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Halloween is almost here!

Halloween is almost here!

  • Open the door, hand out candy and compliment them on how 'cute' their costumes are!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Put a bowl of candy out with a sign reading 'Please only take 2' and hope for the best.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turn off the porch light and pretend your not home and carry on with your business.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Same as above, get really stoned and eat all the candy you didn't pass out but were meaning to.... r

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Other, explain in thread.

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters


We all know Halloween is this Sunday. Looks like it won't be rained out here this year [at least here], which means there's going to be plenty of kids running around with nothing to do but ring doorbells and throw eggs.

If you like to smoke constantly like me ;) , especially on Halloween with friends, roomates, etc... you don't want to be answering the door to a bunch of kids with parents who happen to be your neighbors.

I never open my door, for anybody. It pretty much always reeks like weed, and if I'm in veg it reeks like smoke.

You can always lock your door, turn off the lights and ignore the doorbells, but is this really the best way to prevent a drive by egging?

Let's here your halloween ideas...



aka Buzz'dBob
Heh! Cute poll!!

Heh! Cute poll!!

Okay, well, I opt'd for lights out, carry-on...

For years I bought candy, turned on the lights, and greeted the kiddies... But on average, I would have to say that I would only get about 3-5 groups per year! {I am on the end of a dead-end street at the top of a hill! Kids are too lazy to walk up here!!}

So now, with kids gone, being an "empty nester" type, I just do not participate...

Fortunately, in my area, the worst we see on Halloween are many houses/trees being TP'd... Even when my kids were here, I was only TP'd once. I think one of my own did it, since I made them clean it up, and there's not been a reoccurance... ;)


Anita Bonghitt
oh, I like Holloweeen, being stoned and having kids in costumes come to my house. (I smoke in a back room). Unfortunatly , I only get one or two. Sometimes I put on a costume and go to a few houses and get the candy to hand out to the kids just so I dont have to buy any.:D :D :D


Well I would have to say turn out the lights and get your paint ball gun charged up and waiting at the door. If any lil punks toss anything but salad they get some paint work done to them. Even if they don't do anything shoot em anyways. We can have too can't we?



turn off all lights

light a candle or two

a few scary movies, bong, buds, and candy...repeat as needed, until I pass out


I'm handing out candy.

Halloween is me and the wife's favorite holiday. We have a large box of decorations that we add to each year, we dress up, and try to make a party out of it. Metal or goth music, spooky lights, horror flicks, and a constant fog provided by some weed smokin fools.

I do what I can to keep the tradition alive so it doesn't get lost like so many things do. Around here when Halloween falls on a Sunday, the community decides to hold trick or treating on Saturday which I find extremely offensive because of their reason behind it. I will either greet some people or put out a sign Saturday telling them to come back on the real Halloween. Aside from that, we go all out.


thats nothing

my lame ass town has trick or treat this thursday

they never let the kids have it on a weekend night in fear of to much fun/vandles


How About A Halloween Contest For Some Fun?

How About A Halloween Contest For Some Fun?

Sounds like we are in need of a Halloween contest hey? This should be entertaining.....watch for it being posted tomorrow ;)

Thanks, dg


Hey DG, do the Dutch have a holiday that is similar to Halloween?

I guess like "Dia de Muerte" in Mexico or Spain

Just wondering about the different holidays and customs in other countries.



I don't know about all over Europe's different countries but in Holland Halloween seems to have taken a much more commerical turn over the years, with more and more party stores displaying black cats, jack-o-lanters, and all the usual black and orange decorations. But instead of going door to door, the children gather in larger organized places (parties) hosted by neighborhood families, etc.

Whats funnier in Holland is all the adults that dress up and trick-or-treat in the coffeeshops....some find it most amusing. Usually your treat winds up being a pack of rolling papers, joint tips and the like. At the Gypsy Nirvana shop we always give a treat...a free package of seeds:D



Well-known member


this little kid was dressed as a pirate so i says oh what a cool
looking pirate you are where are your buccaneers he says they're
under my bucking hat where do think they are :rolleyes:
peace chucky:D
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Oh Boy this is gonna get ugly !

I'll have to figure out some clever idea....


I'm not going to be hiding but I ain't answering the door either. I'm gonna be sitting on my couch watching TV with the lights on and my 12guage on my lap and if any of those little bastards fuck with my house I'm gonna chase them down and beat the piss out of them. If their parents are with them too I'm gonna beat the piss outta them too.

Then I'm gonna take their candy and eat it on the way back to my house, I'm sure I'll have the munchies.


Active member
in the past i have given out candy treats and condoms (mom gave me a lifetime supply for whatever reason)..... this year matchbooks.... nothing starts off the holiday season like a nice lil pack of fire :D

i did hear of this old lady in a town called hempstead that gave cigarettes for halloween when i was sprout... back then cigarettes made you cool... now your liable to lose a lung or two if you keep toking them.... OY VAY
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When we where kids growing up, our parents used to go around and take us to all their friends houses and of course, we would get candy.

The parents got a "shot" from each house, man where they toasted by the end of the night.

At least they walked and not drove us around.

oh yeah....old thread bump in case some other info in the thread..

Peace... Canna

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I enjoy getting high, and handing out candy. We get a lot of trick or treaters too. The misses is out with the kid, so I stay home. Hell, I also dress in a costume just to hand out the candy. Not a big fan of other holidays, but for me, halloween is fun.