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Can you grow with cold cathode computer lighting?


Active member

Perhaps this photo will clear things up.
Sorry to derail the thread, I saw organics mentioned and it reminded me of the Codex Alimentarius (cheers for the link grow1620) which is not just some nutcase idea, it is real and happening and will have an effect on all our lives.

Nice work on the set ups ScribNinja and StealthDragon.

Although you may not end up with the densest nugs or the fastest growth this is a cheap means to test different wavelength mixes which can then be applied to LED to get the most efficiency. :abduct:


Grow like nobody is watching
Canna, you know me, I like a good discussion and I hope I don't seem rude - it all depends on what you read into things. What's actually bad on your link? I read it, and I don't see a single thing that concerns me or worries me more than anything I see daily in the general disintegration of society. I have even had experience with HACCP and while it's a ridiculous waste of time and resources, it's not a "they're all out to get us" situation. It is so you don't get a cockroach in your meat pie. All I see on your link is safety standards stuff. Who wants to drink milk with bad microbes or pesticide or whatever?

The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources.

New labels? No more arsenic in my cheap viagra pills? My liquid guano will now have directions as to how much I should use? You'll forgive me if this doesn't sound too bad? :chin:

I'll point out - I stopped watching televison, radio, newspapers, magazines, and lame people. This is just another nuclear war, war on drugs, ojay simpson, atomic bomb, GM food, ozone layer, icecap melting scam. Stress kills and I've seen users on this very site stressed to fuck about this and it's like...maaannnnn....smoke some freakin' weed, jeeze. Better things to worry about. At least in my bubble.

I know there is some other scary stuff which I may or may not argue with, but I'm just sayin'.


Active member
Hey scrub the ozone layer scare led to some improvements in how we do things. Let's hope the icecap scare does too. Or our kids will be screwed.
You know bootz that video has an interesting point of view, but let me give you guys another one. What if everything that is happening now was already preplanned and we are all pawn in the system forced to move two space in the start, one space every other turn, and can only move sideways if we take on conflict.
Another thing with the ice caps melting, and meteor crashing, we're definitely going to blow our selfs up *pow* sorry back to the point. We simply don't know about the global warming, could just be natural changes in the earth, any on top of all that good stuff that has happen because of the whole improvements there also was some undercover developments issued by US armed forces such has a high frequency sound grid placed in Alaska, the purpose - well when a person is subjected to ultra high frequencies the depending on which is chosen and effects ones personally or depending on how it's transmitted can bring on "voices in the head" - the cover up - was developed to study ozone layer

This has been released in an airforce document that was classified, i forget the situation to why it was declassified but it was done while obama was in office

Long and short of it, scrubs is right, if shit really does hit the fan, make some friends now with some firepower :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Lord doobie I may be growing under some webcam LEDs next. Will make for great timelapse footage.

"Sure there could be no problem, but there could be so you better worry"....lol. I found it interesting the way youtube guy analyses a problem. Just that there is not a problem - so he is wasting time and energy and even encouraging people to get others to waste time and energy. I am very skeptical about any climate change. Has nobody realised nature waxes and wanes? Rises and falls? Lives and dies? I think if man is meant to wipe himself out then we should just let him. I decided not to have kids a long time ago because the world is so fucked up. I would feel like shit if I brought a person into this. That hasn't changed, and just like I suspected, things haven't got any better. So all of this turmoil is quite expected for me. Maybe I am a nihilist but then again maybe I am just ahead of the game. I'm certainly not gonna waste my emotional energy worrying about that which I have no control over.

Every bit of energy that passes through you will determine who and how you are. I dedicate my energy mostly to herb and I spend most of my time "worrying" about that. It turns you into a good grower. What will devoting so much energy to worry turn you into?

But I will stock up on bitspower bulbs just in case. Here's my 12v timer:

And here's a link to cheer you guys up. It was either that or the lyrics to "Don't worry, be happy". :rasta:


Active member
if, when you die, you only leave footsteps in the sand that you have walked in, then you are free of guilt of fucking this world up, but every time you flush the toilet or turn the light on you are fucking the world up.

i realize that everyone in a modern world has no choice but to continue fucking things up but we can minimize damage caused by us by living "green" (and we all know what that means) and we can also further mitigate damage by educating others to do the same, which means you ARE making a difference even though its a small one. you still have control. people who say they have no control just haven't thought it through properly because its easier to just not give a fuck?

ok sorry to blab on there but i feel strongly about this stuff


Grow like nobody is watching
I have plenty of control bro, but only over certain things, and that's what I stick to. Life is to be lived. Ten trees died for us to type this to each other and I think it was worth it. Did a caveman minimize damage when he got by from day to day? Has anyone minimized damage during the whole of mankind's existence? Has not the world evolved to allow for our greedy ways? No matter how unatural we get, we are still the exact evolutionary product of nature.

