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Coconot: Anyone tried this yet?

I was given a couple bags of Coconot, a redwood medium similar to Coco. Looks like Coco, looks like it should dry in a similar way to coco, I was told it was PH stable and usable right out of the bag.

I'm debating whether to try it or not, and thought I'd see if anyone else has tried this stuff yet, and what their experiences were?
Umm please give it a try and post. I have been wondering about it since the sunlight supply dude told me all about it.

i did ask him about how it uptake nutrients like, did it hold onto salt like coco? and he said he didn't know so i am not sure whether you should use a coco nutrient or a regular one
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OK, I had some extra babies, and I potted them up in the Coconot.

It is more fibrous than coir. It seems like more oxygen would be available, it is very "airy".

It holds about 1/2 as much water as coir. I got runoff very quickly. Runoff was dark in color, and PPM's were about 200-250 more than what went in, PH remained the same.

I suspect when the plants start really drinking that watering/feeding more often will be necessary.

I treated it the same as the Canna Coco, right out of the bag with no special treatments. Same feeding schedule.

So far, the plants in the Coconot are growing more explosively. They are outgrowing their counterparts in the Coco. I plan to stick a few more in the Coconot to fill out the rest of the room.

I'll post pics later.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i am currently doing a side by side with coconot and coco, 2 strains in my veg room. all i can say is they are about half the size as the ones in coco with croutons. it dries out fast, have to water them every day instead of every other day with coco with croutons. i say bunk, no good.....
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I was able to run my fingers through some in the store and it looks and feels like an ideal medium.
Krunchbubble and puff adder, do you have any updates or new insights on this stuff?
I was going to try it in ebb and flow...
Vermicrop says it is redwood bark and kapok fruit shells all crushed up.
Supposed to have a better (less) cation than with coco and no special nutrients are required.
No inherent salt and they do charge it with nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium.
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i am currently doing a side by side with coconot and coco, 2 strains in my veg room. all i can say is they are about half the size as the ones in coco with croutons. it dries out fast, have to water them every day instead of every other day with coco with croutons. i say bunk, no good.....

interesting.. not questioning your growing ability but maybe they were smaller then the coco ones because they weren't getting enough water? do you think it would be good for ebb/flow or drip 5-10x a day? sounds like a cool medium would be a bummer if it was bunk


Anyone have any pictures of this stuff?

And for anyone who recycles their coco, I don't think this stuff would last as long as coco, bark breaks down pretty quick. Maybe 1 year of use with the bark, while 2 - 3 years with coco.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
this is the last pic that i took of side by side canna coco and coconot. both are alien formaggio's, grown right next to each other, about 3 feet from a brand new bulb, pretty big difference!

Rolando Mota

Active member
cheapo orchid bark/bark mulch/bark nuggets works very well.

roots grow very thick, as there is no dense media to push thru.
air roots grow huge @ top.

start in small size (bark pieces) & transplant to medium/large size, in 5-10 gal containers.
can use 100%, or mix w/ perlite, pumice, hydroton, etc @ 30-50%...

even if prefer coco as base medium, excellent as top-dressing. top 2-4". leave moderately dry. can visually see the thick ar roots form just beneath surface... if bottom-feed, they get even more rigid; taking on form of stem-roots.

can be used @ transplant to surround root-mass. water held in coco-ball, root tips free to assimilate oxygen & water in big air gaps of bark media.

excellent drainage & holds just enough water...
no expansion, soild, re-usable media that stays moist & permits lots of oxygen...

coco can hold too much water if not aerated, @ least for this lady... or, water every 5-7 days, if straight coco...

enjoy your garden!

Orchid bark makes a good medium, water coco every 5-7 days!!??



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Orchid bark makes a good medium, water coco every 5-7 days!!??


im glad im not the only person who notices the Mistress has no fucking clue what she is talking about! the amount of misinformation she gives, im convinced she intentionally does it! if i waited even 2 days to water my coco, i would lose my whole crop......


mistress, why don't you just use soil? It holds even more water and you could probably water even less than you do now.
And could you please share what brand coir you use, I would most certainly like to stay away from any 'coir' that can be overwatered.
mistress i humbly disagree, another huge factor that you seem to leave out is plant size to container size. every setup is different as far as plant size to media amount.
well see how many times a day my shot glass plant needs once it starts blooming! ;)

on topic, coconot looks like it has no advantages other than being different..


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
*mistress* said:
1k's only...

You missed the point.

*mistress* said:
never stated they were not watered. have posted about nothing but wicks since been on icmag. so, watering application will be different than non-wicked gardens.

or, water every 5-7 days, if straight coco...

You didn't say, 'don't water", you just gave a bullshit watering schedule that leaves them unwatered for 5-7 days. *gasp* You sure as hell did say it! Intentional obfuscation, as I said.

never changed anything.

water every 5-7 days

yes, they only get water twice (2 times) per week. they get over-watered otherwise.

they are bascially fed 1 gallon of water per week. during mid-flowering, they can drink 1/2-1 gallon per day, so may feed 3 times per week in flower.

since there is a basin beneath & wicks, the ~1-3 liters that gets poured 2-3 times per week is being used by the plant.

a plant in a 2 gal container is not drinking 1 gal of water a day... maybe a big bush (3x3x3)-a tree (4x4x4+)


well, yes... big difference...

