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Did i just break the law???


Active member
Trippy shit. Its a nice saturday and im smoking a few bowls and playing Operation Flashpoint just lounging not doing anything.

Knock knock knock.

I go to door expecting postman, but find some kid who looked my age in a GE polo shirt with a black little suitcase thingie full of GE security signs. He was trying to sell me some security system thing and wanted to know if he could place the security advertisement on my lawn. I gave him my landlords phone number and said i cant do anything about it.

Then he was like "are yall blazing" or something like that, i guess he smelled the herbs. He was then like, "dont worry about it man" but we started talking about buds and i mentioned i buy half 8ths and 8ths from the club. He was like cool man, i gottta do these other houses but maybe i'll drop by later i got like 2 dollars."

Im kinda like WTF ok buddy and closed the door.

Sure enough 2 hours later and hes back at the door with some other white guy who was his co worker or some shit. He starts talkin bout herbs again and busts out his iphone and shows me all these pics of little 8ths and whatnot. Mixed in with the weed pictures are pictures from what looks like parties with some girls, etc.

THis is where it gets sketchy. He starts asking if i could "hook" it up. I put on my sketched out face and im like, "dude i only got like half 8th here from the club" and showed him what i had which was in a jar that had the "*** Health Center" sticker on it. He was like dude i got like 2 dollars can you sell me a little nug. So i gave the dude a tiny ass bowl for his two dollars.

Then he starts mentioning some stuff about how hes going to arizona and wanted more.

I was like, "naw man i can only go to the club and its not really worth it"

He's like, "its cool i understand im not trying to turn you into a drug dealer or something, im about to go smoke and get hiiiigh" He sounded really childish for some reason.

so yeah we say bye and everything and as i close the door i get a big feeling of regret.

I know its only 2 dollars and a tiny ass nug, but is that shit illegal? If they were undercover cops is that enough to get a search warrant?

I have like a half ounce of herbs and my roomate probably has about an ounce. We have several scales, a vacuum sealer, and several LEGAL guns. I used to grow here but all my equipment is stored somewhere else at the moment.

Im sorta tripping right now, tempted to load up everything and cut out of here for the storage unit.


Active member
yea it was fucking stupid but im not an asshole by nature i didnt feel like telling him to fuck off.

is a 2 dollar transaction enough to get charged with selling? this has got to be a fucking joke.

what retard undercover would try to complete a TWO DOLLAR transaction?

im hoping hes just a retarded salesman kid and not an undercover.


I wouldn't freak out but it is technically illegal. I'm a former criminal defense attorney (do bankruptcy stuff now), but it is even illegal if you gave it to them for free. If I wan't so lazy I'd go find the code section. So if you really want to get technical, even inviting them in and getting them high would be illegal.

I highly doubt they were undercover, that doesn't sound like their M.O.


I don't think the amount you sold is as significant as the fact that you actually sold some. Just hope the kid isn't trying to catch you out, or telling people you're a dealer. It's certainly illegal.


Active member
you where trying to be nice

can be dangerous sometimes

in such cases i always say just take a small nug , i don't sell and that's all your' getting , this way you don't break the law and they have had their bud and it's free so they can't complain


you where trying to be nice

can be dangerous sometimes

in such cases i always say just take a small nug , i don't sell and that's all your' getting , this way you don't break the law and they have had their bud and it's free so they can't complain

As I stated above, giving them a nug is also illegal.


Active member
From a legal standpoint you would have been better off just giving up the nug. Once you take the money, its sales.

good drown

not being from cali has me jaded, but i just cant imagine people not being able to get buds there, considering the dispensaries. i would doubt its a cop, he wouldnt have finished his annoying people, er i mean job
it was dumb though, he could always try and rob you. good thing for the guns
i cant imagine he would only want $2 worth. thats just comical, you should have blown a huge bong rip in his face, thats about $2


From the California Health & Safety Code:

11355. Every person who agrees, consents, or in any manner offers
to unlawfully sell, furnish, transport, administer, or give (1) any
controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or
paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in
paragraph (13), (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section
11054, or specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or
specified in subdivision (h) of Section 11056, or (2) any controlled
substance classified in Schedule III, IV, or V which is a narcotic
drug to any person, or who offers, arranges, or negotiates to have
any such controlled substance unlawfully sold, delivered,
transported, furnished, administered, or given to any person and who
then sells, delivers, furnishes, transports, administers, or gives,
or offers, arranges, or negotiates to have sold, delivered,
transported, furnished, administered, or given to any person any
other liquid, substance, or material in lieu of any such controlled
substance shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for
not more than one year, or in the state prison.


Active member
regardless im cleaning shop right now. advised my roomate to do the same.

im just real happy that im moving out of here in two weeks. this place is getting hot.
in such cases i always say just take a small nug , i don't sell and that's all your' getting , this way you don't break the law and they have had their bud and it's free so they can't complain

And don't mention anything about clubs or they'll likely never go away...
The word 'medical' attracts stoners like flies to shit.


Active member
not being from cali has me jaded, but i just cant imagine people not being able to get buds there, considering the dispensaries.

alot of people dont have club cards, its a hassle sometimes. some of the biggest smokers i know dont even have cards.


Active member
And don't mention anything about clubs or they'll likely never go away...
The word 'medical' attracts stoners like flies to shit.

im not worried at all about freeloading stoners or would be robbers.

im worried about leo. what if they did that to get a search warrant? they might try to hassle me over my guns and the fact i have herbs too. theres pics of my friends former grow on my computer too.

to any of my friends who are on here dont worry your information has been burned into ashes.

h^2 O

you should have killed them both and descretely disposed of the bodies


im not worried at all about freeloading stoners or would be robbers.

im worried about leo. what if they did that to get a search warrant? they might try to hassle me over my guns and the fact i have herbs too. theres pics of my friends former grow on my computer too.

to any of my friends who are on here dont worry your information has been burned into ashes.

Dude, don't worry about it, they weren't undercover. Cops have bigger fish to fry, they aren't going to raid someone who buys eighths and half-eighths. Small and medium players usually only get busted when they are careless and do something stupid, for example: pulled over while speeding and you are transporting or caught smoking in a public place or a parked car (by the way, smoking in a parked vehicle is absolutely the WORST place you can smoke, you are just asking to get busted. I have never been caught smoking and one reason is because I never smoke in parked cars. From a Constitutional law perspective, your right to privacy is severely curtailed in a vehicle.)

That was not a sting, they just wouldn't send stupid kids around knocking on doors trying to smell for smokers. If there is a lot of activity at your house, and you were the target of an investigation already, they would likely send uncovers knocking on your door specifically asking for weed because they heard you sell. They don't get too gimmicky like posing as salesmen and they, "Hey is that weed I smell? I have two bucks." That is bordering on entrapment if you don't normally sell.


Active member
not trying to divulge but there was a grow in this house only a few months ago and the story about just buying 8ths isnt entirely true. lets just say that theres another roomate who lives here who maybe deals in larger amounts.


You live in Oakland? I've seen oakland cops not give a fuck about people shooting in a corner, I don't think they are going to care about a $2 drug deal


Active member
yea most likely ^^

regardless, this was a wake up call. fool didnt even realize that fool had some much incriminating shit lying around. fool has burned everything.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Wow you are not someone I would NEVER tell about my shit lol. Just some random sign posting guy and you go into detail about buying? LOL

nah you will be fine LOL, wonder if you would have opened up to a cop like that as well.

Whether you move or not doesn't matter, the amount they bough also doesn't matter and it would have been better for you to say NAH MAN KEEP YOUR TWO BUCKS BUT HERE IS A BOWL!

are you new to this ????