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2009..my date with Density..

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Oh..that has a ring to it Eh m8...:woohoo:
How does it feel being an Old Married Man...:biglaugh:

Glad you found your way back to english, mossy...
Yeah..my problem is..when I press the wrong buttons I panic..
instead of just thinking it through..give me plants any day..:petting:

But I was thinking it could really help our friend LBH..he can flip between both languages..just to make sure he has got it right..coz I know he frets about it.

It is an International Communicator..very star treck..I think it is excellent..
well done the Mag..:yes:

Little backed up with work right now
Aye..I guessed..called round your thread last night..but the lights were out..so I didn't bother rattling..
being newly weds an all that..didn't want to disturb you.

Will you be all gathered in for the canna harvest festival...Halloween..
or do you have any stragglers..?

Dogs are a pretty sore subject ATM..I will explain more when I have time
but the one I Picked was Completely feral and it would have been a torture to him to try to keep him..and I couldn't do that to him...:nono:

:kewlpics:..as always...but ya gotta tell me what that Bubba Chunk smelled like..
Did you seed her...?

Have you seen Meaty's dog/pig link in his signature..got the AW factor..

pipe...PUNK Chunk...

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mossy my 2 plants make me high like something that came straight from heaven into my bong :)

oh noes my bong :( a friend was here tonight and my bong is history :////

but i got 7 seeds out of my first pollinated lowryder .... pollinated with a dieselryder and a lowryder male so it should be lowryderxdieselryder x lowryder^^


Damn Mossy those two plants look nice. What are they? Kinda looks like they're may have some PM on them. Maybe its just the color of the leaves though...


ICMag Donor
Starting to feel like an old timer now thats for sure...

I'll be there for the harvest festival... All the plants are in now... :D

We had that little black cat that was an outdoor stray and she seemed to like the indoor life at first, but she turned out liking her freestyle life before... Plus she was in heat so she REALLY wanted out.... :D Lost her the other day as we were carrying in prepared invitations... It was close though, she was within reach a couple times... She even came back around days later...

She climbed in a tree at night and we waited for her for a while..... She didn't come down and it was late so I climbed up in there and pulled her ass out... She didn't like that too much and she scurried away as soon as she hit the ground... Might not have helped that I dropped her on purpose... It was either me or the cat, I didn't want to go down and chance getting hurt... Cats always land right side up... :D


mossy my 2 plants make me high like something that came straight from heaven into my bong
ayyyyyyy T...TFFT...:laughing:
I am so pleased for you.
I think there is something Special about your first taste of own grown..
glad it didn't let you down..I know you have worked hard for it.

Just think..things only get better from now on.
Well Done m8...:yes:
did you smoke the whole lot in one long weekend session...:D

Kinda looks like they're may have some PM on them. Maybe its just the color of the leaves though...
No you are right m8..I am just not happy about Why I have it.
Have a look at the outer fans..


it looks like it..but not quite right. It is gritty..not the normal "Feel"..if you know what I mean.
Just conditional on the last 21 days..
at least 16 of them have been dank with torrential rain..
I would blame the plant..but I have had a few like it since I changed the compo/fert regime.
I cannot think if it is a build up of salts or some other Stress contributing.
I Hate changing 2 conditions at one time..coz it is harder to figure..but my local garden shop changed suppliers so I was pushed.

Hopefully..I am setting up the grow cupboard tomorrow..and I will be changing the compo back to a soil based one..and I have already sourced a liquid fert that I have used before and was happy with..so we will see what happens.

I'll be there for the harvest festival... All the plants are in now...
Ha ha..brilliant to hear m8..
I bet your Harvest Festival table will be groaning under the weight.

Cats always land right side up...
Damn site more time than humans do m8.
Glad to see you haven't given all your pre-marriage pursuits up..
swinging through the trees for a confrontation with a feral cat sort of reminds me of the Old pipe..ha ha.

There is this new kinda hair clipper out for the guys that like to keep their hair short.
According to my m8..you are meant to be able to cut your hair yourself....hmmmm
he came round yesterday..
I have never Laughed so much for ages.
no two strands of his hair was the same length...and he had a gully cut out the back that went right up to his crown...with little cuts all the way up it.

