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DWC Ph rises to 6.5 after only 24 hours


Why does my Ph keep rising like this? I set it to 5.5 then leave it for a day, and when I come back it will have risen to 6.5. TDS/EC stays the same.
I'm using RO water, Phostrogen nutes and phosphoric acid for ph down (I'm not ussing a commercial Ph down solution with a buffer. They dont sell any where I'm at).
The plant in the bucket has been transplanted from soil so I don't even think it's feeding yet. Is it normal to have a 6.5 ph after only 24 hours? If I let it keep going it will rise into the mid-high 7's.
I'm about to build a 12 bucket RDWC and I don't wanna have to adjust the Ph every day.
How can I keep the ph to stay down? Should I lower the ph of the water before adding the nutes? Is it a buffering effect from the nutes?


What kind of nutrients are you using? I'm using PBP and have the same problem. What i do is adjust the pH level after i add the nutirents and then I'll wait a few hours and readjust the pH again. Seems to stay where i want it after the second pH adjustment.


keep the temperature of the solution at 70 degrees. temperature flux = pH flux, the higher the temps, the higher the pH, at least thats with general hydroponics nutes. if I were you, I'd be trying to get my hands on some general hydroponics maxi series of ferts, they stabilize the pH of the water to the perfect level for the plants, so all you gotta do is add the fert at its proper dose and your good to go.. maxibloom and maxigrow


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
First thing I'd try is tap water in place of RO. If you can't use tap, maybe some Doc's fts EvenKeel


I had nothing but trouble with RO water in my DWC. I don't know why but when I went back to the tap everything was fine.


Out of the slime, finally.
Do your roots have any slime? Brown algae infections are one thing that can make the ph go up crazy fast like that. The opposite, ph going down, is usually indicative of root rot. If slime, look at my signature.


DWC is notorious for making people crazy with ph fluxuations. You can set it at a normal range of 5.8 to 6.2 and it will raise and drop around the clock. This is caused by the plants uptaking nutrients and water at different rates and also from the transpiring waste in the root zone.
Get it set to the correct ph, lets say 6.0, and then check it every 4 hours over a 24 hour period and you will see what I mean. It is most noticable a few hours into the dark cycle from my experience.
Nothing to freak out about.

Happy Growing.


My ph never goes down. It keeps rising up to about 8.0 or mroe if i let it. Plant is dying because of it now. Either that or it hasn't adapted after trasnplant from soil. The roots are brown but not slimy.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
DWC is notorious for making people crazy with ph fluxuations.

Getting pH to flat line in a DWC is easy. The only reason my pH moves is because I force it to.

He's putting the fluctuations in himself. I vote RO, improper nutes, and whatever he imported from his soil grow.

Anyone know what to use for ph stabilization? Tap water is not an option here.

Doc's fts EvenKeel


I am sorry, I somehow missed the part about it rising into the mid 7's and up. Need to use my reading glasses all the time now I guess.
I will have to agree with what Freezerboy has said about this>

"He's putting the fluctuations in himself. I vote RO, improper nutes, and whatever he imported from his soil grow."

Happy Growing.


Active member
Your nutrients should be pH stabilized. If the pH goes up quickly, the ladies are hungry. Up your ppm's and the pH should stay the same.

mister c

Its normal for it to rise over night. Pumping air through the airstones...through the water raises it naturally.

Just read your girls best you can, and adjust accordingly. But it isnt good to be tossing in ph up/down in every other day!!! Asking for a lockout.


I think i've effectively caused a lockout by changing the ph all the time.

About the airstones raising the ph, should I just leave as is? Or do I need to readjust?


This Is From HAPS
Thank You HAPS!

I have been doing a simple root rinse at each transplant for three years, and it has eliminated most of my rrot issues. The secret? Tap water, with the chlorine still in it. I take the plant, and a bucket of water, dip the root up to the net pot three times, then I gently massage the root under water with my clean hands, till any brown is gone, and to remove any piecs of root or leaf. That is it, simple, cheap and tested effective.

This Has Worked For Me Twice. Remember Be Gentle Handling The Roots!

Thank You

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