One you didn't mention until after you spouted your crap and were called on it.

read the thread first.

That's how I knew you were full of shit.

read all of *mistress*'s posts... have only posted about >watering using wicks.

Yeah, someone should read all of your bullshit before deciding you're leaving shit out at the expense of someone else's garden. You should probably put a disclaimer on your posts saying 'I give random advice with incomplete information'

yes, when ran dwc last decade, never dumped that either. just added-back @ 100%, after alternating water-only... all in old lucas/bubbler threads, about never having to dump buckets. some added back @ 33%, some @ 50%, some just added back 100% after had already added-back amount of water that had depleted... just took that principle to wicks...

Intentionally missing the point again? This wasn't a discussion about DWC, it's about how you spout crap. The comparison was: Saying you only have to water once a week because you're using a res system (once again, not mentioned anywhere in the post) is disingenuous.

well, yes...
the growth rates of plants is not very constant. dont have central res. individualy hand-watered. so, depending on cultivar, or stage of flowering, the tray may dry up in 1-5 days.

Oh looky, it changed again from what you originally said! Can need water in one day, eh? Imagine that, because I read they'd only need water every 5 - 7 days somewhere...

so what the coco is amended?

Because it totally changes water uptake needs and frequency? Rather crucial information to be omitted.

humans would have never reached moon or mars if agreed w/ stagnant, single-patterned, incapable of independent action humans.

True, but if it was your style advice they were listening to, Wilbur and Orville would have died trying to fix bikes.

I'd love to see the pics of the Mars landing, by the way.

they dont need to be watered daily. no.
that is because preference of gardener has for drying process, that increases oxygen of media. also, there is 2" reserves inbucket, & 2" reserves outside of bucket.

If you're doing it right, they certainly do. And where are these reserves coming from? Some other thing you 'forgot' to mention when sharing your sage wisdom? My trees had no reserve anywhere, because they drank over a gallon per day!

*mistress* know... the guys just dont get it... dont fret, most guys dont get it, so let the girl gardeners innovate

I thought you were talking out your ass, but I guess that hole works too. Of course, this is the interwebz, so GIRL = Guy In Real Life. But hey, fits into your 'baffle with bullshit' pattern, throwing completely random, pointless shit in to divert from the fact that you give shit info.

not here for 'rep'... what is that? wanna see *mistress* little green dots???

on a computer screen? wow... soooo impressive!

Actually, I'd rather see the red dots, tbqfh. Preferably with 'Banned' above the avatar.

your yield #'s are meaningless to *mistress*...

Yeah, the only standard for comparing performance is meaningless. Explains soooo fucking much.

Go back to imaginary land with your imaginary garden, and leave giving advice on real gardens to real gardeners.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
you have weak genetics :no:... if they drop dead if not watered daily...:noway: no bueno...
coco is water-retentive. ieg, it holds lots of water. similar characteristics to peat...

yes, they only get water twice (2 times) per week. they get over-watered otherwise.

can water every 2 days w/ hydroton, perlite, bark, etc... coco holds more water than all of these.
these boards are filled w/ symptons that can be traced directly back to over-watering.

also, these plants have 2" of water in the bucket & an external wick sitting in a shallw (2") basin of water.

they are bascially fed 1 gallon of water per week. during mid-flowering, they can drink 1/2-1 gallon per day, so may feed 3 times per week in flower.

they are fed based on the weight of the container, not some arbitrary scehdule that forces saturation of the media multiple times per day. they are only fed when the container is very light, holds no water in the 2 2" basins, & the top of the coco+perlite is dry to the touch & sight.

the plant needs oxygen as well, which water molecules displace is too many present.

coco has ~80% container capacity. container capacity is the water held in the container after drainage.

coco also has ~20% air filled pores, or air-filled porosity. most container plants perform w/ high % of air pores in the substrate.

yes, you can water daily, but since coco retains so much water, is pointless. the water is already present in the medium.

the whole point of coco is watering less than other media. otherwise, may as well use hydroton, gravels, etc.

dont even have to water 100% perlite daily, watering coco daily is a choice/prefernce, not a demand of the media/plant.

have 4' trees that only get fed 2 times per week & are very healthy.
they are far lusher & have have greater turgor pressure when watered less too.

not misinformation, just recognized that coco-based mixes dont require daily watering. if works for you, :yes:

enjoy your garden!

oh, i love this! i now have weak genetics? because i have to water every day? you have no clue what i have. this reply clearly shows my theory about you. you dont have the slightest clue, you just think you do. your spreding to much misinformation on here, the newbs might think you know what your actually talking about!

my plants need to be watered every day because they grow like mofo's. my 8 *16 garden sucks close to 400 gallons a week, and mind you, i dont runoff.

my last harvest i averaged 320 grams per plant in 2 gallon pots and averaged 340 grams per plant in 5 gallon smart pots. you think these beasts could go more then one day without watering?

you can spit out all the mumbo jumbo you want in your posts, still dosent mean you have even the slightest clue what your talking about and im going to call it as i see it.........bullshit..........:pointlaug