Worse still...no one told him how bad it was..and he had been out to the DIY shop like that!!!!!!!
(bad wife..bad wife...)
I got the clippers out and did the best I could..but I had to take it all the way back to the wood to repair the damage.

If anyone tries to sell you a "cut your hair yourself gadget"..just say No guys..
just say NO...
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ICMag Donor
Maybe he should have set it on the long setting first... :D

I've been cutting my hair myself for years now, until this summer, really... Just a good pair of scissors is all you need... A mirror helps... :D

My cousin, a beautitian saw my self haircut and told me I looked amish, but I think its a solid cut.... Make it till its done is all you need to know... :D

Still need to get the storage buckets in the ground... do you think 21 gallons is enough space? :D


Active member
haha i'll chime in here and say I cut my own hair, just buzz all one length, take a shower, then one more pass. It doesn't get much simpler than that. I HATE barbershops, they never do what I tell them to do.


Cheers m8. She isn't stable yet.
I have just rolled the f2's and never saw a glimmer of her..
I got a back cross on the f2's..
and a forward ibl..so I'm thinking...
Next year I am gonna have Her out....fingers crossed...

Did you notice the date on the photo..?
I think she is a semi AF..she had been outdoor since January..
IF I can catch her..I will be Well Happy..
and you will see it on the thread.
If you cannot be bothered to watch and wait..
she is a Tom Hill's DC..crossed with one of my ALF#3's.
She came out in the F1's...

Thanx for the info Mossy. I will be following your work for sure. By DC you mean "deep chunk" right? And may I ask what is ALF #3 ( If i remember correctly it was something afghan?) I hope you can catch her again , a real beauty queen there!

Also i must say i love that JEM your working on , another beauty!
Can't wait for you to release some of that , maybe I can be fortunate enough to get some :bigeye:

Thanx again Mossy!
Funny ass story Mossy! I think we've all had our share of BAD HAIRCUTS! LOL I remember one time I went to an oldschool barber in my neighborhood. It was the first and last time I would ever get a cut there. He used only a razor and comb. He scalped the back of my head so short, and the overall length was well shorter than my usual "do". I was ridiculed by everyone for a good month or so. I was told I "had down syndrome in the back" lol.. (The put a little spin in the mullet - "Buisness in the from, party in the back" Well I just had down syndrome in the back. :laughing: Motherfukers...

:woohoo:Good to see the thread picking back up again.. Cheers!



mossy where do u live? looks pretty nice :)

and im atm searching for a good place to buy me a house in some years^^

gonna make enough money i need and then buy me a small house and be a 24/7 stoner till i die :D


Still need to get the storage buckets in the ground... do you think 21 gallons is enough space?
pipe..you doing the underground cure again..?
Methinks that 21 gallon may only do part of your haul....:chin:
But..that is okay..just send the excess over here and I will look after it for you..:laughing:

KC..with you m8..my hair was longer in the UK..but over here in the summer 4 showers a day mean all over buzz is best.. :yes:

dan_1..cheers appreciated.
ALF#3 is a triple afghan..ALF#3 plus Deep Chunk..:yes:...is ALF#4..quadruple afghan.
(Just think what it will be like when I get to ALF#10...:kos: )

I think we've all had our share of BAD HAIRCUTS!
Yeah man.....:headbange
There are 7 of us..and my Mom used to cut our hair.
I grew up thinking my ears were lop-sided..
everytime I looked in the mirror I had this slightly skew-wiff look. :petting:

Then when I could afford a proper haircut..I realised that it wasn't my ears..
it was just the fact my mom couldn't cut a level line to save her life..:biglaugh: :biglaugh:

gonna make enough money i need and then buy me a small house and be a 24/7 stoner till i die
T..sounds like a plan man...
I live South of Alicante airport..in Spain.
Spain is beautiful..but so is the UK...
Spain has the Sunshine though..that is the big difference.

The Girls love it....perfect place for a toker..grower



Punk Chunk on the right..Spikey..

