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How to eliminate lingering weed smell in house?



Glade makes a nice Air Freshner set-up that you can set to go off every 9 minutes. They work like a charm and can be had at any Dollar Store.

Yeah I like that method, they keep your place smelling weed-free. Same with the plug-ins. Honestly, if you keep your weed smoking area well ventilated, there should be no weed smell lingering. I smoke in my area all the time, but I always air it out. For those of us who smoke using fire and not a vaporizer, there are plenty of easy ways to get rid of smell. Weed smell can really linger if you bake out rooms and never air them out.

crack open a nice ripe gallon jar of kimche. NO more weed smells, for SURE.

Haha this is so true. It can go hand in hand with what might happen post-weed smoking.


I have the 4000 - great for the grow .. really keeps odor away .. and works for smoke as well

Unless you have a large space ... I would recommend a smaller model


Always wanted to try one of these, since there were posts on here where people used the clean scent discs to clean the air in their grows. Imagine what it could do for a little room where smoking happens.


Active member
Window exhaust fan. Available almost anywhere that stocks fans. Just turn that puppy on high and blow er into the fan...

On windy days that cause "blowback", I'll just burn an incense after. The fan still clears the room out in minutes. I also dry my buds in the "fan room", and the smell does not leave that room due to the suction.

That one room can smell like a pot farm, with hangers full of buds drying - but once you leave the room - nice fresh air in the rest of the house, not so much as a whiff floating about.

I have used these fans for years... :rasta:

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Gawd it would be so nice to not have to worry about bullsh*t like this any more. One ounce is essentially legal where I live so I don't worry too much about smoke wafting out of my window, but I'd still like to be able to enjoy a smoke on my porch or at the park next to the police station. I don't trust the law enough yet to be that ballsy.

Amstel Light

if its an emergency light a piece of paper in a bowl and walk around home...worked once for me.....iwas like 14 and it was just the ups man lol


Active member
Window exhaust fan. Available almost anywhere that stocks fans. Just turn that puppy on high and blow er into the fan...

On windy days that cause "blowback", I'll just burn an incense after. The fan still clears the room out in minutes. I also dry my buds in the "fan room", and the smell does not leave that room due to the suction.

That one room can smell like a pot farm, with hangers full of buds drying - but once you leave the room - nice fresh air in the rest of the house, not so much as a whiff floating about.

I have used these fans for years... :rasta:


If the OP is worried about smell he's probably got neighbors nearby. Your method of drying sounds pretty risky to me. Sure, the rest of the house smells good but what about outside your house, by your neighbors, or worse yet RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW. Bet if anyone goes by there they know exactly what your up to! Maybe your in the country and don't have people close by but this would never work in my neighborhood. Be safe.


Active member
Can't smell a thing outside w/ I'm drying, & never have. The wind must carry it away before it even gets to ground level. My neighbours are just as close as yours (city dweller) and 1 also wears a uniform. Not a police uni, but another public safety branch, & they stick together like peas/pod as we all know...

No worries, I'll be safe. Have been for 2 plus decades. I Would much rather have the smell outside where it is hard to trace than reeking up my place mixed with air freshener when company walks in. No deniability there for sure...

BTW, what's with the "YELLING"? Absolutely unneccessary - I can hear (read) just fine. I do agree with you that it might not work in all locations, like yours - nothing will work everywhere - but if your location is ok, + you're 2nd floor or higher... it's golden.



Active member
That was caps for the scare factor, it was my most serious voice, not yelling. I can see how it would be interpreted as yelling though, sorry. If you're feeling safe with your method then more power to ya, but to me it still seems pretty risky to do in an urban environment. I'm not saying I'd rather have my whole place be stinky, I'm saying I'd rather vent outside like you do, but using a carbon filter first so I'm venting some fresh smelling air, not stinky air that might be able to be traced back to the location (the window fan).

Sounds like your on a second or higher floor. OP has a house, what if his meter guy is coming by, smells some dank, notices the fan blowing out the window, gets closer, now he REALLY SMELLS THE DANK (I'm not yelling), and reports it to the police. Sounds like a plausible story to me.


Active member
ONA gel, grab a bucket, ONA in the bucket, dc/ac fan above it pushing air in, holes 360 degrees around the bucket for the air pushed in and mixed with ona to exhale from the bucket, you end up with a mens washroom fragrance...not super appealing to some, but apparently they have a odor destroying no smell version of their odor absorbing gel.

id like to check it out, i do the mens washroom fragrance, and it works.

this is the same idea only you use ONA liquid and Soil Moist crystals in
the bottom of the bucket. what you do is dump a 1 pound canister of
the Soil Moist into the bucket, then you mix the ONA liquid with water
at about a 10 to 1 ratio.

then just put the bucket somewhere inconspicuous (behind a chair maybe)
and your odor problems will be solved. (although you'll still want a scrubber
for your grow, lol)

FYI, ONA comes in more than one scent and it's available (in gel format, not
the liquid unfortunately) at Lowes and Home Depot.


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Active member
I agree with you Grassroots, it's not a good idea to vent onto a busy street at ground level. I'm in a house too, but a 2-story. I figured the question was mostly related to smoking odours, even tho the OP mentioned both smoking and grow smells.

For an indoor grow - yes, def. carbon filter the growspace...grow smells last constantly for weeks while the plants mature.

No hard feelings here for caps or anything else... :rasta:



Ona is a good one, wipe the walls with it if you can. I would wipe my front door of the house and hide small cups of it around the house. I once almost got my friend fired from his job. I brought home my wet harvest to dry and it stunk up the whole house. I didn't have any odor control there. When he went to work his boss said he smelled like weed. The smell was all over his clothes and mine too but at the time I didn't answer to no Fing boss.


Active member
besides the obvious cf filters i've found that during the holidays, this time of the year, you can put some cinnamon sticks in a pot of water on the stove and let it simmer all day... smells great; like you have cider brewing. Covers up the scent of herb really well too.

forgot; if you're looking for something to blow smoke out of that neutralizes the smell check out a product called the iron lung or third lung but i can't find any more info online easily; saw one in a dispensary in la last year... worked good; no blowback.. used it a couple times


I Agree with sleepy 1000%.. Vap is the best way.. NO SMELL.. PERIOD!!


Now in technicolor
Use a carbon scrubber. Either exhale into one (w/ the fan on) or if you really care, create a little hotbox closet with a carbon scrubber that you can fit into to smoke.

You can also create something like a laminar flowhood. You can also try buying or building an air purifier that uses carbon. It's basically a carbon scrubber that cleans the air in a room by running the same air continuously through the filter.

Vaping reeks. It doesn't smell like Cannabis smoke, but it smells like Cannabis.


Active member
No one said - smoke in a bathroom / shower , jamaican shower baby?

i used to take spliff with me to my local health club and smoke in the steam room!

Also what i would do is connect my fan to a carbon filter and just blow smoke into the fan - no worries


Theres a thing called a mute.

You get a respirator filter, hot glue a short PVC tube to the hole that you are meant to inhale through. When the glue dries you can exhale through this contraption and it takes most of the odor out of the exhaled gasses. It's kind of a toilet paper tube stuffed with fabric softener sheets on steroids. I'm sure you can google it and find step-by-step directions.