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'Ello, 'ello, my Cannafriends! I have a question...okay a couple.

Firstly: I have 4 week old seedlings (Widow hybrids) still in their respective seedlings pots and they are in FoxFarms Ocean Forest showing ZERO signs of nute burn or anything.

#1) I have been reading alot online about ff and was wondering when and if I use their recommended nute schedule or let the plants grow and utilize the inherent nutes in their soil...? Like once they become rootbound or something..?

#2) How far into bloom do I begin utilizing their bloom regimen...?

Please please help, I don't wanna burn mah goylz!


give em big bloom full strength every other water, you can start now. use 1/2 strength grow every other(if that). when you get ready to flip use triple strength big bloom once, and then full strength every other. use the tiger 1/2 strength every other when you feed. widows should be able to handle it, if you see burn, back off the tiger or grow and continue the big bloom. if the don't show burn kick it up a notch. i don't fuck with their dry ferts so i can't help you there. if you buy a quart of grow/tiger you'll need a gallon of bloom, at least i do.


New member
With FF ocean forest soil...?

With FF ocean forest soil...?

give em big bloom full strength every other water, you can start now. use 1/2 strength grow every other(if that). when you get ready to flip use triple strength big bloom once, and then full strength every other. use the tiger 1/2 strength every other when you feed. widows should be able to handle it, if you see burn, back off the tiger or grow and continue the big bloom. if the don't show burn kick it up a notch. i don't fuck with their dry ferts so i can't help you there. if you buy a quart of grow/tiger you'll need a gallon of bloom, at least i do.

Is this regimen including the fact that I use FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil...? Just wanted to dot my i's and x my t's so to speak.


your soil is prolly out of N by now, or soon will be. did you add any lime to your soil? if they handled straight ffof the can handle some ferts so don't be afraid. just stars at 1/4 or 1/3 strength. don't skimp on the bigbloom, just the grow/tiger. i would of been using bigbloom from day one. you don't need the growbig with the ffof unless you reuse your soil.


how big are the plants? how many leaf sets?
what size containers?
do you see roots coming out of the bottom?
can you post a pic?

I am running every thing at half strngth and its been going great!

you can see the schedule calls for grow back into the mix in bloom at like week 3. I noticed they really needed it then so FF nows wht they are doing wih this schedule! The only thing Ive noticed with this line is I needed to add CalMag in last week due to a deficiancy. I didnt need to use that last grow while ueing age old bloom and grow. Salt based? they look great none the less!!


New member
how big are the plants? how many leaf sets?
what size containers?
do you see roots coming out of the bottom?
can you post a pic?

In order of questions: 2 inches. 3 leaf sets. 3-gallon sized containers. No roots out the bottom but bound around the inside bottom of seedling pots. No, 7greeneyes only posts harvest pics. 7greneeyes is under the inclination that he'd rather not compromise security for kudos from strangers or technical info...been growing for ten years (FoxFarms is new to me thats all), plus I know how to use my words like a big boy...lol

Hope this helps...

p.s I am too poor to buy a high quality digi cam atm...sorry, I usually upload (when I do at all...) using my Digital Video Camera, not the best but its better then a kick in the butt...lol

Much Peace and Nugz,

7greeneyes :D

Thank you for all your responses and please keep them coming..


New member
thank you so much...

thank you so much...


I am running every thing at half strngth and its been going great!

you can see the schedule calls for grow back into the mix in bloom at like week 3. I noticed they really needed it then so FF nows wht they are doing wih this schedule! The only thing Ive noticed with this line is I needed to add CalMag in last week due to a deficiancy. I didnt need to use that last grow while ueing age old bloom and grow. Salt based? they look great none the less!!

Awesome, ty for your info bud. Would molasses add the calcium magnesium that FF is lacking?


if your using dechlorinated tap water you probable don't need it, i never had a problem untill using ro water. just watch the tigerbloom real close, the ph is real Low. i've never had to add grow while flowering, the tiger always had enough to finish the job.
i add a little seaweed to my foxfarm about tbs per gallon i also add it to my spray 1 tsp per gallon...misting helps the plants grow faster
Thanks for the rep 7greeneyes! :)

Yeah molasses should hold off any CalMag def throughout your grow.

Infact, the ingredience of my GH CalMag lists the third and final ingredient as molasses!

Just be sure and use the correct type! I think its Blackstrap moasses or something like that! as you can tell Ive never used it but plan on it my entire next cycle!

Good Luck!


New member
Picked up some Brer Rabbit unsulphured moleasses. Fed 1/2T for shits and giggles, feed the microbials and whatnot tho in veg. My three girlz are verdantly green lush beauty queens. Two Indica-leaning one Sativa leaning. People talk bout how sensitive Widows r but so far so good.