Damn Mossy those two plants look nice. What are they?
HHH..sorry m8 I missed it...
but..considering what we have been talking about....:chin:
you will be delighted to learn..they are another ALF/DC cross.
I made 3 x ALF/DC and 1 x Purple Russian x DC from the same pollen..:biglaugh:

@ f1..this is the cross that Most resembled the DC Mom.
Very defined saw-leaf edges..same domed bud...leaf color/bud colour

When I cut the F1 mom down..I had her stood off a radiator..about a foot away for a slow dry..she was seeded.
We were sitting about 4-5 foot away from her and I could TASTE the volatile oils off her.
I was smoking one girl and Tasting her..
Now..all AF's are industrial strength on cut down
But I have to say that I have never had one throwing volatile oil across the room at me...so she HAD to be investigated. :sasmokin:

Just been checking her today..and the seed don't look too far off..

BeAn...Hey Marra...doing good....:wave:
Girls are fine m8..but being honest..they haven't hardly moved since before I went away.
This is the longest patch of dank and torrential rain since I got here.
Apparently our local hospital has had 400 cases of severe mozzie bites in the last week..and they don't normally have Any....
(Wish you were Here...?.......:laughing:)
Gonna set the cupboard up tomorrow


Remember me saying that I had taken the (NN) Oguns Thunder back to AF cross down just before I went...?
Above is what mother nature left me for my efforts...
3 little self-seeds.
I should put them out of their misery..I can see them a bit withered already
the chance to get to see NNightmare on AF..is Irresistible...

Aw Meaty..you are supposed to practice your cutting on the cats first..
not the grandchildrren..ha ha ha


Well they are deff beauts Mossy. Sounds like they have a nice taste as well... Is your outdoor grow pretty much winding down now? Or do you still have some goin under the protection of your table? Our season over hear ended a lot earlier than it ussually does this year... Always nice to have some volunteers pop up ha.


Once again you do nice work Mossy. Those ALF/DC crosses are gonna be something special.
Damn I'm falling in love with AF's more every day... ;)


Damn I'm falling in love with AF's more every day...
Becareful..that is how they got to me...they are addictive to grow..:yes:

Is your outdoor grow pretty much winding down now?
Aye HHH...I got away with some lates last year..but it doesn't look like it this time.
I have those above almost ready..small pot of ALF#3..same.
Pot of WWizz and a couple of JEM that had just hit sex before the Dank hit..
which have just about stopped completely..and the 3 germs..
sooooo..it looks like I am done on outdoor.

Went to the post office about a box...hmm..they only rent them out in January..
if I want one now..
I have to pay the full years payment..but it will only last until January..
how frustrating is that...:confused:

Went to get a replacement bulb..guy says none in but he will get one for 5.30pm..yesterday......
Drove 30 mins back to pick it up..come back FRIDAY....:mad:

And..I got a pump to try ICC's fert tea...but I spent a full day looking 3 garden centres 3 head shops and I cannot get anything like the formula that he is using..:wallbash:

I think I will just give this week up as a bad job...
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:


ICMag Donor
And..I got a pump to try ICC's fert tea...but I spent a full day looking 3 garden centres 3 head shops and I cannot get anything like the formula that he is using..:wallbash:

This may or may not be worth a shot, but are tree fertilizer spikes available in your area?

They are 'spikes' made of compressed fertilizer that you pound in the ground around trees. A lot of them are around 5-5-5 and are organic. Maybe you could crush/break them up, then measure out the amount needed for a tea?


Worth a try blynx cheers...:yes:

I ripped through all the rose food..universal..fruit and veg..but nowt come close.
Same in the head shop..they actually had a damn fine selction..but no matches.

I need to nip in and ask ICC if he thinks the chem balance is the vital thing..
or if it is the bubbling..or what.
I bubbled some of my usual flower fert..but I noticed it didn't get a froth at all..
so I am assuming that is not activated.


I am going through the external hard drive my son put my photos on..
I just found how to get into it...:rolleyes:
I've got 22,000 photos..thought it was time for a sort out..

Anyway..I have brought some photos I thought would be of interest.

First one is Some of the selection of non-AF's on the JEM line I got @ f3.
This was February on the patio...they were enjoying the sun..


The seance generation..all the dead relatives in the room...:biglaugh:
You can see the purple Theme though..

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