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Benefits of taking smoking breaks


Active member
Hey, so I'm on a nice break. till christmas
I even made a bet about it

Had to clean my head, show self-control
and weed was making me paranoid at times

I thought it would be better for school too

anyone have nice things to say about breaks ?
or on a break them self ?

I wonder if I only smoked super high quality if it would have ever amounted to this


Breaks make it sooooo much better when you come back. Your tolerance is gone, especially if you go for four or more weeks.

That's about the only positive thing I have to say about breaks


Active member
i have not used for two months...

i started to feel guilty every time i got wasted. (every day).

i am looking for work, and can't afford to fail a pre-employment screening.

got let go from my new position two weeks ago...fuckers.

oh well...the stash is still there...

been enjoying some Spaten optimator lately...yum!


Active member
i really need a break, my head is so damn cloudy nowadays, everytime i leave the house i go back in and back out because im always forgetting things.

the beer probably doesnt help either. this whole year has been almost nightly binge drinking combined with blunts and bowls.


My head is always clear on herb. But the motivation is a bit lagged. And like said above. It helps with the job aspect since everyone is hell bent on this pre job screening UA's. And i dont mind that so much as th outlook they have on it. They should have certian drugs the discriminate against. And herb shouldnt be one. They act like your a meth head slamming ice all day because you piss dirty for weed. It just doesnt make sense. But on the other hand a baby rapist can get a job at a day care if his piss is clean...Crazy shit... Good luck with holdin out that long. Its easy to do, and if you feel you need to then it is probably aa good choice for you at the moment..


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I try to take two breaks a year. One around x-mas time and one in the spring.. At least 2 weeks, usually around a month. It does help with tolerance and once u get thru the 1st couple of days, it's a breeze. But i do like getting high, so i'll keep coming back to MJ :) :woohoo:


all praises are due to the Most High
taking a break every now and then can be very good if that is what you want to do, it is alright and well.

much good health and peace


30 years or so without a break here I think you're all a bunch of quitters lol.I think I want to be high every day I'm on this earth


New member
I have to be high EveryDay or Else i cant Deal with the Idiots of the World, I would Go Ballistic and Club someones head in or worse Stab them to death 100 times. Weed is my Calming Medication, Without it i dont leave the house for fear i will Lose it :p My mind that is Not the house LOL

I am sure i aint the only one that feels that way :p


Damn man I can see killing someone say..10 times or so but kill them 100 times!??!You're killing the shit out of them


every time i take a break my ulcerative colitis flares up, but switching strains helps and if your noid maybe try some different strains, burmese comes to mind as an anti-anxiety herb


Active member
I try to take two breaks a year. One around x-mas time and one in the spring.. At least 2 weeks, usually around a month. It does help with tolerance and once u get thru the 1st couple of days, it's a breeze. But i do like getting high, so i'll keep coming back to MJ :) :woohoo:

Cant do Xmas, every Xmas i gotta smoke 2x more than usual, just so i can trip off everyones christmas lights haha...i love driving around stoned and seeing everyones house in my hood blown out with lights.


yeah i just started my break about 3 days ago... man it sucks. i mostly quit for financial reasons, but also just because its been a few years since i've taken a break and its good once in a while to clear your head and not feel "dependent" on it. i'll probably wait till my crop's finished before smoking so its gonna be a few months
kinda makes you think about using your lungs as some camouflage for the tank! I'm on a smoking break for over a year! Just tobacco and still can't find the rest of my really shroom like cactus! The fucking bitch was rotten, okay like totally fungus! Seems the other parts don't want to speed to that level!

not sure that dinner will help!