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anyone here on anti-depressants???


Active member
just curious because i have a doctor who just put me on "citalopram" i guess it's generic of "celexa".

i've never taken pills for anything but advil for hangovers.....so i'm not really all that cool w/ this.

i guess ill try it for a bit, (i have for a week now) ...and if it makes me "HAPPY" then cool, but i dont like the idea overall.

just curious what u guys might know about all that?


Rubbing my glands together
Was on Paxil for a few years. It makes ya kinda "numb" to what's going on. Just watch out for any emotional changes. Be aware of what you feel is going on. Ya have to understand that if things/situations make you emotionless or over emotional, it's the meds.


I did After my Mom died. Worste thing I ever did to myself. Absolutely the hands down worste thing. I felt like zombie. You feel like there, but not depressed and tons of like figiting but yet your dead tired kinda. It's like maybe your not depressed but your existing. Terrible. Best things I did was quit cold turkey. likely shouldn't have done that but started smoking bud, it helps a lot. The thing is when you go day in day out same routine it gets old depressing, bud can make you depressed when all you do is same shit different day. I found a few things to help me out a lot. Getting involded vollunteering to get out do things, get hobbies, Work out!!!!! Join a team of some sort bowling dodgeball whatever. We're hunters and gatherers we're sposed to be active. We right now are the weakest humans that ever lived in all of our evolutionary state, there was just an article that came out about this. I mean running moving surviving. That gets your adrenaline going and when thats going seratonine is going. When its not we get depressed sitting 5+ hours online and doin nothing else its just terrible.

But here's the thing that MIGHT change your life it has helped me a TON, I also got 2 other people hooked on this stuff, why because it works better than anything else out there. I tell you what Yukon try this first before antidepressants, if this doesn't change how you feel for the better and noticeably after 2 weeks Negative rep me every time you see me post. I stand by this product.


1000MG of Flax oil. I love Now Foods but order this online or go to your local supplement store they might have it. The key is to find one with Omega 3, 6, and 9 not just 1 but all 3 of them. I'm putting my reputation on the line because I believe in it that much.


Active member
thanks guys ....like i said im not really down for this at all.

...doc told me that xanax was the #1 prescribed med in the country...like thats supposed to make me feel better about being on meds (im not on xanax....just saying)


Active member
I have experienced severe depression a few times in my life, and have been prescribed antidepressants a few times. I have never stayed on them. Shrinks will tell u that u need it forever. I was never cool with that notion. There are always side effects with these things. I remember being on celexa, and it causing sexual side effects. SSRI's are known for this. My reaction was that i couldnt bust a nut. It totally sucked. Seems backwards that I'm trying to get happy, and they took away the best feeling that the creator gave us. My girlfriend at the the time liked it..i would hammer away forever. Too bad for me tho..i would get extremely frustrated not being able to cum. My feeling on depression is this...u get depressed because your life sucks, not because you have a brain chemical problem. You must find what is making you unhappy, and fix it. Maybe you hate your job? Maybe you hate where you live? I say fix the things that are making you depressed. Eat healthy foods. Get plenty of good rest. Exercise vigorously. Find hobbies you love. Make healthy, real friends...not just dope friends....shit like that. Fuck big pharma and their bullshit little brain pills. To me, they are the biggest pussy cop-out there is. Pill pushing doctors wont tell you this shit, cause they get paid by the pill makers. Personally, I will never go down the pill road ever again. That dude above, talking about flax oil is on to something.


Active member
hmmm I never thought a guy like you would take anti-depressants

you won't be able to grow them out in the wild :p

some people it don't affect them much (they have to change the kind)

some have bad side effects (become really fat)

some people it changes their personnality, become wreckless (but happy)

I am a little bit scared they would alter my head

xanax is not anti-depressant, psychiatrist asked me if I wanted him to prescribe me something, I wanted to ask him for that,
their good for when your having a panic-attack or a crisis.. but very addicting

please let us know how it's going yukon


Active member
i agree w/ that totally.

the way i see it anyone on any given "bad day" could be diagnosed as "depressed"....the docs get way carried away w/ that diagnosis.


doctors would ask questions to see if it's situational or chronic. Different diagnosis, different meds- different effects.
Reading your threads in the recent weeks makes this a good choice for you do to right now. Hopefully you can get therapy along with medication to help you get back to feeling well. Big hugs-stay open minded


Active member
you know, I've been feeling pretty down myself these days
it comes and goes, it gets pretty intense

to the point of me taking naps to get away from it
pounding headaches, losing hope, seeing nothing but pain in my future

right now i'm okay, it comes and it goes

just so you know your not alone
taking time off for yourself is always good, to take things into perspective


yea yukon you're not the type i envisioned gettin on any pills...
but no hurt in seeing what happens i guess. i've seen too many of my friends get fed up with life and go down the chemical path... not that you are them.

i hope you do get something figured out tho...


I took a few different ones but never the one you have.
I'd say the "most beneficial" one that I took was Paxil CR.
I agree with the Detached feelings...almost a numbness.
It was the least for me with this one.
The first week I took it, gave me the shits and some lite nausea.
That was when it started to affect me.
A sexual side effect was not such a bad thing.
I could fuck for hours, sometimes quitting from exhaustion before ever even bustin' one off.
I also took Welbutrin for about 6 months.
This was NOT a good one for me.
The worst of the detached feelings. Very cold & isolated.
Prozac was in the middle of the 3, but, I couldn't go all pr0nstar on Ms.Mello.
Ultimately, I think anything that changes your brain chemistry is an individual experience and depends on tolerances.
I quit taking them about 6-7 years ago and I am glad that I did.
I will say they they did help me through a rough couple years though.
I hope you find something that can help you if that's what you need.



I'm telling ya get the flax oil, they tell you to eat fish for your brain why? Omegas and here ya go 3,6,9 I whore this stuff to everyone and everyone who has is still taking it over a couple years.


Active member
ive been going to IOP (intensive out patient) classes the past week 3 hrs a day for depression...the classes dont really speak to me as im really not that depressed...just a cpl bad days.

but the ppl in the classes are really depressed and messed up....like one guy is (manic depressive/bipolar)...and the rest are females, and a cpl haven't gotten out of bed for months.

a cpl of the girls are manic/depressive and heavily medicated....now that looks like a tuff thing to deal with.

h^2 O

no they're really bad for people and you can just smoke or eat pot instead


im so fucked in my head...been on every scrip for imbalances there is...little to no effect...with fucked up side effects....though i did enjoy the liquid prolixin.

so i had est done...now i have super powers...lasers come out of my toes,and i have more political ties.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i take paxil, life is alot better with it for me. and i really like the side effect.....

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