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anyone here on anti-depressants???


yukon, i thnk you may be suffering a similar ailment to one i had. its something along the lines of location depression or depression by means of surroundings. i have spent time in north tx as you know and its really shitty compared to what you and i consider to be beautiful country. not only is the land but the people in general tend to suck.

not saying this could be the problem, but something to consider...

hey, i called it on the diabetes right?! heh heh ;)

-T to the riz ron


Yukon, do you drink alcohol at all? It can have depressant effects.

I drank steadily for a few years and over time it really started to wear me down. I gradually quit drinking over a period of about a year, and it took a quite a few months to get it out of my system and start feeling normal (and good) again.

I've lost my tolerance, and now if I try to drink even a couple of beers, I feel kind of crappy -physically and mentally- for a couple of days. I think I felt that way for a long time and didn't even know it. It's insidious.


Active member
Kermit is on the money with the booze thing...When I think back into the distant, and not so distant past, it becomes obvious to me...that I was heavily drunk most of the times I hit the black hole. Booze is shite. I got shitfaced last weekend...and fell into a pit of depression. Stayed dry for a week, and I feel much better. It dont make it easy to be sober, when all your boys wanna encourage u to go and get sauced...BUT...I know that I'm gonna feel like shit, and that the hangover doesnt just last one day for me. Takes a while to come out of the booze fog. It really is a depressant, and I dont understand why I often turn to it when I'm feeling shitty....seems pretty backwards.


I took them for years and they were a bad thing for me.

But on the other hand for some people they work really well. You might have to try a few to find the right one or combine it with another different med to have the best effect. They can take 3-4 weeks to work.

Oh...and I hope you don't like orgasms.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

two of my anti-d's gave me extremely bad nightmares, bad shyt of
my earlier yrs dealing powders and pills, guns, ghettos all very vivid
indeed. I'd wake up thrashing and invariably my dog would be curled
up in the far corner eyes wide and locked on me. I'd wind up laughin'
to myself about how cool it was to walk away from each gunfight &
never getting shot, always getting out of the jam etc, but it wasn't
any fun really as I left that shyt behind me years before (& btw I've
NEVER been in a gunfight I just carried out of need) and nocturnal
visits back to the dark side weren't appealing at all.

I got off anti-d's back in '91 and have been self medicating with cannabis
nearly every single day since then, of course I've been a recreational user
since the 60's.

be careful to monitor yourself, be introspective w/o being judgmental of how
you feel. some of these drugs have a 'honeymoon' effect on some people, you
feel great at first when the meds kick in but then shortly thereafter it's the old
'honeymoon is over' and a person can crash, you might also now find yourself
susceptible to some of the side effects of the drug including deeper depression.



cant stop wont stop
took some klonopin and xanax last week. was drinkin and smokin the whole time.. remember shootin some pool, a few other things i dont remember like goin to the tittie club.. (that was money well spent :cuss: ) anyways ended up main lining a gram of glass for the next two days.. wow.
but long story short same place i got the benzo's i got hooked up with some trazadone for free cuz i mentioned i have insomnia to a brother.. trazadone is an anti depressant/ sleep aid. i useto be prescribed them when i had health ins.
gotta say i slept well and actually felt a bit better about my fucked up situation in life.

most antidepressant meds i HATE.. but trazadone if taken moderately i agree with, mostly for the sleep factor.


tell him you have anxiety, benzo's are a million times better anti-depressants. i was on anti-depressants for a good 2 months and i hated it, it was like an iron, chemical happy that i couldn't deny but felt no association to, as if another entity manifested itself in my consciousness that was foreign and vague but powerfully "up". didn't like it at all. although i also read a lot into and give a lot of thought to consciousness, so maybe pharmaceuticals just aren't for me in general (aside from opiates of course, but who doesn't love thinking about nothing).

all i can say is good luck for getting rid of your depression, but i don't see any of us prescribing anything other than straight dank 24/7.


