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New member
Okay i came into contact of some pretty nice quality blue but it happened to be hermed because there was a seed every good now and then and im not to sure which seed bank it came from so ... im at a loss to look for how to go about growing these fellers bush sog scrog any sugestions i would prefer to use 7.5 gal pots


dont waste time on hermies........

the beans are giong have the hermi trait aswell but you may find a keeper that is not .....


New member
hrmm really? what if when im flowering to check for males and kept the females and grew them out to see how it would react in the long run?


New member
maybe the hermi was to due mishandling not genetics you know ppl around her arent really.. well no green thumbs def


New member
Well, yah thats true i think ima take the chance and it wasnt a seed per grow it was more like a seed every half o or so im guesssing it wasnt hermed now that i think about it what prolly happened is the dude had trouble determining his sexes and let a male in my accident


Some Blueberry (DP) is known to carry the hermie trait.
Grow them, nicest smoke!
but if you pass them on or make seeds, let your friends know it might throw nannas.
some strains, as a means of procreation will create a male flower or two and pollinate itself when the plant goes past a certain point in the flower cycle and has not been pollinated. In this case the seeds will be feminized. Also another theory the grower did a controlled pollination and a few spores of pollen got away from the target. Id check it out before i threw it out if it was worth the time...


New member
yah ima grow out the beans take a couple clips off the best lookers and throw em under a 250 and see what happens


New member
Blueberry is nice smoke. But not the biggest yielder/grower. I wouldn't use such large pots for them unless you are planning to veg longer than usual.


New member
well i plan to veg for 2-4 weeks under 400w mh's as many as i need space / money isnt a issue so i figured the 7.5's were just right and the checkers are just gonna be in 1 galls under a 250 so i can see how the genes are if i dont like what i see ima just goto dr chron


if u are going to go with blueberry why not go with DJ Short...his blueberry is infamous worldwide and is used by many renowned breeders in there crosses

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