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Im 40 & I think I`m Gay or Bi-sexual.


I wouldn't say anything personally. Like people said before me, it depends on your family. However, I'm gay and I thought my family would be ok with the whole thing, and they weren't at all. Both my, and my gf's, parents still make things up and lie to the other relatives to save face, I guess. Hell I've been out since 87 and they still deny it. I would just keep it to yourself until you are 100% sure of things, and then I would still keep it to myself. But that's just me.

Amstel Light

thats for the smithers avatar....second i would bet they already have suspicions..and if they cant deal whith it fuckem life is way to short:2cents:


my girlfriends mom has had a live in girlfriend for the past 10 years or so. my dumb ass thought it was her aunt for the first year we dated. apparently she never "came out" to anybody, they just know. i didn't have a clue. she would have been 39-40 when she made the move?


Look this isn't saying its a sickness... But talk to your doctor and have them run some test.
your hormones can be out of balance and you said you are 40 or in there.. Check for Low T.

I know a few ppl that had that kind of reaction around there 40's..


Devil's Advocate
Look this isn't saying its a sickness... But talk to your doctor and have them run some test.
your hormones can be out of balance and you said you are 40 or in there.. Check for Low T.

That's a pretty interesting point...

That might be called for during the period others have been suggesting of really figuring out what you are feeling.
Are you gay? Bi? Maybe just considering what they both mean?

First thing's first. Just know that it's ok either way, man!
If you decide it's time to tell your fam, just do it. The words will come, and they will accept you or not, and you will learn something about whether or not it's worth spending time with your family from here on out.

If they shun you, fuck'em. Harsh but true.

Take care!

danny karey

I dunno.....I don't think ya really have to share your sexual orientation with anybody.............I mean really, what does that have to do with anything?

That shouldn't really have an impact on who you are, if ya liked chiken soup before ya realised your gay/bi, your still gonna like it after, right.

I think the lines of masculine and femminin are being erased, a guy can be femminin and a girl can be masculine, they can be anything they want to be really. But as far as a sexual preference, it's no one's business really, thats private.....isn't it.

I dunno....I had a talk about this with my cousin who's a lesbien, and this is what she said, it makes sense I think.

Some low testostrone might give you some pms but not the urge to be slobbing on your homeys crank !!! or digging in his ass......More power to you bro..


some good sound advice here be sure b4 u tell anyone,,,and its ok to keep a lil freakiness in the dark bro,,,so just know the difference for sure are u a lil freaky or are u really only going to be be happy with someone of the same sex,,,if its something u decide to do everyday then u better just be honest and be happy with yourself because if u expect for everyone to be happy tehn u are wrong be happy if those closest to you are understanding and suportive,,,good luck and think hard friend, i had a good friend go thru this so i am speaking really thru him,,,,,,peace


I would say tell you family the minimum that they need to know. If a person can't handle it, keep the info at arm's length.

Who you take into your bedroom and what you do when you get there is only your business-not your family's, not the state's---nobody's business. As long as you are consenting adults.

Life is too short to live it for someone else.

Whatever you do, please be safe.


Active member


I dunno about you. but if it was me, I would disappear, never to be heard from again. I mean if I preferred sausage and all.


Freedom Fighter
I am not a very Politically Correct kind of guy...so if I sound crass...no disrespect intended--
Go do a dude...you should know by the time you're done--:yoinks:


Thank you Community.
Had regrets the minute i saw this post up. Wanted to take it down fearing the lash.
Well just wanted to say thanks to those of you who took the time to offer wise advice.
You made my Day and now things don`t seem to be such a worry.
Makes you think twice and get that Apple in the throat feeling taking about no babies etc
I think women are great and you all are great for giving me some strength to see things from another`s point of view.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I have a cousin that acts way gay, but he is married and has hoards of kids. Although his old lady tips in at about 250 on the hoof....(that may be why he acts so gay) (shrug)

I also know this guy that thought he was gay, but he was just butt ugly and couldn't get much snatch. Once he hooked up with another butt ugly that dug him real good, they ended up living together in bliss.

If it were me, I'd be figgerin out my own shit, and not worry too much about what the fam thinks.
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Amstel Light

Makes you think twice and get that Apple in the throat feeling taking about no babies etc

theres hundreds of thousands of children that need to be cared for...people that insist on creating more flesh without caring for the left behind are the real scumbags....only ones worse are the pieces of shit that left them behind...here the important thing you seem like an intelligant compasionate person concentrate on your positive attributes....who you have sex with will not matter to those that truly love you...

Amstel Light

sorry but to me thats a gay act..:yeahthatsbesides public showers and getting serched when being booked...annytime your naked with another dude in the same room ...+having sex is pretty gay to me...especially the whole double penetration thing....wtf?

not saying your gay just saying to me it was a gay act...
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Unless you're starting some kind of long term relationship with someone of the same sex your relatives probably aren't even interested about your bisexuality. I don't see why you would need to tell them.

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