Its not quite an anti-depressant but im on diazepam (Valium), quite worried cos the dog has put me om 30mg a day. They make you wobble like you are drunk & if you have a spfiff with them they chill you out to fuck!


You folks need to watch the benzos (valium,xanax) or you may be in for an experience that would scare a heroin addict.No shit the withdrawls are much worse and different than opiate withdrawls and can be fatal.A lot of people put down anti-depressents but they have helped me on a few occasions.I never would have got through 48 weeks of interferon therapy for Hep C without zoloft,thats for sure.In that respect it probably saved my life.I've been diagnosed with IBS for close to 10 years I've had nausea and weight loss.A couple months ago my doctor started me on nortriptiline and its been like a miracle.Anyone care to explain how anti-depressents can cure diahrrea?I'm serious my bowel movements are close to normal now instead of exloding a half dozen times between midnight and noon lol.I have nothing bad to say about anti-depressents


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my best nights sleep come when take the Ambien CR I'm prescribed,
it keeps me in a deeper state of sleep and I wake w/o grogginess.......

it's a fine sleep aid for me bro, the foundation of any good day is a restful nights sleep.



Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i have been on paxil for almost 3 years with my dose starting at 5mg and i am now at 30 mg. after going through a very rough couple of years i was mentally and emotionally destroyed. i could at any time and without any control just start crying. in the mall in the car at the grocery store. anytime anywhere. prior to this rough patch i had complete control of my emotions. through the rough times control faded to no control at all. i finally went to the doctor and he put me on paxil. it worked. i dont cry any more and if i start to feel like that again, i go and ask for an increase which has thus far brought things under control but i do feel detached and almost unable to feel emotions. in the summer of 08 i didnt have money for my refill and inadvertedly quit cold turkey. within 2 days i was a wreck and unable to control any emotions without heavy concentration and focus. something i had in short supply. as a result i ended up in a confrontation with a man that lived in my apartment building. without being able to remember much, i beat the living shit out of the guy with a stick and put him in the hospital thus causing my current legal situation. i have never in my life been a violent person. countless times i have been assaulted by people and walked away, including the guy i beat. i dont have a valid explaination for what happened but i do know for sure if i was still on the meds i would have been able to control myself. i do hope to someday be able to get off them but i feel like at this point that is a long way off. i feel like my depression is a situational thing and if i could properly organize the aspects of my life that need attending to i could releive my need for them but as i said. thats a ton or work. antidepressants....the gift and the curse....


Active member
man seems like a lot of people are going through same shit as me

I don't plan on taking any medication tough


Cannabrex Formulator
Everyone I know who has taken anti-depressants (esp the SSRI shite) has been fucked up badly by it....

If yer depressed, no fucking pill is gonna make it better.......ya wanna feel better, crawl into yer head and find out WHY the fuck yer depressed, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!


Fellow member, If you can live your life without any of these crazy fucking anti depressants do so.. I almost lost my mom to these fucking things, it seemed like they were experimenting on her to see what helped her till one day she had a bad reaction to one and almost commited suicide.


Active member

my best nights sleep come when take the Ambien CR I'm prescribed,
it keeps me in a deeper state of sleep and I wake w/o grogginess.......

it's a fine sleep aid for me bro, the foundation of any good day is a restful nights sleep.

they gave me ambien in the hospital...it worked pretty good.

my combo at home of (3mg melatonin and 1 unisom)...haha...ftw...nothing better.


Hi there,

I am straight up bipolar. My dog didn't die or anything. I was diagnosed in the 80's as a child, and I have been hospitalized several times from several months to over a year. The best cocktail I have ever been prescribed is what I am currently on ... lithium, lexapro and risperdal. I am able to function as a normal human being, which hasn't always been the case.

A word on smoking and depression ... smoking is a temporary fix for depression and when you run out you will reach some of your lowest lows. I have experienced this first hand.

Anyways good luck.

- Peace
