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Help slight yellowing


New member
Growing in coco and am 2weeks in to veg my fan leavs have a yellow bloches on then im using H&G coco nutes is this over or under fert or sothing else i thought it may be a lack of N but am not 100%


Is this on new growth? Old growth?
Over ferting usually burns the very tips of the leaves first and works it's way in.
Can you post a pic?
are you using the same feeding schedule every watering?

Guest 18340

Lack of N would cause the lower fan leaves (first) to start yellowing and works its way up.
Yellow spots is a Calcium def or burns from spraying them (if you're folier feeding)
Of coarse this is pure speculation without seeing a pic...


New member
Yes i am folier feeding but only twice a week there is no sighn of nute burn on the tips at all and dosent to be anything else rong with them either . I started my feed at an EC of 1.2 for first week and uped it to 1.4 for second plants seem to be growing well abot a foot tall thick stem and big leavs and look real healthy apart from the yellowing . Must state its only on the W Widow and not on any of the other four strains

Guest 18340

Look in the infirmary under the guide to sick plants, check out the pic of the Cal def. Your's looking like that?