That is how life works, we consume, we destroy. These people turning their lights off for an hour, seriously, wtf. It's typical of humans to think they have some kind of major influence on the most major of all things. How many watts are you running OB? You've mentioned you can do outdoor so why are you screwing up our planet? <-- Get my point? Where is your damage control, since you raised it, or did you turn your lights off for an hour and get a false sense that you have done something? All you've really done in regards to this problem, in this thread, is burn power typing on a computer, made me waste energy watching something I'm not that into, and didn't convince me, and then more energy typing for both of us. I didn't waste any energy on hate cos I respect your views and I hope there's none coming back.

Flip that around and you could have put that energy and time towards learning about LEDs or planning an outdoor grow, and all that energy would have put to great use, and you would be making real steps towards what you are concerned with. So I put it to you, that perhaps it's you who's wasting all the resources.


Active member
there were vastly fewer cave men than there are humans now. all throughout the history of our species we have been nearly wiped out here and there creating bottlenecks in our populations and genetic pool.

if you're interested to know more this source is a pretty good read

i believe the root of all our problems are due to the amount of humans on this earth. because there were only 1-10 million people on the earth at around 10000BC - 5000BC
and now there are 6 billion people. we have significantly less room to make a mess.
since 10000 BC we can use approximately 1200 times less resources per person that the world has to offer.


sure, technology gets us through. earlier civilizations couldnt withstand such huge populations and soon ended themselves in war and disease due to lack of basic living resources. i believe in what you say about us humans being doomed to evolve ourselves into extinction. but i see it going in a slightly different direction. if we carry on we way we are, the environment may reach tipping point and will trigger global climatic changes that from will take from 10 to 100 years to make life really tough for all humans. about 98% of us will die in various ways, mostly due to war, famine and disease. the remaining humans will be the ones who were in power and they will take with them the leading scientists and various loved ones to places where technology enables them to live. im sure there will be a mad scurry to preserve DNA of many favorites that currently exist. it will push the limits of our intelligence to be able to stay alive but i think some of use will and those will go on to become the first interstellar virus... that spreads to different planets, terraforms them and depletes them, eventually becoming an intergalactic virus if we are not wiped out by then. ok thats quite a bit out there LOL.

i live green scrub. i recycle plastic, cardboard and paper, cans and tins, and toss decomposable matter in pits in the garden. i try to choose what stuff i buy in the shops by how much the companies are fucking up the environment, i bring my own bags to the shops so i dont use their plastic packets etc. the list goes on. being environmentally conscious is an everyday thing. i cant do a large outdoor because of the legal problems that would ensue, just like most other people on this site. my weather here is AMAZING for pot growing and im REALLY mad that i cant just make my own field. im surprised that you wouldn't think this of me, anyway. i really respect you as a person and dont judge your views (too much at least hehe). keep on truckin brother.

the trees fuel that i used to try and get people to think differently hopefully will be not in vain. if one person changes the way they do things from reading this (complete bullcrap im monologuing about) then its probably worth the couple of trees in the end. one step back and two steps forward?


Grow like nobody is watching
No worries bro, it's great the twists this thread takes, lol! I wish we had a micro tokers den sub forum where we could talk about this stuff more. I tend to do most of my reading here and you get used to the personalities. Those full size guys, man, there are some whackos out there!


Grow like nobody is watching
How does it look?

It's had a really tough life :/ The thermometer fell on the stem today and bent it over. Through my own slackness I've given it almost the exact opposite of LadyL's female-influencing tricks. Gonna try and get the wiring and timer done tomorrow but I scored some weedz today so no guarantees :rasta: I got a new water pump to replace the one I lost (!) and some nifty irrigation things so I can grow as many plants in there as I want. I'm kind of thinking sog from seed (same Leda Uno indicas) in 500ml beer cups. Not sure how many it fits but it would be a few.


Active member

We're a fucking virus.
Living green is great but really in the end, there are still way too many people and its only growing exponentially. Fuck humans.

Anyway, back on track here. All my plants look pretty fucked up and it could be a million things but I'll just blame myself for being a lazy newb. I got the claw! I got yellow leaves. I got brown spots. I got a black thumb. Watered with plain water hope a flush with help.

I had fungus gnats, over watered was root bound, also under watered and shitty ferts.

Still they are producing some nice buds and hope they can get finish up and be reveged so I can finally start a nice organic grow with no bullshit.


Grow like nobody is watching
Damn that's too bad dude. Watch out with the revegging because it's not guaranteed to work. I've only tried it once that I remember but it didn't work.

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