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Marijuana Friendly Airports!


Active member
This is good for CA MMJ patients flying in CA, but what does that mean for patients flying outside of CA?

You guys are not reading the story!

It all depends upon which state & airport you are flying from and to. The states involved must have medical mj on the books.

Not sure? Call them! Some of these rules are now on the books, so they can just look it up for you.

Make them look it up, rather than just give you an off-the-cuff answer. They might not be aware of any new rules.

I'm sure a flood of such calls will make them all more aware that times are changing.

Perhaps the airlines themselves will have to add these to your baggage allowance. You know, one check-in bag up to 50 pounds, a carry-on, a laptop and don't forget that bag with your medicine too! ;)


If you read the article (and my comment) they say that San Diego airport is NOT marijuana friendly, just like it's not dispensary friendly. I'd hesitate to bring anything thru that airport.

I read both, thanks. I have plenty of personal experience with the SD airports...fly all the time. They are too busy and lazy to actually check people and I have been filed through 100% of the time my whole life. I have seen multiple people get caught with personal amounts and have nothing happen to them. The city might not agree but that doesn't always equate to reality.


Active member
I read the article, I was asking you to clarify something, here's an example:

I'm a ca MMJ patient if I fly to new jersey for the week with my meds that would not be legal, right?

What you're talking about is flying meds around inside the state your rec. is in.



Active member
SFO has been mentioned a couple times. Just to be clear, this story is about the airport in Oakland. SFO is in South San Francisco and is the main international airport serving the Bay Area. Oakland airport is a smaller airport in the city of Oakland.



Registered Non-Conformist
So, you'd be safe flying from Oakland to San Francisco..... Cool...!!!! Orbitz.com, here I come....lol....


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
better be sealed up nice... you fly into nh with that an get caught your going to jail fucked up shiiit


Active member
So, you'd be safe flying from Oakland to San Francisco..... Cool...!!!! Orbitz.com, here I come....lol....
Sometimes that might be the quickest way over the bay! :yoinks:

I see no reason why ppl shouldn't be allowed to carry their medicine with them to whatever destination they're going to.

After all their medication may be unavailable where they're going. Why should they have to suffer due draconian Federal and State laws?

Don't want to go without your medicine? Then LEGALIZE IT!
quick question: do they scan your luggage again before you pick it up at your destination?? or do they just scan it before you leave, because i would assume if they dont scan it AFTER its already on the plane then you could bring meds anywhere so long as ur leaving from cali....


Oakland airport allows patients to fly with 8 ounces

Oakland airport allows patients to fly with 8 ounces


Oakland Airport's Awesome Marijuana Policy
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Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 8:59pm

Medical marijuana patients know all too well the anxiety of deciding whether/how to travel with their medicine. More than a decade after medical marijuana became legal in California, airports remain hostile territory for patients, who find themselves surrounded by drug sniffing dogs and unfriendly security personnel. Fortunately, there's one airport where patients are welcome:

Oakland International Airport may be the nation's only airport with a specific policy letting users of medical marijuana travel with the drug.

It states that if deputies determine someone is a qualified patient or primary caregiver as defined by California law and has eight ounces or less of the drug, he or she can keep it and board the plane.

Deputies warn the pot-carrying passengers that they may be committing a felony upon arrival when they set foot in a jurisdiction where medical marijuana is not recognized. But they say they don't call ahead to alert authorities on the other end.

"We never have. We're certainly within our right to, but we never have," said Sgt. J.D. Nelson, a spokesman for the sheriff's office. "Our notification of the passengers is for their own safety and well-being." [Oakland Tribune]

How cool is that? These guys are genuinely looking out for the best interests of the patients and it’s a wonderful thing to see. As you might guess, it wasn't always like this and a little agitating was necessary to bring this policy about. Still, the fact that patients can now feel safe at the airport is an achievement worth noting.

The hard truth behind medical marijuana advocacy is that legalization is just the first step in the process. You have to continue the fight in hundreds of other venues just to ensure that the law is upheld. Everywhere you go, you'll find people who've been trained to regard marijuana users as criminals and that mentality doesn’t just disappear with the flip of a switch. Nevertheless, as time passes, we're able to carve out safe terrain for patients in places that once seemed impossible.


Pretty fucking crazy if you ask me. Hope this isn't a double post. If so feel free to delete it or move it. But this is vital info for patients that need to travel with meds.


Active member
ya its a repost. but still pretty wild none the less..
i have a hard time beliving the cops wont call ahead and rat you out if ur going somewhere its not allowed. but i guess thats just me assuming the worstt..
i hope someone does this and makes a post with details..


Green is Gold
WTF is wrong with San Diego? Why do they have their heads so far up their asses down there?


Active member
I cant imagine bringing a Half peezie on a plane like it was a piece of extra luggage. I just cant.

Good times ahead my friends...



Registered Non-Conformist
I suppose the hardest time would be the first time... If that went OK, it would be easier.. Well, maybe the third time.. lol.....

In answer to one of the posts: I do not think anything would get scanned upon arrival. Just on outbound...

Hawaii has agricultural scanning, though.. Not sure about that though. I haven't been there in a while.

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