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HELP! Plants look sickly


New member
Hey guys, I checked up on my plants just now and a couple dont look so good. http://www.icmag.com/ic/images/smilies/wallbash.gif
I really cant figure out what it is, although I am thinking along the lines of either a nutrient deficiency or maybe the ph was off? Either way I need someones experience with what I should do to save em before its too late. Have a look. The one in center is wilting, no support in its branches, very weak. the others look fine, until you have a peak at the lower leaves which all have small signs of that blackening and yellowing on the leaves.
Edit: ok I dont know why my photos didnt attach, I am gonna readd them through the album mode.


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overall she dont look os bad. some more grow details might help. Feed, etc. initial observation says she needs a feed nitrogen.


New member
I water it every 2-3 days. Feed it roughly once a week but its more based on waiting for the tips to yellow. Whats up with the black spots on the leaves? The one plant in the middle has entirely wilted. Been about a month now from seed under (6) 42w 6500k bulbs.


Ok.....now you switched pics up on me .......im gonna sya a part of the prob is that those plants may be rootbound and over watered.

Green Supreme

I would run water through it till it comes out the bottom clear, then transplant into a bigger pot. With such a small pots root bound or salt build up could be issues. Good luck. Peace GS


New member
The difference between the one thats heavily wilted and the other ones is that the middle pot contains two plants. Is it because they were competing for root space and now both are fucked?


New member
Okay, I will attempt that on the pot containing two for now. As for the other ones, is it the same diagnoses or should I just slow down even more on the watering for them?


Active member
Well they were badly over fertilized, but that stage of twisted leaves toxicities and deficiencies caused by too much nutes dropping your soil's pH, seems to be past. Less feeding will keep them on the right track.
The one that is limp has had it's root system damaged badly by nute/salt concentration. Flush and use light nutes.
And the other posters are right, overwatered and you should pot up.
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Transplant all of them. It will be only a short time before you start haveing the same problems with the rest. Also, Give them a good feed of nitrogen dom fert. they do seem to need a feed also.


Im not familure with the flora nova brand but is that at the high on the recomended rate? If thats not the issue the small pots and rootbound problems are the main contributing factors to your problem.