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My cat Tiki is very sick with an infection behind one eye. There is little we can do for her but care and antibiotics at this time.

She is nearly 16. I would appreciate your replies at this time.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
good luck tiki.....how many live's she use already?hopefully your cat will be ok jack:D




Sending my well wishes 911


Tiki is home from the hospital and has a drain tube in her forehead because of a massive infection. Being that she is like an elderly person in ICU at the moment it's a wait and see time. The next few days will tell us more.

Blood work suggests that she has been fine with normal organ functions but the red blood cell count and the electrolytes are way off which is a chicken or egg thing.. Did the infection cause it or is it cancer.

So we are listening to Pink Floyd and America plus all the other soft things we can today.

I know some folk say it's not a person but this is my best friend and she is my child to me.

Send more good vibes.. She needs it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Good luck Tiki! Our critters are part of our family too, even though they don't speak the same language they understand the love.

Meet Moose! He was running around and tried to camouflage himself on my grill cover:


Tiki Jo, Strilla Baby girl.. That's her full name and she knows it.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
One of my cats died about six months ago due to kidney failure. He was somewhere around 16, too. (Got him from a shelter, so his exact age was unknown.) As luck would have it, I happened to have that day off so when I got up in the morning and he was so weak he couldn't even hold his head up, I had the honor of being with him when he passed. I laid down and put him on my chest and kept him there with me until his heart stopped beating. Then I buried him in the flower garden in front of my house.

My heart goes out to you, Jack.

Get well, Tiki. Your humans need you a bit longer.


Active member
best wishes...

best wishes...

i feel for you.

we lost 3 cats this year.

they are definitely part of the family.

hugs for your tiki...


She is fighting it.. I believe her love , uh, our love is what is helping her stay with us.

She is eating and taking water, has two kinds of antibiotics but is one step away from the after life.

I swear she went down in one day.. In the morning she was acting like "Fancy Feast again? How boring." That's not unusual when she wants better food for some reason.
After a long day of no see, she was MIA. I looked and found her sleeping in the grass.. Not unusual for her at this age so, I thought how lucky that she had a safe place to nap, admired the moment and left her alone.
Later that evening she was Seriously MIA that's when I found her, after a panicked search, in her winter bed looking like death, . She doesn't use the winter bed much when it's warm.

It was that fast.


hang in there Tiki

hang in there Tiki

Hope Tiki Gets Well Soon.

I am sending white healing light to help her...


She can't take being moved.. Threw up..

So I went and got her some pain meds from the vet. 0.2 CC and she relaxed. She is breathing easy now and sleeping I hope. Peace.

So she is now not having to suffer with the worst of it.

Thanks everyone and it does seem brighter here now Lola! I'm a solitary man and she is my companion of 15 years.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Aww im sorry to hear that.. Ive had my cat for about 14 years atleast now, we had him since birth... I hope Tiki gets better, hang in there kitty...


Tiki passed away at 9:41 PM this evening October 15th 2009.

After receiving a dose of pain meds she spent the last 5 hours peaceful and out of discomfort. She will be remembered.

Perhaps it's just the way it went but, she hung on and it gave me a chance to get all I needed from her in the last days.
All the other cats I have had including her son left us in one day.

I will hold dear to the idea that she hung on for me.

Thank you all. Tiki was born in march of 1994. She lived a good life and was loved.