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Greetings from down under.


New member
Just want to say hello to everyone here, im absolutely amazed at the size of this amazing forum, My gf hasn't been able to pull me away from the comp for days and my eyes are square from staring at my monitor and lack of sleep, It could be the most interesting site ive ever found, Im so impressed.
Keep up the great work guys take care


New member
I fortunately/unfortunately gave up smoking nugs about a year ago after smoking for the best part of 25 years, its the best move i ever made. It took me about 10 weeks to be able to get a good night sleep after. My 400 watter got shelved for months and i concentrated on helping my wife with her veggie garden. After looking at it sitting there doing nothing every day i decided to try and grow a few killer Tomatoes in a contest with my wife to see who could grow the best ones. As you can imagine her garden variety tomatoes were eaten by bugs and generally in poor shape, However my 2 Hydro Tomatoes plants grown under a 400W HPS were the biggest healthiest specimens Ive ever seen. So now i get just as much enjoyment growing a legal grow of tomatoes as i ever did growing nugs. Now i only wish the man would come and harass me for power usage or whatever only to see the look on there faces when they see 2 uber huge healthy Tomatoes growing lol. Guilt free stress free gardening gotta love it.
I thought I'd take this opportunity to say hello and introduce myself, I'm from down under too. Like soilwizard I haven't smoked pot in a long time. Due to a problem with hard drugs I had to quit everything and still don't intend to smoke for quite a while, maybe I'll just eat cookies but whatever the case I still have a love affair with this plant that wont go away, I can't go very long without smelling her lovely flowers. :bis:

To be honest weed can sometimes cause me to have panic attacks, specially if I haven't had any for a while but I'm curious as to whether strains like 'satori' will have the same effect and I'm very interested in resurrecting the old aussie strains that I remember as a kid which had a nicer high than the commercial weed going around now, anyways, glad to finally be posting after lurking for so long :)