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Now is the Time to Collect Praying Mantis Egg Cases Outdoors & Save $$$$



This is the right time to go outdoors and collect Praying Mantis Egg Cases.

These sell for about $4 average price each online. Go outside now, get some for free!

They will love keeping your garden indoors free of pests. They eat anything smaller than they are. Fave snacks include Fungus Gnats, Fruit Flies and Spider Mites...(baby mantids)

I went outside yesterday to a bush hogged piece of field and found one in only 5 minutes!

Look 2-3 feet off the ground. Mantids like to use wire or a stout woody weed stem. CUT the stem and take the stem and egg case.

Where you find one, look closely. Females may lay 3-4 egg cases. They don't travel far if there are lots of bugs to eat.

Each egg case can hatch around 100 or more babies!

The egg case looks like a little wad of styrofoam material, grayish brown in color. Will upload a pic later. Mine is chopped in half by bush hog, so can't show that one.


I have tried to upload some pics, but the (*&(^%^&$%$#$&)*U(*)( ing server is timing out on me again. Can't upload pics this morning. .

BAD server... bad server.


Heya Lolagal.
Down here you don't have to go far to find Mantis eggs. This one is in the passage between my garage and the attached shed slash growroom.


Active member
I am not sure I have ever seen a praying mantis egg casing and I spend quite a bit of time out in the woods. But then again, i have only ever seen 10-20 mantises in the wild so maybe I am just not looking in the right places.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Thanks Lola, very interesting, I had spotted them about and wondered what they were, never thought it was a Praying Mantis.

Anything you ever want to see a pic of, is findable on Google images


I had a pet one this summer, living in my car for weeks, till my psychobastardkiller dog ate it.... Like Geckos they can change their colour, they go brown when waiting on dog poo for flies....


in the thick of it
I have never seen that before. Awesome. I'm going to go looking tomorrow. Thanks.


cool. I got some little kids looking for me. I have found 2 so far. That should be plenty! I hear they will eat each other if there is no food.
Mantis' have got to be the coolest fucking insects ever! Ive heard of predatory insects for the garden like lady bugs, but do mantis' have the same problem of being burnt alive by the lighting?

lost in a sea

i use carnivorous plants like butterworts, drosera and pitcher plants to keep anything at a minimum.

but i wish we had mantids in the uk, such a cool alternative pest control.


Active member
I saw one the other day at a pond that I tend to frequent for fishing and leisure hiking but it had already been chewed on by something else. I will wait a while for the leaves to fall off of the trees and shrubbery and go look through the fields around the pond.


I see someone else has been looking @ beneficial Crawlies and Critters! hehehe

Gotta keep a look out for those mantis eggs!


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