my family lived in ukraine when it happened, i was still 2 years away from being born and lived there till i was about 5. i believe i may have a "chernobyl heart" (thanks HBO for taking something so fucked and still making it sound stylish. joe camel would be proud.) i have heart palpitations and an irregular beat.. i can't ever be sure, but sometimes in the back of my head, i can't help think it may have been from chernobyl.

that place was hell on earth for a few days. the firemen who were sent to put out the fire must have been the bravest men on earth. death by radiation is horrible..

people still live there and refuse to leave. ukranian strong like bull.

thanks for the read, i remember reading this a while ago, but now im bookmarking it..
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Active member
My family and I moved out of the Ukraine in 79. I still go back there during the Summers.. (Kiev) - seems to be ok for the most part. No freaky 5 headed kids drinking vodka on the street. Just everyone else.

Guest 18340

Heavy , heavy shit. It makes you wanna stop and smell the flowers for no reason.
All the people that made it out alive from that, you got my respect :respect:


Active member
I just read through it again and watched the clips......,
a good way to waste an hour!, very interesting read...

took my mind away from the shit thats going on in my head for a bit!!